Configuration for Instance Score resource.
(click to see Operations )
Name | Data Type | Permissions | Description |
data_nic_discards_in |
Read-write | nic discards on incoming packets indicating device name and the number of nic discards. |
data_rl_ssl_tps |
Read-write | Number of times the SSL transactions/s(TPS) rate limit was reached. |
num_rl_ssl_throughput |
Read-write | Number of times the SSL Throughput rate limit was reached from the last poll cycle. |
num_rl_cpu |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the CPU rate limit was reached from the last poll cycle. |
hostname |
Read-write | Assign hostname to managed device, if this is not provided, name will be set as host name .
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 256 |
ind_sslcert_notrecommended_algorithm |
Read-write | Indicates where ssl certs of not recommended algorithm exists or not.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
vm_memory_total |
Read-write | Total Memory of VM Instance in MB. 2048MB, 5120MB. |
ind_rl_cpu |
Read-write | Indicates if the CPU rate limit was reached. |
num_sslcert_notrecommended_keystrengh |
Read-write | Number of not recommended key strength certificates. |
num_applications_total |
Read-write | Number of total applications. |
data_pooled_license_events |
Read-write | List of categories from active_event table representing the current outstanding pooled license events. |
ind_flash_error |
Read-write | Flash Indicator.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
data_capacity_mem |
Read-write | MEM predicted values. Stores comma separated list of data. |
ind_rule_networking |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to networking rules on has occured or not.0 indicates no errors,1 indicates errors,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
instance_state |
Read-write | State of device, UP only if device accessible.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
data_cpu_used_mgmt |
Read-write | Management Cpu usage percentage. |
data_rl_rate |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the throughput rate limit was reached. |
ind_sslcert_expiry_due |
Read-write | Indicator of SSL Cert expiry in the next 7 days. |
num_rule_capacity |
Read-write | Number of rules occuring in the poll cycle for Capacity category. |
num_rule_networking |
Read-write | Number of rules occuring in the poll cycle for networking category. |
ssl_transaction_rate |
Read-write | ssltransactionsrate Value. |
num_applications_managed |
Read-write | Number of managed applications. |
ind_rl_pps |
Read-write | Indicates if the packet/s(PPS) rate limit was reached. |
ind_rule_capacity |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to Capacity rules on has occured or not.0 indicates no errors,1 indicates errors,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
num_total_errors |
Read-write | Number of total failures. |
ind_cpu_used |
Read-write | CPU Usage Indicator. 0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
num_critical_events |
Read-write | Number of total critical events. |
data_disk0_total |
Read-write | Disk0 total space in MB. |
ind_power_error |
Read-write | Power Indicator. 0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
num_rl_ssl_tps |
Read-write | Number of times the SSL transactions/s(TPS) rate limit was reached from last poll cycle. |
data_disk1_free |
Read-write | Disk1 free space in MB. |
current_instance_state |
Read-write | Current State of device, UP only if device accessible.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
data_rl_pps |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the packet/s(PPS) rate limit was reached. |
tcpserver_connection |
Read-write | tcpcurserverconnestablished Value . |
httprequest_rate |
Read-write | httprxrequestbytesrate Value. |
data_rl_cpu |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the CPU rate limit was reached. |
num_config_deviation_errors |
Read-write | Number of total config drifts. |
num_rl_rate |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the throughput rate limit was reached from the last poll cycle. |
num_sslcert_expired |
Read-write | Number of ssl certs expired. |
site_name |
Read-write | Datacenter Name. |
data_disk0_free |
Read-write | Disk0 Free space in MB. |
ind_capacity_cpu |
Read-write | Indicates event occurs.0 indicates no ,1 indicates event occurs,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
num_platform_pps_events |
Read-write | Total number of errors related to Platform PPS. |
data_memory_used |
Read-write | Data Memory used in percentage. |
data_rl_ssl_throughput |
Read-write | Number of times the SSL Throughput rate limit was reached. |
rx_throughput |
Read-write | rxmbitsrate Value. |
datacenter_id |
Read-write | Datacenter Id. |
version |
Read-write | version. |
num_rule_security |
Read-write | Number of rules occuring in the poll cycle for Security category. |
managed_device_id |
Read-write | id of the instance in managed device table. |
num_capacity_mem |
Read-write | Number of occuring in the poll cycle. |
data_rule_security |
Read-write | Rules triggered for Security errors. Stores comma separated list of rules data in the format ruleid:rulename.Example id1:name1,id2:name2. |
data_platform_pps_events |
Read-write | List of categories from active_event table representing the current outstanding platform PPS events. |
num_aggregate_bw_events |
Read-write | Total number of errors related to Aggregate Bandwidth. |
num_systemresource_errors |
Read-write | Number of total system resource failures. |
data_disk1_used |
Read-write | Disk1 used space in percentage. |
num_rule_system_resource |
Read-write | Number of rules occuring in the poll cycle for system resource category. |
model |
Read-write | model. |
num_configdrift_template |
Read-write | Number of RunningVsTemplate Diffs. |
tcpclient_connection |
Read-write | tcpcurclientconnestablished Value. |
num_pooled_license_events |
Read-write | Total number of erros related to pooled license. |
ind_sslcert_notrecommended_issuer |
Read-write | Indicates where ssl certs of not recommended issuer exists or not.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
data_rule_networking |
Read-write | Rules triggered for Networking errors. Stores comma separated list of rules data in the format ruleid:rulename.Example id1:name1,id2:name2. |
ind_sslcert_expired |
Read-write | Indicates if there are any expired SSL Certs.0 indicates no expiry, 1 indicates expiry and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
num_sslcert_expiry_due |
Read-write | Number of ssl certs to expire within the next 7 days. |
uptime |
Read-write | Up time. |
data_critical_events |
Read-write | List of categories from active_event table representing the current outstanding critical events. |
id |
Read-write | Id is system generated key. |
num_ssl_errors |
Read-write | Number of total errors related to SSL Certificates. |
data_disk0_used |
Read-write | Disk0 used space in percentage. |
ind_memory_used |
Read-write | Memory Usage Indicator. 0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
ind_configdrift_default |
Read-write | SavedVsRunning diff state.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
tx_throughput |
Read-write | txmbitsrate Value. |
num_rl_pps |
Read-write | Number of packets dropped when the packet/s(PPS) rate limit was reached from the last polll cycle. |
is_clip |
Read-write | Is Clip. |
num_ssl_cards |
Read-write | Number of ssl cards. |
data_rule_config |
Read-write | Rules triggered for Config errors. Stores comma separated list of rules data in the format ruleid:rulename.Example id1:name1,id2:name2. |
poll_time |
Read-write | Poll time in seconds. |
httpresponse_rate |
Read-write | httprxresponsebytesrate Value. |
ind_rl_ssl_tps |
Read-write | Indicates if the SSL transactions/s(TPS) rate limit was reached. |
ind_rl_rate |
Read-write | Indicates if the throughput rate limit was reached. |
scale |
Read-write | Scale. |
system_poll_time |
Read-write | Time when the device score poll was initiated for this tenant in seconds. |
type |
Read-write | Type. |
num_capacity_cpu |
Read-write | Number of occuring in the poll cycle. |
ind_rl_ssl_throughput |
Read-write | Indicates if the SSL Throughput rate limit was reached. |
data_rule_capacity |
Read-write | Rules triggered for Capacity errors. Stores comma separated list of rules data in the format ruleid:rulename.Example id1:name1,id2:name2. |
ind_configdrift_template |
Read-write | RunningVsTemplate diff state. |
ind_rule_security |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to Security rules on has occured or not.0 indicates no errors,1 indicates errors,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
ind_harddiskdrive_error |
Read-write | Hard disk drive error indicator.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
data_memory_free |
Read-write | Memory Available in MB. |
num_capacity_errors |
Read-write | Number of total system capacity failures. |
ind_rule_system_resource |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to system resource rules on has occured or not.0 indicates no errors,1 indicates errors,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
num_vservers_total |
Read-write | Number of total vservers. |
ind_sslcert_notrecommended_keystrengh |
Read-write | Not recommeded key strength certificates exists or not.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
data_capacity_cpu |
Read-write | CPU predicted values. Stores comma separated list of data. |
num_rule_config |
Read-write | Number of rules occuring in the poll cycle for config category. |
cluster_node_ip_list |
Read-write | Comma separated list of cluster node IPs. |
ip_address |
Read-write | IP Address for this managed device.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 64 |
data_rule_system_resource |
Read-write | Rules triggered for system resource errors. Stores comma separated list of rules data in the format ruleid:rulename.Example id1:name1,id2:name2. |
data_aggregate_bw_events |
Read-write | List of categories from active_event table representing the current outstanding aggregate bandwidth events. |
ind_nic_discards |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to nic discards on incoming/outgoing packets has occured or not. |
max_contribution |
Read-write | Instance score category contributing to the maximum errors. |
ind_disk_used |
Read-write | Disk Usage Indicator. 0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
ind_platform_pps_events |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to Platform PPS has occured or not. |
num_vservers_active |
Read-write | Number of active vservers. |
ind_rule_config |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to Config rules on has occured or not.0 indicates no errors,1 indicates errors,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
ind_aggregate_bw_events |
Read-write | Indicates if errors related to Aggregate Bandwidth has occurred or not. |
score |
Read-write | Total Instance score. |
display_name |
Read-write | Display Name for this managed device. For HA pair it will be A-B, and for Cluster it will be CLIP.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
num_sslcert_notrecommended_algorithm |
Read-write | Number of sslcert with non recommended algorithm. |
data_cpu_used_packet |
Read-write | Packet Cpu usage percentage. |
data_disk1_total |
Read-write | Disk1 total space in MB. |
ind_pooled_license_events |
Read-write | Indicates if erros related to pooled license has occured or not. |
ind_ssl_card_error |
Read-write | SSL card failure state indicator.0 indicates no errors, 1 indicate error and -1 indicates Not-Applicable or Unknown. |
data_nic_discards_out |
Read-write | nic discards on outgoing packets indicating device name and the number of nic discards. |
num_sslcert_notrecommended_issuer |
Read-write | Number of not recommended issuer certificates. |
ind_capacity_mem |
Read-write | Indicates event occurs.0 indicates no ,1 indicates event occurs,-1 indicates not evaluated. |
th_rl_pps_high |
Read-write | RL PPS high threshold. |
th_memory_used_high |
Read-write | Memory high threshold. |
th_nic_discards_high |
Read-write | Nic discards high threshold. |
th_rl_rate_high |
Read-write | RL rate high threshold. |
th_rl_ssl_throughput_high |
Read-write | RL SSL Throughput high threshold. |
th_cpu_used_low |
Read-write | CPU low threshold. |
th_disk_used_low |
Read-write | Disk low threshold. |
th_memory_used_low |
Read-write | Memory low threshold. |
th_cpu_used_high |
Read-write | CPU high threshold. |
th_rl_ssl_tps_high |
Read-write | RL SSL TPS high threshold. |
th_disk_used_high |
Read-write | Disk high threshold. |
entity_tag | <property_map[]> | Read-write | Array of tag_name and tag_value pair associated with an instance. |
th_rl_cpu_high |
Read-write | RL CPU high threshold. |
tenant_id |
Read-only | Tenant ID. |
(click to see Properties )
Some options that you can use for each operations:
Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:
http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes
If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.
Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,
To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:
X-NITRO-USER: <username>
X-NITRO-PASS: <password>
Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:
Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>
Mandatory parameters are marked in
and placeholder content is marked in
The following parameters can be used in the nitro request : onerror <String_value>
Use this parameter to set the onerror status for nitro request. Applicable only for bulk requests.
Default value: EXIT
Possible values = EXIT, CONTINUE
get (all)
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/instance_score Query-parameters:
filter https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/instance_score ?filter=property-name1:property-value1,property-name2:property-value2 Use this query-parameter to get the filtered set of instance_score resources configured on the system. You can set a filter on any property of the resource.
pagesize=#no;pageno=#no https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/instance_score ?pagesize=#no;pageno=#no Use this query-parameter to get the instance_score resources in chunks.
count https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/instance_score ?count=yes Use this query-parameter to get the count of instance_score resources.
Request Headers: Accept: application/json
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Headers:
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "instance_score":[{