This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.
Returns the bandwidth on an object.
Returns: unsigned_long_at
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit maximum breaching transactions threshold.
Transaction Tracking needs to be enabled in stream identifier configuration to use this expression.
Transaction Tracking mode: RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5 -tracktransactions RESPTIME -maxTransactionThreshold 100 -BreachThreshold 10
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, ip_address_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(BANDWIDTH, 100000)
Note: maxthreshold should always be greater than 0.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit mode
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, num_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(BANDWIDTH, 100000)
Note: maxthreshold should always be greater than 0.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit mode
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, time_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(BANDWIDTH, 100000)
Note: maxthreshold should always be greater than 0.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit mode
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, unsigned_long_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(BANDWIDTH, 100000)
Note: maxthreshold should always be greater than 0.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit mode
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, ip_address_atminthreshold, ip_address_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, ip_address_atminthreshold, num_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, ip_address_atminthreshold, time_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, ip_address_atminthreshold, unsigned_long_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, num_atminthreshold, ip_address_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, num_atminthreshold, num_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, num_atminthreshold, time_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, num_atminthreshold, unsigned_long_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, time_atminthreshold, ip_address_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, time_atminthreshold, num_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, time_atminthreshold, time_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, time_atminthreshold, unsigned_long_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, unsigned_long_atminthreshold, ip_address_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, unsigned_long_atminthreshold, num_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, unsigned_long_atminthreshold, time_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
CHECK_LIMIT(stream_mode_emode, unsigned_long_atminthreshold, unsigned_long_atmaxthreshold)
Returns true if an object corresponding to the stream identifier
has hit the limit parameter.
mode: BANDWIDTH in kbps, RESPONSE TIME in milli seconds, REQUEST RATE in Requests/second,
CONNECTIONS i.e. Total Active Connections.
add stream identifier sid -interval 5
Expression: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 1000)
Note: maxthreshold and minthreshold cannot be negative. maxthreshold cannot be less than minthreshold.
Note: If maxthreshold is 0, then max threshold is not applied. minthreshold and maxthreshold cannot both be zero.
Example: ANALYTIC.STREAM("sid").check_limit(REQUEST_RATE, 10, 0)
Above expression returns true only if Request Rate is less than 10 requests per second. There is no upper limit here.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
Check Limit Mode
minthreshold -
Check Limit min threshold
maxthreshold -
Check Limit maximum threshold
Returns: bool_at
Returns true if statistics collection on an object was successful.
Returns: bool_at
COLLECT_STATS(uint amplification_factor)
Returns true if statistics collection on an object was successful.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
amplification_factor -
Amplification factor
Returns: bool_at
COLLECT_STATS(text_tmode, uint max_threshold, stream_action_eaction)
Returns true if statistics collection on an object was
This expression is used to rate limit connections per packet
level. When an object/connection corresponding to the stream
identifier has received more than configured percentage
(max_threshold) of bad packets, configured action is
add stream identifier packetcreditrateidentifier packetcreditrateselector -interval 1
add responder policy packetcreditratesessionpolicy "ANALYTICS.STREAM(\"packetcreditrateidentifier\").COLLECT_STATS(\"PACKET_CREDITS\", 75, RESET)" NOOP
Valid action: RESET/DROP
Valid max_threshold: 0-100
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
stream mode
max_threshold -
maximum threshold percentage of bad packets.
action -
Returns: bool_at
COLLECT_STATS(text_tmode, uint max_threshold, stream_action_eaction, uint type)
Returns true if statistics collection on an object was
This expression is used to rate limit packets per second.
When an object/connection corresponding to the stream
identifier has received more than configured (max_threshold)
number of packets, configured action is triggered.
add stream identifier packetrateidentifier packetrateselector -interval 1
add responder policy packetratesessionpolicy "ANALYTICS.STREAM(\"packetrateidentifier\").COLLECT_STATS(\"PACKET_LIMIT\", 5000, RESET, 1)" NOOP
Valid mode: PACKET_LIMIT
Valid action: RESET/DROP
Valid max_threshold: strictly greater than zero.
Valid type: 0/1 0 for bursty 1 for smooth
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
mode -
stream mode
max_threshold -
maximum threshold of packets per second.
action -
type -
rate limiting type like smooth/bursty.
Returns: bool_at
Returns the number of connections on an object.
Returns: unsigned_long_at
Returns true if a given object is in the top n of a identifier.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
n -
Given object must be in the top n frequents of the collected objects.
Returns: bool_at
IS_TOP(uint n)
Returns true if a given object is in the top n of a identifier.
Parameters(expressions not allowed):
n -
Given object must be in the top n of the collected objects.
Returns: bool_at
Returns the number of requests on an object.
Returns: unsigned_long_at
Returns the average response time of an object.
Returns: unsigned_long_at