The following operations can be performed on “ns-acl”:
add ns acl
Adds an extended ACL rule to the Citrix ADC. To commit this operation, you must apply the extended ACLs. Extended ACL rules filter data packets on the basis of various parameters, such as IP address, source port, action, and protocol.
add ns acl
aclname Name for the extended ACL rule. Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters.
aclaction Action to perform on incoming IPv4 packets that match the extended ACL rule. Available settings function as follows:
- ALLOW - The Citrix ADC processes the packet.
- BRIDGE - The Citrix ADC bridges the packet to the destination without processing it.
- DENY - The Citrix ADC drops the packet.
Possible values: BRIDGE, DENY, ALLOW
td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094
srcIP IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the source IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
srcIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the source IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
srcPort Port number or range of port numbers to match against the source port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
srcPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the source port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90. Maximum value: 65535
destIP IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the destination IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
destIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the destination IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
destPort Port number or range of port numbers to match against the destination port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
Note: The destination port can be specified only for TCP and UDP protocols.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
destPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the destination port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
Note: The destination port can be specified only for TCP and UDP protocols. Maximum value: 65535
TTL Number of seconds, in multiples of four, after which the extended ACL rule expires. If you do not want the extended ACL rule to expire, do not specify a TTL value. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 2147483647
srcMac MAC address to match against the source MAC address of an incoming IPv4 packet.
srcMacMask Used to define range of Source MAC address. It takes string of 0 and 1, 0s are for exact match and 1s for wildcard. For matching first 3 bytes of MAC address, srcMacMask value “000000111111”. Default value: “000000000000”
protocol Protocol to match against the protocol of an incoming IPv4 packet.
protocolNumber Protocol to match against the protocol of an incoming IPv4 packet. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
vlan ID of the VLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VLAN. If you do not specify a VLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VLANs. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 4094
vxlan ID of the VXLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VXLAN. If you do not specify a VXLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VXLANs. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215
interface ID of an interface. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets from the specified interface. If you do not specify any value, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets of all interfaces.
established Allow only incoming TCP packets that have the ACK or RST bit set, if the action set for the ACL rule is ALLOW and these packets match the other conditions in the ACL rule.
icmpType ICMP Message type to match against the message type of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION UNREACHABLE messages, you must specify 3 as the ICMP type.
Note: This parameter can be specified only for the ICMP protocol. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65536
icmpCode Code of a particular ICMP message type to match against the ICMP code of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE messages, specify 3 as the ICMP type and 1 as the ICMP code.
If you set this parameter, you must set the ICMP Type parameter. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65536
priority Priority for the extended ACL rule that determines the order in which it is evaluated relative to the other extended ACL rules. If you do not specify priorities while creating extended ACL rules, the ACL rules are evaluated in the order in which they are created. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 100000
state Enable or disable the extended ACL rule. After you apply the extended ACL rules, the Citrix ADC compares incoming packets against the enabled extended ACL rules.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
logstate Enable or disable logging of events related to the extended ACL rule. The log messages are stored in the configured syslog or auditlog server.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ratelimit Maximum number of log messages to be generated per second. If you set this parameter, you must enable the Log State parameter. Default value: 100 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 10000
type Type of the acl ,default will be CLASSIC. Available options as follows:
- CLASSIC - specifies the regular extended acls.
- DFD - cluster specific acls,specifies hashmethod for steering of the packet in cluster .
Possible values: CLASSIC, DFD Default value: CLASSIC
dfdhash Specifies the type hashmethod to be applied, to steer the packet to the FP of the packet.
stateful If stateful option is enabled, transparent sessions are created for the traffic hitting this ACL and not hitting any other features like LB, INAT etc.
Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO
add ns acl restrict DENY -srcport 45-1024 -destIP -protocol TCP
Related Commands
rm ns acl
Removes an extended ACL rule from the Citrix ADC. To commit this operation, you must apply the extended ACLs.
rm ns acl
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule that you want to remove.
rm ns acl restrict
Related Commands
enable ns acl
Enables an extended ACL rule. To commit this operation, you must apply the extended ACLs. After you apply the extended ACL rules, the Citrix ADC compares incoming packets against the enabled extended ACL rules.
enable ns acl
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule that you want to enable.
enable ns acl foo
Related Commands
show ns acl
Displays settings related to the extended ACL rules. To display settings of all the extended ACL rules, run the command without any parameters. To display settings of a particular extended ACL rule, specify the name of the extended ACL rule.
show ns acl [
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule whose details you want the Citrix ADC to display.
type default will display both CLASSIC and DFD
Possible values: CLASSIC, DFD
td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0.
aclaction Action to perform on incoming IPv4 packets that match the extended ACL rule. Available settings function as follows:
- ALLOW - The Citrix ADC processes the packet.
- BRIDGE - The Citrix ADC bridges the packet to the destination without processing it.
- DENY - The Citrix ADC drops the packet.
srcMac MAC address to match against the source MAC address of an incoming IPv4 packet.
srcMacMask Used to define range of Source MAC address. It takes string of 0 and 1, 0s are for exact match and 1s for wildcard. For matching first 3 bytes of MAC address, srcMacMask value “000000111111”.
stateflag ACL state flag.
protocol The protocol number in IP header or name.
protocolNumber The protocol number in IP header or name.
srcPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the source port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
destPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the destination port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
Note: The destination port can be specified only for TCP and UDP protocols.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
srcIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the source IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
destIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the destination IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
vlan ID of the VLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VLAN. If you do not specify a VLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VLANs.
vxlan ID of the VXLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VXLAN. If you do not specify a VXLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VXLANs.
state Enable or disable the extended ACL rule. After you apply the extended ACL rules, the Citrix ADC compares incoming packets against the enabled extended ACL rules.
TTL Number of seconds, in multiples of four, after which the extended ACL rule expires. If you do not want the extended ACL rule to expire, do not specify a TTL value.
icmpType ICMP Message type to match against the message type of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION UNREACHABLE messages, you must specify 3 as the ICMP type.
Note: This parameter can be specified only for the ICMP protocol.
icmpCode Code of a particular ICMP message type to match against the ICMP code of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE messages, specify 3 as the ICMP type and 1 as the ICMP code.
If you set this parameter, you must set the ICMP Type parameter.
interface ID of an interface. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets from the specified interface. If you do not specify any value, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets of all interfaces.
hits The hits of this ACL.
established This flag indicates that the ACL should be used for TCP response traffic only.
priority Priority for the extended ACL rule that determines the order in which it is evaluated relative to the other extended ACL rules. If you do not specify priorities while creating extended ACL rules, the ACL rules are evaluated in the order in which they are created.
kernelstate The commit status of the ACL.
logstate Enable or disable logging of events related to the extended ACL rule. The log messages are stored in the configured syslog or auditlog server.
ratelimit Packet rate limit for acl logging
time Time when this acl is applied.
aclassociate ACL linked
dfdhash Specifies the type hashmethod to be applied, to steer the packet to the FP of the packet.
stateful If stateful option is enabled, transparent sessions are created for the traffic hitting this ACL and not hitting any other features like LB, INAT etc.
devno count
sh acl foo Name: foo Action: ALLOW Hits: 0 srcIP = destIP = srcMac: srcMacMask: Protocol: TCP srcPort destPort = 110 Vlan: Interface: Active Status: ENABLED Applied Status: NOTAPPLIED Priority: 1027
disable ns acl
Disables an extended ACL rule. To commit this operation, you must apply the extended ACLs. After you apply the ACL rules, the Citrix ADC does not compare incoming packets against the disabled extended ACL rules.
disable ns acl
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule that you want to disable.
disable ns acl foo
Related Commands
rename ns acl
Renames an extended ACL rule.
rename ns acl
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule that you want to rename.
newName New name for the extended ACL rule. Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters.
rename acl rule rule-new
unset ns acl
Resets the attributes of the specified extended ACL rule. Attributes for which a default value is available revert to their default values. Refer to the set ns acl command for a description of the parameters..Refer to the set ns acl command for meanings of the arguments.
unset ns acl
unset ns acl rule1 -srcPort
Related Commands
set ns acl
Modifies the parameters of an ACL rule. To commit this operation, you must apply the extended ACLs.
set ns acl
aclname Name of the ACL rule whose parameters you want to modify.
aclaction Action to perform on incoming IPv4 packets that match the extended ACL rule. Available settings function as follows:
- ALLOW - The Citrix ADC processes the packet.
- BRIDGE - The Citrix ADC bridges the packet to the destination without processing it.
- DENY - The Citrix ADC drops the packet.
Possible values: BRIDGE, DENY, ALLOW
srcIP IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the source IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
srcIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the source IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
srcPort Port number or range of port numbers to match against the source port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
srcPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the source port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90. Maximum value: 65535
destIP IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the destination IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
destIPVal IP address or range of IP addresses to match against the destination IP address of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example:
destPort Port number or range of port numbers to match against the destination port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
Note: The destination port can be specified only for TCP and UDP protocols.
operator Either the equals (=) or does not equal (!=) logical operator.
Possible values: =, !=, EQ, NEQ
destPortVal Port number or range of port numbers to match against the destination port number of an incoming IPv4 packet. In the command line interface, separate the range with a hyphen. For example: 40-90.
Note: The destination port can be specified only for TCP and UDP protocols. Maximum value: 65535
srcMac MAC address to match against the source MAC address of an incoming IPv4 packet.
srcMacMask Used to define range of Source MAC address. It takes string of 0 and 1, 0s are for exact match and 1s for wildcard. For matching first 3 bytes of MAC address, srcMacMask value “000000111111”. Default value: “000000000000”
protocol Protocol to match against the protocol of an incoming IPv4 packet.
protocolNumber Protocol to match against the protocol of an incoming IPv4 packet. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
icmpType ICMP Message type to match against the message type of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION UNREACHABLE messages, you must specify 3 as the ICMP type.
Note: This parameter can be specified only for the ICMP protocol. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65536
icmpCode Code of a particular ICMP message type to match against the ICMP code of an incoming ICMP packet. For example, to block DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE messages, specify 3 as the ICMP type and 1 as the ICMP code.
If you set this parameter, you must set the ICMP Type parameter. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65536
vlan ID of the VLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VLAN. If you do not specify a VLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VLANs. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 4094
vxlan ID of the VXLAN. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets of the specified VXLAN. If you do not specify a VXLAN ID, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets on all VXLANs. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215
interface ID of an interface. The Citrix ADC applies the ACL rule only to the incoming packets from the specified interface. If you do not specify any value, the appliance applies the ACL rule to the incoming packets of all interfaces.
priority Priority for the extended ACL rule that determines the order in which it is evaluated relative to the other extended ACL rules. If you do not specify priorities while creating extended ACL rules, the ACL rules are evaluated in the order in which they are created. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 100000
logstate Enable or disable logging of events related to the extended ACL rule. The log messages are stored in the configured syslog or auditlog server.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ratelimit Maximum number of log messages to be generated per second. If you set this parameter, you must enable the Log State parameter. Default value: 100 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 10000
established Allow only incoming TCP packets that have the ACK or RST bit set, if the action set for the ACL rule is ALLOW and these packets match the other conditions in the ACL rule.
dfdhash Specifies the type hashmethod to be applied, to steer the packet to the FP of the packet.
stateful If stateful option is enabled, transparent sessions are created for the traffic hitting this ACL and not hitting any other features like LB, INAT etc.
Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO
set ns acl restrict -srcPort 50
Related Commands
stat ns acl
Displays statistics related to the extended ACL rules. To display statistics of all the extended ACL rules, run the command without any parameters. To display statistics of a particular extended ACL rule, specify the name of the extended ACL rule.
stat ns acl [
aclname Name of the extended ACL rule whose statistics you want the Citrix ADC to display.
detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.
fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated
ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0
logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.
clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters
Possible values: basic, full
count devno stateflag
Bridge ACL hits (ACLBdg) Packets matching a bridge ACL, which is in transparent mode and bypasses service processing.
Deny ACL hits (ACLDeny) Packets dropped because they match ACLs with processing mode set to DENY.
Allow ACL hits (ACLAllow) Packets matching ACLs with processing mode set to ALLOW. Citrix ADC processes these packets.
NAT ACL hits (ACLNAT) Packets matching a NAT ACL, resulting in a NAT session.
ACL hits (ACLHits) Packets matching an ACL.
ACL misses (ACLMiss) Packets not matching any ACL.
ACL Count (ACLCount) Total number of ACL rules configured.
DFD ACL hits (dfdACLHits) Packets matching an dfd ACL.
DFD ACL misses (dfdACLMiss) Packets not matching any DFD ACL.
DFD ACL Count (dfdACLCount) Total number of DFD ACL rules configured.
Hits for this ACL (Hits) Number of times the acl was hit
stat acl