Citrix ADM NITRO API Reference


Configuration for Citrix ADC Txn Information resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
httpReqXForwardedFor Read-write httpReqXForwardedFor.
srvrTcpJitter Read-write srvrTcpJitter.
httpRspStatus Read-write httpRspStatus.
dest_cluster_name Read-write dest_cluster_name.
clntTcpZeroWindowCount Read-write clntTcpZeroWindowCount.
login_attempt Read-write login_attempt.
dest_namespace Read-write dest_namespace.
dest_svcname Read-write dest_svcname.
transSvrRTT Read-write transSvrRTT.
sslFLagsBE Read-write sslFLagsBE.
cltTcpFlagsTx Read-write App cltTcpFlagsTx.
transCltTotRxOctCnt Read-write transCltTotRxOctCnt.
httpReqRcvLB Read-write httpReqRcvLB.
httpReqHost Read-write httpReqHost.
recType Read-write recType.
aaaUsername Read-write aaaUsername.
httpResRcvLB Read-write httpResRcvLB.
httpReqUrl Read-write httpReqUrl.
sslFLagsFE Read-write sslFLagsFE.
clntTcpPacketsRetransmited Read-write clntTcpPacketsRetransmited.
login_result Read-write login_result.
srvrTcpPacketsRetransmited Read-write srvrTcpPacketsRetransmited.
sslSigHashAlgBE Read-write sslSigHashAlgBE.
httpReqCookie Read-write httpReqCookie.
source_cluster_name Read-write source_cluster_name.
appresponsetime Read-write appresponsetime.
tracingReqSpanId Read-write tracingReqSpanId.
aaaUserEmailId Read-write aaaUserEmailId.
sslHandshakeErrorMsg Read-write sslHandshakeErrorMsg.
httpDomainName Read-write httpDomainName.
tracingReqParentSpanId Read-write tracingReqParentSpanId.
api_auth_attempt Read-write api_auth_attempt.
session_track_method Read-write session_track_method.
backendSvrIpv4Address Read-write App backendSvrIpv4Address.
server_rsp_time Read-write server_rsp_time.
ato_config Read-write ato_config.
source_labels Read-write source_labels.
httpReqUserAgent Read-write httpReqUserAgent.
VPNsessionID Read-write VPNsessionID.
sslCipherValueBE Read-write sslCipherValueBE.
httpTransEndTime Read-write httpTransEndTime.
source_svcname Read-write source_svcname.
transaction_start_time Read-write transaction_start_time.
dest_labels Read-write dest_labels.
httpResForwFB Read-write httpResForwFB.
sslCipherValueFE Read-write sslCipherValueFE.
transCltDstIpv4Address Read-write transCltDstIpv4Address.
api_auth_result Read-write api_auth_result.
httpReqForwLB Read-write httpReqForwLB.
appNameVserverLs Read-write App Name Vsver ls.
transCltRTT Read-write transCltRTT.
ns_processing_time Read-write ns_processing_time.
srvrFastRetxCount Read-write srvrFastRetxCount.
transCltIpv4Address Read-write transCltIpv4Address.
clntTcpJitter Read-write clntTcpJitter.
httpContentType Read-write httpContentType.
tracingTraceId Read-write tracingTraceId.
transCltTotTxOctCnt Read-write transCltTotTxOctCnt.
srvrTcpZeroWindowCount Read-write srvrTcpZeroWindowCount.
cltTcpFlagsRx Read-write App cltTcpFlagsRx.
svrTcpFlagsRx Read-write svrTcpFlagsRx.
httpReqRcvFB Read-write httpReqRcvFB.
svrTcpFlagsTx Read-write svrTcpFlagsTx.
sslSigHashAlgFE Read-write sslSigHashAlgFE.
appName Read-write App Name.
transactionId Read-write transactionId.
session_attribute Read-write session_attribute.
httpReqReferer Read-write httpReqReferer.
srvrTcpRtoCount Read-write srvrTcpRtoCount.
clntTcpRtoCount Read-write clntTcpRtoCount.
sslServerCertSizeFE Read-write sslServerCertSizeFE.
source_namespace Read-write source_namespace.
httpReqMethod Read-write httpReqMethod.
recSubType Read-write recSubType.
sslErrFlag Read-write sslErrFlag.
sslServerCertSizeBE Read-write sslServerCertSizeBE.
httpResRcvFB Read-write httpResRcvFB.
httpReqForwFB Read-write httpReqForwFB.
clntFastRetxCount Read-write clntFastRetxCount.


(click to see Properties )

    Some options that you can use for each operations:

    • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

      http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

      If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

    • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

      To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

      X-NITRO-USER: <username>

      X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

      Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

      Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

    *Note: * Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

    The following parameters can be used in the nitro request : onerror <String_value>

    Use this parameter to set the onerror status for nitro request. Applicable only for bulk requests.

    Default value: EXIT

    Possible values = EXIT, CONTINUE
