Citrix ADM NITRO API Reference


Configuration for Af report for ICA Session resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
serverside_packet_retransmits Read-write Server side packet retransmits..
user_type Read-write User Access Type.

Minimum length = 1

Maximum length = 128
is_msi Read-write If Session is MSI or not.
count_usb_rejected Read-write No. of times USB Rejected.
ip_block_name Read-write ip_block_name.
launch_duration Read-write ica session launch duration..
latitude Read-write latitude.
l7_threshold_configure_value Read-write L7 Threshold value.
longitude Read-write longitude.
region_code Read-write region_code.
host_delay Read-write Server induced delay..
region Read-write region.
total_bytes Read-write Total bytes accounted by this URL in sampled timeframe..
is_active Read-write Is Active..
pn_agent_version Read-write Name of ICA session pn agent version.

Minimum length = 1

Maximum length = 128
client_latency Read-write ica session client latency..
count_usb_accepted Read-write No. of times USB Accepted.
client_hostname Read-write city.

Maximum length = 255
usb_status Read-write USB Redirection Status.
client_side_ns_delay Read-write Client to Server Citrix ADC delay..
server_side_ns_delay Read-write Server to Client Citrix ADC delay..
session_reconnect Read-write Session reconnect..
application_enumeration_duration Read-write Time taken for app enumeration to launch..
serverside_rto Read-write serverside rto..
l7_threshold_max_server_breach Read-write L7 Threshold MAX Server Breach Value.
duration_summary_bandwidth Read-write Avg Bandwidth for duration summary..
country Read-write country.
session_hop_diagram Read-write Session Hop Diagram.
clientside_packet_retransmits Read-write Client side packet retransmits..
count_usb_stopped Read-write No. of times USB Stopped.
rpt_sample_time Read-write Report Sample time..
clientside_0_win Read-write Client side 0 window count..
bandwidth Read-write Avg Bandwidth..
session_setup_time Read-write ICA Session setup time..
clientside_rto Read-write clientside rto..
session_rtt Read-write ICA Session rtt..
clientside_cb Read-write clientside cb.
client_version Read-write Client Version.

Maximum length = 1024
__count Read-write count..
country_code Read-write country_code.
l7_threshold_breach_count Read-write L7 Threshold Breach Count Value.
state Read-write ICA Session state..
client_type Read-write Client Type.

Minimum length = 1

Maximum length = 128
euem Read-write EUEM..
l7_clientside_latency Read-write L7 clientside latency.
device_type Read-write Device Type..
server_jitter Read-write ICA User server jitter..
id Read-write Id is ICA Session ID.

Minimum length = 1

Maximum length = 64
client_jitter Read-write ICA User client jitter..
server_latency Read-write ica session server latency..
is_multi_hop Read-write Is Multi hop..
serverside_0_win Read-write server side 0 window count..
l7_threshold_max_client_breach Read-write L7 Threshold MAX Client Breach Value.
serverside_cb Read-write serverside cb.
l7_threshold_avg_client_breach Read-write L7 Threshold AVG Client Breach Value.
session_type Read-write Session Type.
acr_count Read-write Session Reliability ACR Reconnect count.
sr_reconnect_count Read-write Session Reliability Reconnect count.
ha_failover_count Read-write ha_failover_count.
selected_time_total_byte Read-write Total bytes accounted by this URL in sampled timeframe..
l7_monitoring_supported Read-write L7 monitoring Supported or not.
client_srtt Read-write client Smothen RTT..
l7_threshold_avg_server_breach Read-write L7 Threshold AVG Server Breach Value.
edt_type Read-write edt_type.
city Read-write city.
receiver_version Read-write Name of ICA session receiver version.

Minimum length = 1

Maximum length = 128
up_time Read-write ica session up time..
client_tx_bytes Read-write Client Side Tx bytes..
session_setup_time_local Read-write ICA Session setup time in local timezone..
client_rx_bytes Read-write Client Side Rx bytes..
server_srtt Read-write server Smothen RTT..
session_end_time Read-write ICA Session end time..
l7_serverside_latency Read-write L7 serverside latency.


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: * Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

The following parameters can be used in the nitro request : onerror <String_value>

Use this parameter to set the onerror status for nitro request. Applicable only for bulk requests.

Default value: EXIT

Possible values = EXIT, CONTINUE

get (all)

URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/ica_session Query-parameters:

cr_enabled Use this query-parameter to indicate cr is enabled or not.

Possible Values: 0, 1 report_start_time Use this query-parameter to specify the start time from which the summary for report is considered.

Possible Values: time in milli seconds report_end_time Use this query-parameter to specify the end time until where summary for report is considered.

Possible Values: time in milli seconds asc Use this query-parameter to specify whether the results should be in ascending order or not.

Possible Values: yes, no sla_enabled Use this query-parameter to indicate sla is enabled or not.

Possible Values: 0, 1 order_by Use this query-parameter to get the result that is ordered by the given property.

Possible Values: session_setup_time, sr_reconnect_count, acr_count type Use this query-parameter to specify the type.

Possible Values: session_setup_time, sr_reconnect_count, acr_count HTTPS Method: GET

Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Headers:


Response Payload:

{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "ica_session":[{ "serverside_packet_retransmits":<Double_value>, "user_type":<String_value>, "is_msi":<Double_value>, "count_usb_rejected":<Double_value>, "ip_block_name":<String_value>, "launch_duration":<Double_value>, "latitude":<Double_value>, "l7_threshold_configure_value":<Double_value>, "longitude":<Double_value>, "region_code":<String_value>, "host_delay":<Double_value>, "region":<String_value>, "total_bytes":<Double_value>, "is_active":<Double_value>, "client_ip_address":<String_value>, "pn_agent_version":<String_value>, "client_latency":<Double_value>, "count_usb_accepted":<Double_value>, "client_hostname":<String_value>, "usb_status":<Double_value>, "client_side_ns_delay":<Double_value>, "server_side_ns_delay":<Double_value>, "session_reconnect":<Double_value>, "application_enumeration_duration":<Double_value>, "serverside_rto":<Double_value>, "l7_threshold_max_server_breach":<Double_value>, "duration_summary_bandwidth":<Double_value>, "country":<String_value>, "session_hop_diagram":<Boolean_value>, "clientside_packet_retransmits":<Double_value>, "server_ip_address":<String_value>, "count_usb_stopped":<Double_value>, "rpt_sample_time":<Double_value>, "clientside_0_win":<Double_value>, "bandwidth":<Double_value>, "session_setup_time":<Double_value>, "clientside_rto":<Double_value>, "ica_app_name":<String_value>, "session_rtt":<Double_value>, "clientside_cb":<Double_value>, "client_version":<String_value>, "ica_user_name":<String_value>, "__count":<Double_value>, "country_code":<String_value>, "l7_threshold_breach_count":<Double_value>, "state":<String_value>, "client_type":<String_value>, "euem":<Double_value>, "l7_clientside_latency":<Double_value>, "device_type":<String_value>, "server_jitter":<Double_value>, "id":<String_value>, "client_jitter":<Double_value>, "server_latency":<Double_value>, "is_multi_hop":<Double_value>, "serverside_0_win":<Double_value>, "l7_threshold_max_client_breach":<Double_value>, "serverside_cb":<Double_value>, "l7_threshold_avg_client_breach":<Double_value>, "session_type":<Double_value>, "acr_count":<Double_value>, "sr_reconnect_count":<Double_value>, "ha_failover_count":<Double_value>, "selected_time_total_byte":<Double_value>, "l7_monitoring_supported":<Double_value>, "client_srtt":<Double_value>, "l7_threshold_avg_server_breach":<Double_value>, "edt_type":<String_value>, "ica_device_ip_address":<String_value>, "city":<String_value>, "receiver_version":<String_value>, "up_time":<Double_value>, "client_tx_bytes":<Double_value>, "session_setup_time_local":<Double_value>, "client_rx_bytes":<Double_value>, "server_srtt":<Double_value>, "session_end_time":<Double_value>, "l7_serverside_latency":<Double_value>}]}