Multisite applications API

About Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service APIs

Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service provides an outcome-focused model that allows you to specify the functional and business intent of your application deployment. Based on the specified functional intent, Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service creates policies to configure functionalities, such as security protection, load balancing, SSL offloading, content rules, and multi-site applications. For example, you select A+ profile and the service configures the ciphers and other entities required to get an A+ rating from Qualys Labs for your applications.

The service continuously optimizes the deployment by auto-redirecting traffic to a better site, auto-removing a server, or autoscaling capacity dynamically to match the application’s needs.

Discovery-driven configuration paradigm aims to automate, speed-up, and simplify the laborious process of application delivery, by discovering origin application servers automatically using APIs. For example, when specifying the application servers, you can specify the application EC2 instances or an AWS application Autoscale group. The service continuously maps these IDs to their corresponding IP addresses and discovers new IP addresses used by the application, or IP addresses that are no longer part of your application. The service also manages the allocation of your application public IP addresses and registers them in AWS Route 53 with a user provided domain name.

Based on the business intent, Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service auto-sizes the required infrastructure and adjusts it on demand. For example, the service auto-adjusts if there is a change in the number of the origin application servers due to scaling events, and changes stickiness settings accordingly. After delivering the applications, you can use the rich analytics in Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service to:

  • Monitor application performance.
  • Troubleshoot using the detected anomalies.
  • Visualize the threat details associated with security and take corrective actions to secure the applications.

For more information, see the following documents:

The following APIs are supported in the Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service:

  • Infrastructure API
  • Multisite applications API
  • Entitlements API
  • Audit logs API

Infrastructure API

Manage, monitor, analyze, and troubleshoot your global hybrid multi-cloud application delivery infrastructure. Deploy and configure infrastructure such as environements and applications using Infrastructure APIs.

For more information, see the following documents

Multisite applications API

With the Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service multi-site application feature, you can configure, deliver, and manage applications across multiple cloud environments for high availability and reliability.

For more information, see the following documents:

Entitlements API

The Citrix App Delivery and Security service license is based on flexible consumption-based metering, where your applications automatically consume capacity from available entitlements. Entitlements APIs can be used to fetch entitlements and consumption details.

For more information, see Entitlements.

Audit logs API

Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service tracks all user events and syslog events generated on managed ADC instances. These messages can help you manage and monitor your infrastructure. Audit logs APIs can be used to fetch events for audit logs generated by Citrix App Delivery and Security service.

For more information, see View audit logs.

Multisite applications API OpenAPI Specification
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About Citrix-managed App Delivery and Security service APIs