NITRO Changes Across Releases

Some NITRO API have changed across releases. This topic details information which can help you avoid compatibility issues in your application.

Changes made from 13.1-4.4 -> 13.1-24.38

Changes across NITRO flavors:

The NITRO API changes that were made in release build 13.1-24.38 when compared with release build 13.1-4.4.

Type of change Resource Method/Attribute
Attribute removed nsfeature htmlinjection
Attribute removed nslicense htmlinjection
Attribute removed nstestlicense htmlinjection
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngscgpicastart
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngscgpicastartrate
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngsgcticastart
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngsgcticastartrate
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngsshieldclxmtpconnestfailure
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngsshieldclxmtpconnestfailurerate
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngssocksicastart
Attribute removed cloud_stats ngssocksicastartrate
Attribute type changed channel_interface_binding lractiveintf

Data type changed from Boolean to Integer.
Attribute type changed Interface lractiveintf

Data type changed from Boolean to Integer.
Method removed nsmigration (nsmigration) get(nitro_service session)
Method removed nsmigration (nsmigration) get(options option, nitro_service session)
Method removed urlfilteringcategorization (urlfilteringcategorization) get(nitro_service session)
Method removed urlfilteringcategorization (urlfilteringcategorization) get(options option, nitro_service session)
Resource removed wisite_translationinternalip_binding -
Resource removed wisite_farmname_binding -
Resource removed wisite_binding -
Resource removed wisite_accessmethod_binding -
Resource removed wisite -
Resource removed wipackage -
Resource removed wfsite -
Resource removed wfpackage -

Changes made from 13.0-82.45 -> 13.1-4.4

Changes across NITRO flavors:

The NITRO API changes that were made in release build 13.1-4.4 when compared with release build 13.0-82.45.

Note: The following deprecated features have been removed and are no longer configurable from Citrix ADC version 13.1 onwards.

  • SPDY, sure connect (SC), priority queuing (PQ), HTTP Denial of Service (DoS), and HTML Injection features.
  • Filter feature (also known as Content Filtering or CF) - actions, policies, and binding.
  • Classic policies and expressions. For more information, see Classic Policy Deprecation FAQs.
Type of change Resource Method/Attribute
Attribute removed crvserver_binding crvserver_filterpolicy_binding
Attribute removed csvserver_binding csvserver_filterpolicy_binding
Attribute removed nsfeature hdosp
Attribute removed nslicense hdosp
Attribute removed nstestlicense hdosp
Attribute removed lbvserver_binding lbvserver_dospolicy_binding
Attribute removed lbvserver_binding lbvserver_filterpolicy_binding
Attribute removed lbvserver_binding lbvserver_pqpolicy_binding
Attribute removed lbvserver_binding lbvserver_scpolicy_binding
Attribute removed lbvserver pq
Attribute removed nsfeature pq
Attribute removed nslicense pq
Attribute removed nstestlicense pq
Attribute removed crvserver sc
Attribute removed crvserver_appfwpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed crvserver_cmppolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed csvserver sc
Attribute removed csvserver_appfwpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed csvserver_auditnslogpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed csvserver_auditsyslogpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed csvserver_authorizationpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed csvserver_cmppolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed lbvserver sc
Attribute removed lbvserver_appfwpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed lbvserver_auditnslogpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed lbvserver_auditsyslogpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed lbvserver_authorizationpolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed lbvserver_cmppolicy_binding sc
Attribute removed nsfeature sc
Attribute removed nslicense sc
Attribute removed nstestlicense sc
Attribute removed server sc
Attribute removed server_servicegroup_binding sc
Attribute removed service sc
Attribute removed servicegroup sc
Attribute removed service_binding service_dospolicy_binding
Attribute removed service_binding service_scpolicy_binding
Attribute removed nshttpprofile spdy
Attribute removed protocolhttp_stats spdyv3streamsrate
Attribute removed protocolhttp_stats spdyv2totstreams
Attribute removed protocolhttp_stats spdyv2streamsrate
Attribute removed protocolhttp_stats spdyv3totstreams
Attribute removed protocolhttp_stats spdytotstreams
Attribute removed crpolicy bindhits
Attribute removed cspolicy bindhits
Attribute removed rewriteaction bypasssafetycheck
Attribute removed crpolicy cspolicytype
Attribute removed cspolicy cspolicytype
Attribute removed policydataset description
Attribute removed policyexpression description
Attribute removed policypatset description
Attribute removed crpolicy_crvserver_binding domain
Attribute removed crpolicy domain
Attribute removed cspolicy_crvserver_binding domain
Attribute removed cspolicy_cspolicylabel_binding domain
Attribute removed cspolicy_csvserver_binding domain
Attribute removed cspolicy domain
Attribute removed cmppolicy expressiontype
Attribute removed policydataset indextype
Attribute removed policypatset indextype
Attribute removed rewriteaction pattern
Attribute removed crpolicy_crvserver_binding pihits
Attribute removed cspolicy_csvserver_binding pihits
Attribute removed crpolicy_crvserver_binding pipolicyhits
Attribute removed cspolicy_csvserver_binding pipolicyhits
Attribute removed cmpglobal_cmppolicy_binding policytype
Attribute removed sslpolicy policytype
Attribute removed cmpglobal_cmppolicy_binding state
Attribute removed cspolicy_crvserver_binding url
Attribute removed cspolicy_cspolicylabel_binding url
Attribute removed cspolicy_csvserver_binding url
Attribute removed cspolicy url
Attribute missing in method lbvserver sc and pq attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(lbvserver obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method lbvserver sc and pq attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(nitro_service session, lbvserver obj)
Attribute missing in method service sc attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(nitro_service session, service obj)
Attribute missing in method servicegroup sc attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(servicegroup obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method service sc attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(service obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method servicegroup sc attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(servicegroup obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method nshttpprofile spdy attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(nshttpprofile obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method nshttpprofile spdy attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(nitro_service session, nshttp profile obj)
Attribute missing in method policyexpression description attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(policyexpression obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method policyexpression description attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(policyexpression obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method cspolicy domain and url attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(cspolicy obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method policydataset indextype attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(nitro_service session, policydataset obj)
Attribute missing in method policypatset indextype attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(policypatset obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method rewriteaction pattern and bypasssafetycheck attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(rewriteaction obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method rewriteaction pattern and bypasssafetycheck attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(nitro_service session, rewriteaction obj)
Attribute missing in method cmpglobal_cmppolicy_binding state attribute is removed from the following method:

(base_response) add(cmpglobal_cmppolicy_binding obj, nitro_service session)
Attribute missing in method cspolicy url and domain attributes are removed from the following method:

(base_response) update(nitro_service session, cspolicy obj)
Resource removed crvserver_filterpolicy_binding -
Resource removed csvserver_filterpolicy_binding -
Resource removed dos_stats -
Resource removed dospolicy_stats -
Resource removed dospolicy -
Resource removed filteraction -
Resource removed filterglobal_binding -
Resource removed filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding -
Resource removed filterhtmlinjectionparameter -
Resource removed filterhtmlinjectionvariable -
Resource removed filterpolicy_binding -
Resource removed filterpolicy_csvserver_binding -
Resource removed filterpolicy_filterglobal_binding -
Resource removed filterpolicy_lbvserver_binding -
Resource removed filterpolicy -
Resource removed filterpostbodyinjection -
Resource removed filterprebodyinjection -
Resource removed lbvserver_dospolicy_binding -
Resource removed lbvserver_filterpolicy_binding -
Resource removed lbvserver_pqpolicy_binding -
Resource removed lbvserver_scpolicy_binding -
Resource removed pq_stats -
Resource removed pqbinding_args -
Resource removed pqbinding -
Resource removed pqpolicy_stats -
Resource removed pqpolicy -
Resource removed sc_stats -
Resource removed scparameter -
Resource removed scpolicy_stats -
Resource removed scpolicy -
Resource removed service_dospolicy_binding -
Resource removed service_scpolicy_binding -

Changes made from 13.0-52.24 -> 13.0-76.31

  • Changes across NITRO flavors

    The NITRO API changes that were made in release build 13.0-76.31 when compared with release build 13.0-52.24.

Note: Resources and attributes related to Cisco RISE feature have been removed.

Type of change Resource Method/Attribute Remarks
Attribute removed vpnvserver analyticsprofile In 13.0-76.31 and later builds, multiple analytics profiles can be associated. vpnvserver_analyticsprofile_binding resource has been added for this purpose.
Attribute removed appfwprofile autodeployrule -
Attribute removed appflowparam aaainsight If API Gateway license and feature are enabled, transactions with content-type as application/json are included in the appflow records by default.
Attribute type changed policyevaluation pitoffsetlengtharray Attribute type has changed from integer to double.

Changes made from 12.1-48.13 -> 13.0-52.24

Changes across NITRO flavors:

The NITRO changes that were made in release 13.0-52.24 when compared with release 12.1-48.13.

Type of change Resource Method/Attribute Remarks
Attribute removed rnat rnatip2 In 12.1 and earlier releases, for creating or updating ACL based RNAT resources, natip2 attribute was used. This has been changed to natip attribute for making it consistent with network based RNAT resources, get and update.
Attribute type changed rnat redirectport Data type for redirectport attribute is changed from boolean to integer.
Attribute missing in method rnat clear(), redirectport, natip redirectport and natip attributes are removed from clear() operation. Also, the clear() operation is deprecated, Use delete() operation instead.
Attribute missing in method rnat unset(), ownergroup, redirectport -
Attribute missing in method Authenticationpushservice POST/PUT, namespace The namespace attribute is set to a constant value of This attribute cannot be modified.
Attribute removed vpnvserver policy, priority, gotopriorityexpression These attributes are removed from vpnvserver resource because these attributes are related to policy binding.
  • Changes specific to NITRO SDKs

    The SDK-specific changes that were made in release 13.0-52.24 when compared with release 12.1-48.13.

Type of change Class Method/Attribute Remarks
Method removed systemfile (systemfile[]) get(nitro_service session), (systemfile[]) get(options option, nitro_service session), (systemfile) get(String filename, nitro_service session) These methods were not useful because filelocation was always a required attribute in fetching system files.
Attribute type changed nsconnectiontable irs, iss Data type changed from Integer to Double.
Method removed nsvpxparam (nsvpxparam) get(nitro_service session) With cluster support for nsvpxparam, the get() method returns an array instead of single entity.
Method removed nsconfig (base_response) save(nitro_service session) Alternate method - ‘base_response save(nitro_service client, nsconfig resource)’
Attribute type changed appfwprofile postbodylimit datatype changed from uint? to long?

Changes made from 12.0-57.24 -> 12.1-48.13

  • Changes across NITRO flavors

    The NITRO changes that were made in release 12.1-48.13 when compared with release 12.0-57.24.

Type of change Resource Method/Attribute Remarks
Attribute removed nsicapprofile insertxserverip, insertxclientip, sendreqinresmod, insertxauthuseruri, onservererrorresponse -
Attribute removed lsnclient td “td” is applicable to lsnclientonly in conjunction with network/network6. This attribute is now a part of lsnclient_network_binding and lsclient_netwrok6_binding resources.
Attribute removed nspartition_stats minbandwidth minbandwidth setting on the partition is deprecated.
Attribute removed cloudparameter verifyurl This attribute is renamed to activationcode.
Attribute removed appfwprofile_safeobject_binding expression This attribute is renamed to as_expression.
  • Changes specific to NITRO SDKs

    The SDK-specific changes that were made in release 12.1-48.13 when compared with release 12.0-57.24.

Type of change Class Method/Attribute Remarks
Method removed nsacls (base_response) renumber(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)renumber(nitro_service client, nsacls resource)
Method removed nsacls (base_response) clear(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)clear(nitro_service client, nsacls resource)
Method removed nsacls (base_response) apply(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)apply(nitro_service client, nsacls resource)
Method removed nsacls6 (base_response) renumber(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)renumber(nitro_service client, nsacls6 resource)
Method removed nsacls6 (base_response) clear(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)clear(nitro_service client, nsacls6 resource)
Method removed nsacls6 (base_response) apply(nitro_service session) Alternate method - (base_response)apply(nitro_service client, nsacls6 resource)
NITRO Changes Across Releases