Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_BAD_DNS_OPTION 1792 0x700 Invalid DNS option specified
NSERR_DNS_BAD_CACHETYPE 1793 0x701 Only forward cache type can bind to DNS vserver
NSERR_DNS_NOTAVAIL 1794 0x702 No such DNS vserver exists
NSERR_DNS_BAD_VSTYPE 1795 0x703 DNS vserver can only be address-based
NSERR_GSLB_SITELKUP_FAILED 1796 0x704 GSLB site not found
NSERR_GSLBBOUNDTO_CSACT 1797 0x705 The GSLB Vserver referred by Content Switching action cannot be removed
NSERR_GSLBREFFERED_IN_CSBINDING 1798 0x706 Cannot remove GSLB Vserver which is reffered in CS policy bindings
NSERR_NOAREC 1801 0x709 Address record for host name not available
NSERR_INVALTTL 1806 0x70E Invalid TTL value
NSERR_CNAMEEXISTS 1807 0x70F Alias name record exists for the host name
NSERR_INVAL_SVCOPTION 1808 0x710 Option not applicable for this service
NSERR_GSLBBIND_EXISTS 1809 0x711 GSLB binding exists for the given host
NSERR_NOT_LOCALREMOTE 1810 0x712 Site information must be specified for a GSLB service
NSERR_COUNT_MISMATCH 1811 0x713 Address record count does not match the number of services bound to the GSLB vserver
NSERR_IP_MISMATCH 1812 0x714 IP addresses of bound GSLB services and the address records do not match
NSERR_SVCIP_REPEAT 1813 0x715 A GSLB service with the same IP address is already bound to the GSLB vserver
NSERR_NOT_REMOTE 1814 0x716 Service bound to GSLB VIP with -gslb remote is a local service
NSERR_NOT_LOCAL 1815 0x717 Service bound to GSLB VIP with -gslb local is not a local service
NSERR_PROXY_REC 1816 0x718 A proxy record cannot be assigned to the domain
NSERR_NOPROXY_AREC 1817 0x719 Proxy address records cannot be bound to a GSLB vserver
NSERR_SVC_GSLBBIND_EXISTS 1819 0x71B GSLB binding exists - unbind the GSLB vserver first
NSERR_SVCTYPEMISMATCH 1820 0x71C Service type mismatch with existing service/vserver
NSERR_INVALID_PUBIP_OPTION 1822 0x71E The public IP and public port are valid only for GSLB local service
NSERR_INVAL_NAME_SYNTAX 1823 0x71F Invalid domain name syntax
NSERR_GSLB_BACKUP 1824 0x720 Backup VIP is backup of other GSLB VIP. Please unset the existing association and try again
NSERR_IS_BACKUP 1825 0x721 Backup VIP is backup of other VIP. Please unset the existing association and try again
NSERR_GSLB_HAS_BACKUP 1826 0x722 GSLB VIP has a backup. Please unset the backup and try the operation again
NSERR_GSLB_REQUIRES_INDEPENDENT_BACKUP 1827 0x723 Backup VIP to GSLB VIP must not be backup of any other VIP. Please unset the backup and try the operation again
NSERR_GSLB_NOQUALIFIER 1828 0x724 At least one qualifier should be given for the location
NSERR_GSLB_NONAME 1829 0x725 The qualifier does not exist in the repository
NSERR_GSLB_CUSTOM_NOSPACE 1830 0x726 Too many custom locations
NSERR_GSLB_STATIC_NOSPACE 1836 0x72C Too many static locations
NSERR_GSLBSITENAME_EXISTS 1831 0x727 A GSLB site with the same name exists
NSERR_GSLBSITEIP_EXISTS 1832 0x728 A GSLB site with the same IP address exists
NSERR_NO_GSLBSITE 1833 0x729 The GSLB site does not exist
NSERR_LOCAL_EXISTS 1834 0x72A The local site already exists
NSERR_NO_GSLBSVC 1835 0x72B The GSLB service does not exist
NSERR_NO_GSLBVIP 1837 0x72D The GSLB vserver does not exist
NSERR_NO_DMN 1839 0x72F The domain does not exist
NSERR_DMN_NOTBOUND 1840 0x730 The domain is not bound to this VIP
NSERR_SVCGRP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_HEIRARCHICHAL 1841 0x731 GSLB servicegroup is not supported in parent child topology
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_BOUND 1842 0x732 The domain is already bound to a GSLB vserver
NSERR_NOT_GSLBENT 1844 0x734 Operation not permitted on a non-GSLB entity
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_PERM 1845 0x735 Operation not permitted on a GSLB-configured domain
NSERR_GSLB_MAXQUAL 1846 0x736 Maximum qualifiers allowed is six
NSERR_GSLB_MAXLOCLENGTH 1847 0x737 Maximum allowed location length is 256 characters
NSERR_GSLBVIP_PERM 1848 0x738 Operation not permitted on a GSLB vserver
NSERR_GSLBSVC_PERM 1849 0x739 Operation not permitted on a GSLB service
NSERR_GSLB_MAXSITES 1850 0x73A Maximum number of sites is 32
NSERR_GSLB_QUALTOOLONG 1851 0x73B The qualifier is too long
NSERR_GSLB_PERSISTIDEXISTS 1852 0x73C The persistence ID is already being used by a GSLB vserver
NSERR_GSLB_INVLD_LDNSTO_INTVL 1854 0x73E Minimum LDNS entry timeout interval is 30 secs
NSERR_VIP_BACKUP_ISGSLB 1856 0x740 GSLB vserver cannot be backup of a non-GSLB vserver
NSERR_GSLB_PUBIP_PUBPORT_EXISTS 1857 0x741 The public IP and public port are being used by another GSLB service
NSERR_GSLBLOCALSVC_ENADIS_NOTALLOWED 1858 0x742 GSLB local service status not changed - please enable or disable the corresponding LB vserver instead
NSERR_GSLBLOCALSVR_ENADIS_NOTALLOWED 1859 0x743 Server status not changed - the server has a GSLB local service
NSERR_INVALID_PERSISTID 1860 0x744 Invalid persistence ID
NSERR_PERM_PERSISTID 1861 0x745 The persistence ID is required for persistence or spillover-persistency to be set
NSERR_INVALID_LOCALSITEIP 1862 0x746 Invalid GSLB local site IP address
NSERR_INVALID_REMOTESITEIP 1863 0x747 Invalid GSLB remote site IP address
NSERR_INVALID_SITETYPE 1864 0x748 Invalid GSLB site type
NSERR_INVALID_BACKUPIP 1865 0x749 Invalid backup IP for the GSLB domain
NSERR_GSLBVIP_MAXSVC 1866 0x74A Cannot bind more than 32 services to a GSLB vserver
NSERR_INVALID_JITTER 1867 0x74B RTT tolerance value must be between 1 and 100
NSERR_GSLBLOCSVC_DIS_NOTALLOWD 1868 0x74C Cannot add GSLB local service with state set to DISABLED
NSERR_DUMMYBKUP_NOTALLOWD 1869 0x74D A backup vserver with no IP address and port must be of type GSLB
NSERR_GSLBSVC_BIND_NOTALLOWD 1870 0x74E Cannot bind GSLB service to a vserver with valid IP and port
NSERR_NSMAP_VERSION 1871 0x74F Unrecognized Citrix ADC file version
NSERR_NSMAP_FORMAT 1872 0x750 Unrecognized file format specified
NSERR_NSMAP_EOF 1873 0x751 End of file has been reached
NSERR_NSMAP_PARSE 1874 0x752 File parsing error
NSERR_NSMAP_READ 1875 0x753 Error reading file
NSERR_NSMAP_WRITE 1876 0x754 Error writing file
NSERR_NSMAP_IOCTL 1877 0x755 Error occurred while transferring information to Citrix ADC
NSERR_NSMAP_OUTPUTFILE 1878 0x756 Error opening output file for writing
NSERR_NSMAP_INPUTFILE 1879 0x757 Error opening input file for reading
NSERR_NSMAP_REQUIRED_FIELD 1880 0x758 Required field missing
NSERR_NSMAP_DBFILE 1881 0x759 Error opening database file
NSERR_NSMAP_DBINSERT 1882 0x75A Error inserting entry into the database
NSERR_NSMAP_DBSEARCH 1883 0x75B Error searching the database
NSERR_GSLBPROXM_LICENCE_ABSENT 1884 0x75C Cannot set proximity methods without GSLB proximity license
NSERR_GSLB_SITEPERSISTENCE_HTTPONLY 1885 0x75D Site persistence is valid only for HTTP or SSL GSLB services
NSERR_GSLB_NOSITEPFX 1886 0x75E Site prefix compulsory if site persistence is HTTPRedirect
NSERR_GSLB_SITEPREFIX_SIZE 1888 0x760 Site prefix size exceeds maximum
NSERR_GSLB_SITEDOMAIN_SIZE 1889 0x761 Site domain cannot be created - name length exceeds maximum
NSERR_GSLB_SITEDOMAIN_SYNTAX 1890 0x762 Site domain cannot be created - name is invalid
NSERR_GSLB_SITEDOMAIN_REFERS 1891 0x763 Site domain cannot be deleted - it has external DNS references
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_REFERS 1892 0x764 GSLB domain cannot be deleted - it has external DNS references
NSERR_GSLB_ARECORD_EXISTS 1893 0x765 GSLB record cannot be created - another A record is configured with the same name
NSERR_GSLB_SITECOOKIE_TIMEOUT_RANGE 1894 0x766 Invalid GSLB site cookie timeout
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_SYNTAX 1895 0x767 GSLB domain cannot be created - name is invalid
NSERR_GSLB_SO_PERM 1896 0x768 Spill-over cannot be set on a GSLB vserver
NSERR_GSLB_DEPRCOOKIETOUT 1897 0x769 Ignored deprecated cookietimeout setting since it has been made a per-domain configuration
NSERR_DNS_NAMESVR_SYNTAX 1898 0x76a Invalid name server syntax
NSERR_DNS_ORIGSVR_SYNTAX 1899 0x76b Invalid origin server syntax
NSERR_DNS_CONTACT_SYNTAX 1900 0x76c Invalid contact name syntax
NSERR_DNS_MX_SYNTAX 1901 0x76d Invalid mail exchange syntax
NSERR_DNS_CNAME_SYNTAX 1902 0x76e Invalid canonical name syntax
NSERR_DNS_ALIAS_SYNTAX 1904 0x770 Invalid alias name syntax
NSERR_GSLB_NOLOCALVIP 1905 0x771 Cannot create GSLB local service - add the local vserver first
NSERR_GSLB_LOCALSVCEXISTS 1906 0x772 Cannot delete the vserver - corresponding GSLB local service still exists
NSERR_GSLBLOCALSVC_PERM 1907 0x773 Operation not permitted on GSLB local service
NSERR_DNS_INVAL_REVDOMNAME_SYNTAX 1908 0x774 Invalid reverse domain name syntax
NSERR_DNS_ALIASREC 1909 0x775 Alias name cannot have any record
NSERR_GSLBLOCSVC_DELAYEDCLEAN_NOTALLOWD 1910 0x776 Down state flush cannot be set on GSLB local service
NSERR_NO_BKP_VIP 1911 0x777 Set a backup Vserver, to enable it.
NSERR_GSLB_NOSUCH_LDNSENTRY 1912 0x778 LDNS entry not present
NSERR_MAX_DNS_VIEW 1913 0x779 Number of DNS views exceeds limit
NSERR_GSLB_SITE_IP_EXISTS 1914 0x77a GSLB Site IP already exists
NSERR_GSLB_LAST_MIP 1915 0x77b MIP is not removed. At least one MIP is required
NSERR_RM_GSLB_SITE 1916 0x77c IP cannot be removed as it is being used by the GSLB local site
NSERR_GSLB_IPRM_LAST_MIP 1917 0x77d GSLB Site IP removed. MIP is not removed. At least one MIP is required
NSERR_GSLB_SVC_PUB_PORT_ERR 1918 0x77e Cannot modify public port for remote GSLB service/service item
NSERR_REC_HAS_REF 1919 0x77f DNS record has references
NSERR_DNS_VIEW_REF 1920 0x780 The dns view cannot be removed as it has dependencies
NSERR_GSLB_SITE_PERSISTENCE_MATCH 1921 0x781 Mismatch in gslb site persistence type with other bound services
NSERR_GSLB_SITE_PERSISTENCE_CONFLICTS 1922 0x782 Site persistence conflicts with other services/servicegroups bound to the gslb vserver(s)
NSERR_DNS_POLICY_INVAL 1923 0x783 Invalid DNS policy
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_MISMATCH 1924 0x784 GSLB vserver cannot be bound with cname based and ip based services at the same time
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_UNSUPPORTED_LBMETHODS 1925 0x785 GSLB vserver having cname services cannot have dynamic load balancing methods
NSERR_GSLB_SERVICE_MON_NOIPPORT 1926 0x786 Cannot bind monitor with zero ip or port to a cname gslb service
NSERR_GSLB_SERVICE_MON_SET_NOIPPORT 1927 0x787 Cannot set ip or port to zero when monitor is bound to a cname gslb service.
NSERR_GSLB_CNAME_SERVICE_SET 1928 0x788 Setting of these parameters on cname gslb service is not allowed
NSERR_GSLB_CNAME_VSERVER_SET 1929 0x789 Setting of these parameters on gslb vserver having cname services is not allowed
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_UNSUPPORTED_BKUP_LBMETHODS 1930 0x78a GSLB vserver having cname services cannot have dynamic backup load balancing methods
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_UNSUPPORTED_EDR 1931 0x78b GSLB vserver having cname services cannot have empty down response disabled
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_UNSUPPORTED_MIR 1932 0x78c GSLB vserver having cname services cannot have multiple ip response enabled
NSERR_GSLBSVC_VIEW_NEXIST 1933 0x78d View is not bound to the GSLB service
NSERR_DNS_TTL_MORE_THAN_MAX_ALLOWED 1934 0x78e DNS RECORD TTL value greater than max TTL allowed
NSERR_GSLB_LB_MAXSITES 1935 0x78f Maximum number of LB sites is 1024
NSERR_GSLB_HASCHILDREN 1936 0x790 Cannot remove site that has child site(s)
NSERR_GSLB_PARENTISCHILD 1937 0x791 Parent site cannot be a child to another site
NSERR_MAX_STREAM_SELECTORS 1938 0x792 Number of selectors exceeds limit
NSERR_MAX_STREAM_IDENTIFERS 1939 0x793 Number of identifiers exceeds limit
NSERR_NO_SUCH_SELECTOR 1940 0x794 The given selector does not exist
NSERR_NO_SUCH_IDENTIFIER 1941 0x795 The given identifier does not exist
NSERR_RLT_TIMESLICE_INVALID_VAL 1942 0x796 Time slice should be a multiple of 10
NSERR_ILLEGAL_SUBNET_MASK 1943 0x797 Incorrect subnet mask value
NSERR_STREAM_SELECTOR_INUSE 1944 0x798 The selector is being referenced by one or more identifiers
NSERR_IDENTIFIER_INUSE 1945 0x799 The identifier is being referenced by one or more policies
NSERR_SELECTOR_CANNOT_CHANGE_ATTRIB_TYPE 1946 0x79A Cannot change request type selector to response type
NSERR_GSLB_IGN_TRIGMON 1947 0x79B Trigger monitor setting assumed ALWAYS for GSLB local site
NSERR_SELECTOR_NOT_MORE_THAN_2_IPV6_EXP 1948 0x79C Cannot exceed more than two IPV6 expressions in a selector
NSERR_REPEATED_MONITORS 1949 0x79D Monitors cannot be repeated
NSERR_ALL_MONITORS_DISABLED 1950 0x79E All monitors in selected list are disabled.
NSERR_GSLB_AAAARECORD_EXISTS 1951 0x79F GSLB record cannot be created - another AAAA record is configured with the same name
NSERR_GSLBVIP_HETEROGENEOUS_SERVICE_IPVERSION 1952 0x7A0 Heterogeneous service/servicegroup binding is not allowed for GSLB vserver
NSERR_VIEWIP_IPV6 1953 0x7A1 View IP setting is not allowed for IPv6 GSLB service.
NSERR_BACKUPIP_IPV6 1954 0x7A2 IPv4 backup IP setting is not allowed for IPv6 GSLB vserver.
NSERR_BACKUP_VIP_MISMATCH 1955 0x7A3 Both primary and secondary vservers should be of same DNSRecordType
NSERR_GSLB_DOMAIN_CONVERSION 1956 0x7A4 Cannot associate gslb domain to the service.
NSERR_GSLB_IPV4_BACKUPIP 1957 0x7A5 IPv6 service binding is not allowed along with IPv4 backup IP.
NSERR_CANNOT_ADD_SELECTOR 1958 0x7A6 Cannot set a new selector when the identifier with no selector is bound to a policy.
NSERR_SEL_CONFLICTING_ATTRIBUTES 1959 0x7A7 Conflicting attributes in the new and current selector sets.
NSERR_GSLBVIP_CNAME_BACKUPIP 1960 0x7A8 GSLB vserver having cname services cannot have backup IP
NSERR_GSLB_HETEROGENEOUS_SITEIP 1961 0x7A9 Heterogeneous IPv6 and IPv4 GSLB site IPs not allowed.
NSERR_DNS_MAX_AAAA_REC 1962 0x7AA Cannot exceed more than 5 IPv6 addresses.
NSERR_DNS_MAX_A_REC 1963 0x7AB Cannot exceed more than 25 IP addresses.
NSERR_GSLB_RECTYPE_SERVICE 1965 0x7AD Cannot set the record type while services/servicegroups are bound to the GSLB vserver.
NSERR_GSLB_RECTYPE_DOMAIN 1966 0x7AE Cannot set the record type while domains bound to the GSLB vserver.
NSERR_GSLB_RECTYPE_BACKUP_VIP 1967 0x7AF Cannot set the record type while GSLB vserver has backup vserver.
NSERR_GSLB_BKPVIP_RECTYPE 1968 0x7B0 Cannot set the record type while GSLB vserver is a backup vserver.
NSERR_GSLBVIP_NAPTR_UNSUPPORTED_SVCTYPE 1969 0x7B1 GSLB vserver of NAPTR DNS record type can have only ANY as service type.
NSERR_BACKUPIP_IPV4 1970 0x7B2 IPv6 backup IP setting is not allowed for IPv4 GSLB vserver.
NSERR_GSLB_IPV6_BACKUPIP 1971 0x7B3 IPv4 service binding is not allowed along with IPv6 backup IP.
NSERR_GSLB_DB_REQ_TOO_BIG 1972 0x7B4 Static proximity Database request is too big.
NSERR_GSLB_DB_QUEUE_MAXED 1973 0x7B5 Static proximity Database queue is full.
NSERR_GSLB_DB_SERVER 1974 0x7B6 Static proximity database server is not running.
NSERR_GSLB_DB_TIMEOUT 1975 0x7B7 Static proximity database server is not responding.
NSERR_GSLB_DB_CLOSED 1976 0x7B8 Connection to static proximity database server is closed.
NSERR_GSLB_COORDINATES 1977 0x7B9 Both longitude and latitude should be specified or not.
NSERR_INVALID_IPV6_PREFIXLEN 1978 0x7BA Invalid IPv6 prefix length.
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_CANME_RECORD_EXISTS 1979 0x7BB Cname record cant be created. Another record exists for the configured domain.
NSERR_GSLBDOMAIN_AAAA_CNAME_EXISTS 1980 0x7BC Cname record exists for the configured domain.
NSERR_GSLB_NON_PARENT_REMOTESITE 1981 0x7BD Cannot have a gslb remote site, other than the parent site, configured on an LB node
NSERR_ZONE_EXISTS 1982 0x7BE Zone already configured.
NSERR_INVAL_KEYFLAGS 1983 0x7BF Invalid flags value in DNSKEY
NSERR_NORECS_IN_ZONE 1985 0x7C1 No records in zone
NSERR_SIGNFAILED 1986 0x7C2 RSA Sign operation returned error
NSERR_DIGESTINIT_FAILED 1987 0x7C3 Digest init before RSA Sign operation returned error
NSERR_DIGESTUPDATE_FAILED 1988 0x7C4 Digest update before RSA Sign operation returned error
NSERR_KEYEXISTS 1989 0x7C5 The DNSKEY is already added for this zone
NSERR_NOPASVKEYS 1990 0x7C6 No Passive DNSKEYs in zone
NSERR_DNS_MAXKEYSIZE 1991 0x7C7 Maximum allowed public key size is 1024 and private key size is 4096
NSERR_NODATA_TO_SIGN 1992 0x7c8 No data to sign the record
NSERR_CNAME_SITE_NOTEXISTS 1993 0x7c9 Site name must be specified for cname based GSLB service.
NSERR_DNS_NOSOA_NONS 1994 0x7cA No SOA or NS records for the zone
NSERR_DNS_PROXY_ZONE 1995 0x7cB Cannot sign/unsign a proxy zone
NSERR_NOACTVKEYS 1996 0x7CC No active DNSKEYs in zone
NSERR_NOTIFYPERIOD 1997 0x7cd Notification period must be less than the expiry period
NSERR_LOAD_PUBKEY 1998 0x7ce Public key loading failed
NSERR_DNSKEYGEN_UNSUPPORTED_ALGO 1999 0x7cf Unsupported algorithm
NSERR_DNSKEYGEN_ERR_PUBFILE_OPEN 2000 0x7d0 Error opening public key file
NSERR_DNSKEYGEN_ERR_PRIVFILE_OPEN 2001 0x7d1 Error opening private key file
NSERR_DNSKEYGEN_ERR_DSFILE_OPEN 2002 0x7d2 Error opening delegation signer (DS) file
NSERR_GSLB_OPT_NOTSUPPORTED 2003 0x7d3 gslb option is not supported, GSLB site is mandatory for GSLB services
NSERR_GSLB_GFS_NOT_SUPPORTED 2004 0x7d4 Graceful shutdown is not supported for GSLB services.
NSERR_NSMAP_IMPORTFILE 2005 0x7d5 Error reading the imported file. See /var/log/ns.log file for more details.
NSERR_DNS_CNAMELOOP 2006 0x7d6 Addition of this CNAME record leads to a CNAME loop
NSERR_NEWSVC_NOT_4GSLB 2007 0x7d7 startup settings not applicable to GSLB vservers
NSERR_NON_CLUSTER_SYSTEM 2008 0x7d8 The option is only supported for clustering systems.
NSERR_PM_MON_NOT_ENABLED 2009 0x7d9 Path monitoring must be enabled to enable this option.
NSERR_GSLB_BACKUP_PERS_DEPRICATED 2010 0x7dA GSLB Backup Persistence is deprecated. Please use Spillover Persistence instead.
NSERR_DNS_SIGNFAIL 2011 0x7dB DNSSEC Sign operation failed
NSERR_DNS_NEED_PROXY 2012 0x7dC Zone needs to be in proxy mode
NSERR_DNSSEC_OFFLOAD_NOSUPPORT 2013 0x7dD DNNSEC Offload is not supported in this platform.
NSERR_DNS64_ACT_INVAL 2014 0x7dE Invalid DNS64 action.
NSERR_DNS64_NOT_SUPPORTED_VS 2015 0x7dF Specified policy can be bound only to DNS/DNS_TCP vserver.
NSERR_DNS64_INVAL_PREFIX 2016 0x7e0 Specified Prefix is either not allowed or Prefix length is not in [96, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32].
NSERR_GSLB_DB_REPEAT_REQUEST 2017 0x7e1 Location database request need to be repeated
NSERR_GSLBSITE_CONN_NOTSUPPORTED 2018 0x7e2 This may cause GSLB site MEP connection issues in some earlier releases.
NSERR_DNS64_TIMEOUT_ROUNDOFF 2019 0x7e3 Timeout threshold is rounded off to nearest multiple of 10 less then the given value.
NSERR_USIP_EV_NO_MEM_WARNING 2020 0x7e4 Service marked unusable due to lack of memory to post APBR rules for USIP.
NSERR_GSLB_SITE_PREFIX_CONFLICT 2044 0x7fc Site prefix conflicts with another service bound to the gslb vip
NSERR_USIP_EV_NO_MEM_WARNING_DEL 2021 0x7e5 APBR rule on switch not deleted due to lack of memory to post APBR rules for USIP.
NSERR_USIP_EV_NO_SVC_GRP_MEM_WARNING 2022 0x7e6 One or more APBR rules were not configured on the switch due to lack of memory.
NSERR_USIP_EV_NO_SVC_GRP_MEM_WARNING_DEL 2023 0x7e7 One or more APBR rules were not deleted on the switch due to lack of memory.
NSERR_DNSKEY_MISMATCH 2024 0x7e8 The Key specified is not valid for this zone
NSERR_INVALID_REMOTE_CLIP 2025 0x7e9 Invalid remote GSLB site CLIP. CLIP belong to the local gslb site
NSERR_IPV6_CLIP_NOTSUPPORTED 2026 0x7ea IPV6 CLIP is not supported
NSERR_NON_DEFAULT_DBFILE_LOC 2027 0x7eb In case of HA setup and cluster system, the command might fail on other nodes if an identical copy of the file is not present at the same location.
NSERR_LOC64_FROM_TO_TYPE 2028 0x7ec IP From and IP To in location specification are of different IP type.
NSERR_DNS_NOSOA_NONS_ZONE_NO_PROXY_MODE 2029 0x7ed Cannot delete SOA or NS records for a zone that is not deployed in proxy mode.
NSERR_DNS_ACTION_DROP_DEPRECATED 2031 0x7ef Drop is deprecated. Please use Drop action type under Responder feature.
NSERR_DNS_ACTION_REWRITE_RESPONSE_DEPRECATED 2039 0x7f7 Rewrite Response is deprecated. Please use replace_dns_answer_section action type under Rewrite feature.
NSERR_IDENTIFIER_INVAL_THRESHOLD 2040 0x7f8 Stream Identifier min and max threshold cannot both be zero and min threshold cannot be greater than max threshold
NSERR_IDENTIFIER_INVAL_SORT 2041 0x7f9 Stream Identifier sort option is invalid
NSERR_NO_SUCH_DNSPROF 2042 0x7fa DNS profile does not exist
NSERR_DNS_PROFILE_SVC_TYPE 2043 0x7fb DNS profile cannot be set to this service type
NSERR_CSGSLB_POLICY_SET_NOTALLOWED 2046 0x7fe Policy bound to CS GSLB vserver must have a gslb targetvserver
NSERR_CS_POLICY_SET_NOTALLOWED 2045 0x7fd Policy bound to non CS GSLB vserver must not have a gslb targetvserver
NSERR_GSLB_ECS_DISABLED_VALIDATION_ENABLED 2987 0xbab ECS is disabled: Enabling only ECS address validation will not have any effect if ECS is not enabled.
NSERR_ECS_INVALID_ADDR_LEN 2989 0xbad ECS address uses more octets than required or the address has non-zero bits set beyond SOURCE PREFIX-LENGTH
NSERR_GSLB_ECS_MIR_BOTH_SET 765 0x2fd ECS option is mutually exclusive with MIR
NSERR_GSLB_ECS_IPV6_DISABLED 766 0x2fe IPv6PT is disabled, DNS queries with an IPv6 ECS address will be dropped
NSERR_GSLB_ECS_LBMETHOD_NOT_SP 767 0x2ff Enabling ECS without setting LB method to Static Proximity will not result in optimal responses for ECS-enabled queries
NSERR_REM_FAIL_NOMEM 1499 0x5DB Removal is unsuccessful because of an internal error
NSERR_EN_AUTOSYNC_DEFAULT_PARTITION_WARNING 1500 0x5DC Enabling automaticConfigSync parameter in default partition will have no effect

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