Configuration for Resource for adding and managing Citrix SDX instances resource.
(click to see Operations )
Name | Data Type | Permissions | Description |
instance_classifier |
Read-write | Value based on which certain features may be enabled/disabled in ADM for the instance. |
gateway_deployment |
Read-write | Is this device acting as Gateway.. |
std_bw_config |
Read-write | Standard Bandwidth running. |
gateway_ipv6 |
Read-write | Gateway IPv6 Address. |
instance_available |
Read-write | Instance license available. |
device_finger_print |
Read-write | Fingerprint/thumb-print from UMS public certificate for SSL communication. |
name |
Read-write | Name of managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
is_autoscale_group |
Read-write | Does this device belong to an Autoscale Group.. |
mastools_version |
Read-write | Mastools version if the device is embedded agent. |
ent_bw_total |
Read-write | Enterprise Bandwidth Total. |
vcpu_config |
Read-write | Number of vCPU allocated for the device. |
netmask |
Read-write | Netmask of managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
ent_bw_config |
Read-write | Enterprise Bandwidth configured. |
datacenter_id |
Read-write | Datacenter Id is system generated key for data center. |
instance_config |
Read-write | Instance license running. |
instance_mode |
Read-write | Denotes state- primary,secondary,clip,clusternode. |
discovery_time |
Read-write | discovery time. |
std_bw_available |
Read-write | Standard Bandwidth Available. |
plt_bw_total |
Read-write | Total Platinum Bandwidth. |
id |
Read-write | Id is system generated key for all the managed devices. |
ipv6_address |
Read-write | IPv6 Address. |
mgmt_ip_address |
Read-write | Management IP Address for this Managed Device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
plt_bw_available |
Read-write | Platinum Bandwidth Available. |
device_family |
Read-write | Device Family.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
template_interval |
Read-write | Template refresh interval. |
type |
Read-write | Type of device, (Xen | NS).
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
gateway |
Read-write | Default Gateway of managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
internal_annotation |
Read-write | Internal annotation used by ADM.Example, if a device is marked for delete. |
isolation_policy |
Read-write | Isolation Policy of the Device. |
provision_request_id |
Read-write | Value is set only if the instance was provisioned from Citrix ADM. |
hostname |
Read-write | Assign hostname to managed device, if this is not provided, name will be set as host name .
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 256 |
ent_bw_available |
Read-write | Enterprise Bandwidth configured. |
description |
Read-write | Description of managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 512 |
geo_support |
Read-write | Is this device configured to support GEO location.. |
sslvpn_config |
Read-write | sslvpn license maximum. |
sysservices |
Read-write | System Services. |
autoprovisioned |
Read-write | Device is auto-provisioned or not. |
is_managed |
Read-write | Is Managed. |
instance_total |
Read-write | Instance license. |
is_ha_configured |
Read-write | Is HA configured. |
trust_id |
Read-write | Device ID obtained from trust service. |
ipv4_address |
Read-write | IPv4 Address.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
profile_name |
Read-write | Device Profile Name that is attached with this managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
servicepackage |
Read-write | Service Package Name of the device. |
last_updated_time |
Read-write | Last Updated Time. |
partition_id |
Read-write | ID of admin partition. |
license_edition |
Read-write | Edition of instance. |
config_type |
Read-write | Configuration Type. Values: 0: IPv4, 1: IPv6, 2: Both.
Maximum value = |
node_id |
Read-write | Node identification of a device. |
ip_address |
Read-write | IP Address for this managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
httpxforwardedfor |
Read-write | HTTP x-Forwardedfor header flag..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 10 |
std_bw_total |
Read-write | Standard Bandwidth. |
display_name |
Read-write | Display Name for this managed device. For HA pair it will be A-B, and for Cluster it will be CLIP.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
partition_name |
Read-write | Citrix ADC Admin Partition Name.
Maximum length = 512 |
plt_bw_config |
Read-write | Platinum Bandwidth configured. |
sslvpn_total |
Read-write | sslvpn license. |
agent_id |
Read-write | Agent Id. |
peer_device_ip |
Read-write | Peer Device IP address for instance of type BLX ADC..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
profile_username |
Read-write | User Name specified by the user for this Citrix ADC Instance..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
profile_password |
Read-write | Password specified by the user for this Citrix ADC Instance..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
file_location_path |
Read-write | File Location on Client for upload/download.
Minimum length = 1 |
peer_host_device_ip |
Read-write | Peer Host Device IP Address for instance of type BLX ADC..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
file_name |
Read-write | File name which contains comma separated instances to be discovered.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
device_host_ip |
Read-write | Device Host IP Address for instance of type BLX ADC..
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
tr_task_id |
Read-write | Task Id used by Triton to identify NS. |
entity_tag | <property_map[]> | Read-write | Array of tag_name and tag_value pair assocaited with an entity. |
manufacturedate |
Read-only | Manufacture Date. |
bios_version |
Read-only | BIOS Version. |
is_fips_pooled_license_type |
Read-only | FIPS BW license : 0 = No FIPS BW License, 1 = FIPS BW Pool license. |
instance_state |
Read-only | State of device, UP only if device accessible. |
enabled |
Read-only | host State. |
disk_space |
Read-only | Show Disk Space (MB) available on host. |
disk_free |
Read-only | Show free Disk Space (MB) available on host. |
device_uuid |
Read-only | Device UUID. |
platform |
Read-only | Platform. |
tx |
Read-only | Out Throughput (Mbps) of host. |
version |
Read-only | Device Version. |
public_dns |
Read-only | Public DNS of the managed device. |
build_number |
Read-only | Build Number. |
instance_type |
Read-only | Instance type indicates the deployment type of CPX. |
sysid |
Read-only | System ID. |
uuid |
Read-only | UUID of host. |
scu_total |
Read-only | Total Symmetric Crypto Units available in host. |
encoded_serialnumber |
Read-only | Encoded Serial Number. |
instance_unique_id |
Read-only | 32 bit unique Integer id generated by Citrix ADM for this device. |
max_number_of_instances |
Read-only | Maximum Instances. |
cpufrequncy |
Read-only | CPU Frequency (MHZ). |
max_throughput |
Read-only | Maximum Throughput in Mbps. |
ha_sync |
Read-only | HA Synchronization State. |
ha_ip_address |
Read-only | Peer IP Address. |
total_crypto_devices |
Read-only | Total Crypto Devices. |
cpu_usage |
Read-only | CPU Usage (%) of host. |
memory_total |
Read-only | Total memory of host in MB. |
status |
Read-only | Status of managed device. |
current_time |
Read-only | Current Time. |
hostid |
Read-only | Host Id. |
systemname |
Read-only | Device System Name. |
geo_location |
Read-only | Geo location of the managed device. |
ssl_cores_total |
Read-only | Total SSL Cores available in host. |
number_of_cpu_cores |
Read-only | Number of total CPU cores of host. |
serialnumber |
Read-only | Device Serial Number. |
product |
Read-only | Product Name. |
subnet_id |
Read-only | in which the instance was launched. Subnet is a Range of IP addresses in a VPC (if hosted on AWS). |
acu_total |
Read-only | Total Asymmetric Crypto Units available in host. |
ha_master_state |
Read-only | Master State (Primary/Secondary). |
vpc_id |
Read-only | VPC ID of the managed device. |
httpquerywithurl |
Read-only | URL query params flag.. |
region |
Read-only | Region in which the managed device is hosted. |
reason |
Read-only | Reason of failure for this managed device. |
upsince |
Read-only | Upsince of managed device. |
security_group |
Read-only | virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more managed devices (if hosted on AWS). |
private_dns |
Read-only | Private DNS of the managed device. |
zone |
Read-only | Zone in which the managed device is hosted. |
model_id |
Read-only | Device Model Id. |
disk_usage |
Read-only | Disk usage (MB) for host. |
tenant_id |
Read-only | Tenant ID. |
do_config |
Read-only | Do default config for managed device. |
host_id |
Read-only | Host ID. |
number_of_cpu |
Read-only | Number of total CPU of host. |
memory_free |
Read-only | Free memory available (MB) in host. |
cloud |
Read-only | Cloud on which the managed device is hosted. |
available_throughput |
Read-only | Available Throughput in Mbps. |
uptime |
Read-only | Uptime of device. |
private_ip |
Read-only | Private IP of the managed device. |
cpu_license_type |
Read-only | VCPU license 0 = No VCPU License, 1 = VCPU Pool license. |
location |
Read-only | Device Location. |
license_grace_time |
Read-only | Grace for this Citrix Instance.. |
contactperson |
Read-only | Device contact person. |
public_ip |
Read-only | Public IP of the managed device. |
scu_free |
Read-only | Free Symmetric Crypto Units. |
acu_free |
Read-only | Free Asymmetric Crypto Units. |
bmcrevision |
Read-only | BMC Firmware Version. |
available_number_of_instances |
Read-only | Available Instances. |
rx |
Read-only | In Throughput (Mbps) of host. |
memory_usage |
Read-only | Memory Usage (%) of host. |
ami_id |
Read-only | AMI ID of the managed device (if hosted on AWS). |
httpcookie |
Read-only | Cookie-Header flag.. |
ssl_cores_free |
Read-only | Free SSL Cores. |
act_id |
Read-only | Activity Id. |
(click to see Properties )
Some options that you can use for each operations:
Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:
http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes
If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.
Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,
To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:
X-NITRO-USER: <username>
X-NITRO-PASS: <password>
Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:
Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>
Mandatory parameters are marked in
and placeholder content is marked in
The following parameters can be used in the nitro request : onerror <String_value>
Use this parameter to set the onerror status for nitro request. Applicable only for bulk requests.
Default value: EXIT
Possible values = EXIT, CONTINUE
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx/id_value<String>?action=unmanage;onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"sdx": { }}
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt}
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx/id_value<String>?action=reboot;onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"sdx": { }}
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt}
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx?onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"sdx": {
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "sdx":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx/id_value<String> HTTPS Method: DELETE
Request Headers: X-NITRO-USER:username_value<String>
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt }
get (all)
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx Query-parameters:
filter https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx ?filter=property-name1:property-value1,property-name2:property-value2 Use this query-parameter to get the filtered set of sdx resources configured on the system. You can set a filter on any property of the resource.
pagesize=#no;pageno=#no https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx ?pagesize=#no;pageno=#no Use this query-parameter to get the sdx resources in chunks.
count https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx ?count=yes Use this query-parameter to get the count of sdx resources.
Request Headers: Accept: application/json
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Headers:
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "sdx":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx/id_value<String> HTTPS Method: GET
Request Headers: Accept: application/json
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Headers:
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "sdx":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/sdx/id_value<String>?action=manage;onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"sdx": { }}
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt}