Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference

0x900 ERRORS

0x900 ERRORS

Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_SVCPORTTYPE 2305 0x901 Service exists with the same port and service type
NSERR_VIP_IN_GROUP 2306 0x902 vserver is bound to a group. Set persistence parameters on group to change them for all vservers in group or unbind vserver from group and set on individual vserver.
NSERR_UNSUPPORTED_BKP 2307 0x903 This backup/primary persistence combination is not supported
NSERR_NONHTTPSSL_VIPINGRP 2308 0x904 Cookie persistence cannot be applied - group has non HTTP/SSL type of vserver
NSERR_NONHTTP_VIPINGRP 2309 0x905 Cookie persistence cannot be applied - group has non-HTTP type of vserver
NSERR_USE_PROPER_RM_CMD 2310 0x906 Use remove IP option instead
NSERR_LBMETHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED 2321 0x911 LB method not supported for LLB/PBR
NSERR_PERSISTENCE_NOT_SUPPORTED 2322 0x912 Persistence not supported for LLB/PBR
NSERR_VSERVER_PARAMETERS 2323 0x913 Vserver arguments not valid for LLB/PBR VIP
NSERR_SERVICE_PARAMETERS 2324 0x914 Service parameters are invalid for LLB/PBR VIP
NSERR_LBVIP_DELETE 2325 0x915 Vserver cannot be removed with out removing LB/PBR route
NSERR_CACHEPOLICY_RESPACTION_INVAL 2326 0x916 Integrated caching action cannot be applied on a response
NSERR_CACHELICENSE_FAILED 2327 0x917 The license for Integrated Caching feature was not enabled due to an internal error
NSERR_LBVIP_MULTIROUTES 2328 0x918 VIP cant be associated with multiple LB/PBR routes
NSERR_LBMAC_INVAL 2329 0x919 MAC/IPTUNNEL mode can be set only for a VIP with wildcard IP or with service type ANY or for a sessionless VIP
NSERR_CACHESTATS_OBJ_NOTPRESENT 2336 0x920 No object in cache matching the specified attributes
NSERR_CACHEPOLICY_NOTACTIVE 2337 0x921 Integrated caching policy is not active
NSERR_CACHE_BUILTINS_NOT_SOURCED 2338 0x922 Failed sourcing cache builtins, Disabling IC
NSERR_CACHEPOLICY_PRIORITY_INVAL 2339 0x923 Invalid priority
NSERR_ROUTE6_DEFAULT_ONLY 2340 0x924 Only default route configuration supported
NSERR_ROUTE6_DEFAULT_EXISTS 2341 0x925 Configured route already exists
NSERR_ROUTE6_INVALID_GATEWAY 2342 0x926 Invalid gateway
NSERR_ROUTE6_MAX 2343 0x927 Already maximum number of routes configured
NSERR_ROUTE6_NOT_EXIST 2344 0x928 Route does not exist
NSERR_IPV6_INVALID_ADDR 2345 0x929 Incorrect IPv6 address type
NSERR_LBVIP_IPV6TOV4 2352 0x930 Changing IP from IPv6 to IPv4 not permitted
NSERR_IPV6_NSIPTOVIP 2353 0x931 Configuring NSIP as VIP not permitted
NSERR_IPV6_VIPTONSIP 2354 0x932 Configuring VIP as NSIP not permitted
NSERR_IPV6_SCOPE 2355 0x933 Incorrect IPv6 address scope. (Default: global)
NSERR_LBVIP_IPV4TOV6 2356 0x934 Changing IP from IPv4 to IPv6 not permitted
NSERR_IPV6_LINKLOCALTOVIP 2357 0x935 Configuring Link-Local address as VIP not permitted
NSERR_IPV6_MAPIPONNSIP 2358 0x936 Mapped IP should not be configured for NSIP (Ignoring mapped ip)
NSERR_SECUREIPPORTADDRINUSE 2359 0x937 Internal secure service exists with the same port and service type. Please use this for secure access
NSERR_IPV6_INVALID_PREFIX 2360 0x938 Link-local prefix length is not equal to 64
NSERR_ND6_LINKLOCAL_VLAN 2361 0x939 Vlan is necessary with IPv6 Link-local address
NSERR_INVALID_IPV6_PREFIXLFT 2362 0x93A Invalid IPv6 prefix life time. prefix valid life time must be greater than or equal to preferred life time
NSERR_IPV6_ND_TIMEOUT 2363 0x93B Can not SET/UNSET ndtimeouts, when ra_learning is enabled.
NSERR_ND6_VLAN_INTF 2368 0x940 Interface/channel not a member of given vlan
NSERR_PERSIST_TIMEOUT_TO_DEFAULT 2369 0x941 Unsetting Persistency, changing timeout to default
NSERR_LB_GROUP_NOT_EXIST 2370 0x942 LB group does not exist
NSERR_LB_VSERVER_ALREADY_BOUND 2371 0x943 Vserver is already bound to a LB group
NSERR_ROUTE6_INVALID_LINKLOCAL_GATEWAY_VLAN 2372 0x944 Vlan ID must be specified for linklocal gateway
NSERR_ROUTE6_NO_GWORIF 2373 0x945 Either Gateway or Interface (vlan) should be specified for route
NSERR_ROUTE6_VLAN_MONITOR 2374 0x946 Monitor should not be given for vlan route
NSERR_LBMETHOD_LEASTREQ_NOT_SUPPORTED 2375 0x947 LeastRequest LB method not supported for this service type
NSERR_IPV6_MULTIPLE_LLIP 2376 0x948 Multiple link-local IPs to a Vlan is not allowed
NSERR_IPV6_TOOMANY_PREFIXES 2377 0x949 Too many prefixes to a Vlan, maxmimum 5 prefixes are allowed
NSERR_RAPREFIX_BOUNDTOVLAN 2378 0x94A Router Advertisement prefix is bound to vlan
NSERR_LB_VSERVER_NOT_BOUND 2379 0x94B Given vserver is not bound to this LB group
NSERR_VSERVER_BOUND_TO_NG 2380 0x94C Cannot delete vserver that is bound to a nodegroup
NSERR_LRMINTHROUGHPUT_ONLACPONLY 2382 0x94E Link Redundancy minimum throughput can be set only on LACP Channels
NSERR_CACHE_POLICY_CONTENTGRPMISMATCH 2383 0x94F Type of Content Group and Policy does not Match.
NSERR_NONHTTPNOSQL_VS 2384 0x950 Specified policy can be bound only to HTTP/SSL/MYSQL/MSSQL/PROXY vserver.
NSERR_SMPP_CUSTOM_SVRID_LEN_NOT_SUPPORTED 2385 0x951 CustomServerID length for SMPP protocol must be 2
NSERR_SMPP_CUSTOM_SVRID_NOT_EXIST 2386 0x952 CustomServerID is mandatory for SMPP protocol
NSERR_SMPP_CUSTOM_SVRID_EXIST 2387 0x953 CustomServerID already exists, it should be unique for SMPP protocol
NSERR_SIP_DUPLICATE_SRC_PORT 2388 0x954 RNAT source port and RNAT secure source port must be different
NSERR_SIP_DUPLICATE_DST_PORT 2389 0x955 RNAT destination port and RNAT secure destination port must be different
NSERR_IP_ADDR_ICMP_DIS_NOT_ALLOWED 2390 0x956 Disabling ICMP for an IP(v6) address is not allowed
NSERR_IP_ADDR_ND6_DIS_NOT_ALLOWED 2391 0x957 disabling neighbor discovery for an ipv6 address is not allowed
NSERR_IP_ADDR_STATE_DIS_NOT_ALLOWED 2392 0x958 state disable is not allowed for an IP(v6) address
NSERR_ND6_LOOP_LL_NOT_ALLOW 2393 0x959 Loopback/self or link-local IP addresses not allowed
NSERR_PERSISTENCE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_GROUP 2417 0x971 Vserver level persistency is enabled on the group. Set Persistence parameters on bound vservers.
NSERR_ARGS_AAA_OTP 2420 0x974 authentication can not be ENABLED when otpsecret is specified
NSERR_ARGS_AAA_SSHPUBKEY 2421 0x975 authentication can not be ENABLED when sshPubKey is specified
NSERR_CLOUD_CRED 2422 0x976 Unable to connect to the cloud. Check credentials.
NSERR_CLOUD_NSCRED 2423 0x977 Unable to issue NITRO API calls.
NSERR_SECTYPE_PLAINTEXT 2424 0x978 validateServerCert configuration not allowed when secType is PLAINTEXT.
NSERR_ARGS_AAA_HASH_ATTRIB 2425 0x979 Value to
NSERR_CLOUD_DNS 2432 0x980 Unable to connect to the cloud. DNS resolution failed.
NSERR_CLOUD_FSERR 2433 0x981 Unable to validate cloud credentials. Access error.
0x900 ERRORS

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