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Retrieves header information and AVPs from radius requests.
AVPs can be retrieved by:
- Directly specifying the AVP codes in the form: radius.REQ.AVP(
). For example, to retrieve the NAS-IP-Address AVP (code 4), you can use the expression: radius.REQ.AVP(4).
- Using aliases that are provided for important AVPs. For example, the
User-Name AVP has the alias USER_NAME. So, the expression
to retrieve the User-Name AVP by using the alias is
General usage:radius.REQ.
This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.
Note:Expressions with the *symbol are inherited/promoted from radius_message_t.
Returns the Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP (code 50) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the Acct-Session-ID AVP (code 44) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the ACCT_STATUS_TYPE AVP (code 40) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the location at the end of radius message (or in other words
end of all AVPs) in radius message.
Returns: text_t
Returns the AVP region in radius message (or in other words
returns location at start of AVPs and length equal to radius
message length excluding header).
Returns: text_t
* AVP(uint avpcode)
Returns the specified AVP from the message.
For example, to get the AVP with code 26 from a Request, use the expression:
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
avpcode -
AVP code
Returns: radius_avp_t
* AVP(uint avpcode, uint vendorid)
Returns the specified AVP encoded within a Vendor-Specific Radius
attribute with the given vendorid from the message.
For example, to get Vendor AVP 1 with vender ID '10415' from a Request, use the expression:
radius.REQ.AVP(10, 10415).
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
avpcode -
AVP code
vendorid -
Vendor ID
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the location at the start of AVPs (or in other words
end of radius header) in radius message.
Returns: text_t
Returns the CALLED_STATION_ID AVP (code 30) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the CALLING_STATION_ID AVP (code 31) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns code header field from the message.
Returns: radius_code_t
Returns the FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS AVP (code 8) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the FRAMED_PROTOCOL AVP (code 7) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns identifier header field from the message.
Returns: num_at
Returns the Message Length from the message.
Returns: num_at
Returns the NAS_IDENTIFIER AVP (code 32) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the NAS-IP-ADDRESS AVP (code 4) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the NAS_PORT AVP (code 5) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Convert radius_req_t to radius_message_t. Will raise an undef if the value is null, empty, or the value has an invalid format for the destination type. (radius_message_t : Define common operations for radius.Req or radius.Res.)
Returns: radius_message_t
Returns the User-Name AVP (code 1) from the message.
Returns: radius_avp_t
Returns the Vendor-Id AVP (code 26) from the message.
Returns: vendor_spec_radius_avp_t
In this article
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