Resource URL
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
customerid | string | Required | Customer Id of the user |
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
Authorization | string | Required | Session Id for authentication.Should be mentioned in the format CwsAuth bearer=sessionIdValue |
isCloud | string | Required | set the value to true in case of Cloud services, false for on-prem deployment |
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
filter | string | Optional | Use this query-parameter to get the filtered set of vm_device resources configured on the system. You can set a filter on any property of the resource.Example: property-name1:property-value1 |
pagesize | integer | Optional | Use this query-parameter to get the eventrule_config_variable resources in chunks.To be used along with pageno query parameter. |
pageno | integer | Optional | Use this query-parameter to get the eventrule_config_variable resources in chunks.To be used along with pagesize query parameter. |
count | string | Optional | Use this query-parameter to get the count of eventrule_config_variable resources. Available values : yes |
Response Details
Http Code | Description |
200 | for eventrule_config_variable
400 | Bad input parameter
401 | Failed Authentication
403 | Unauthorized
404 | Item not found
409 | Resource Conflict
500 | Server Error
504 | Gateway Timeout