
Statistics for Load Balancing Virtual Server resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
name Read-write Name of the virtual server. If no name is provided, statistical data of all configured virtual servers is displayed.

Minimum length = 1
clearstats Read-write Clear the statsistics / counters.

Possible values = basic, full
sortby Read-write use this argument to sort by specific key.

Possible values =
sortorder Read-write use this argument to specify sort order.

Default value: SORT_DESCENDING

Possible values = ascending, descending
avgcltttlb Read-only Average TTLB between the client and the server. TTLB is the time interval between sending the request packet to a service and receiving the ACK for response from client.
cltresponsetimeapdex Read-only Vserver APDEX index based on client response times.
vsvrsurgecount Read-only Number of requests waiting on this vserver.
establishedconn Read-only Number of client connections in ESTABLISHED state.
inactsvcs Read-only number of INACTIVE services bound to a vserver
vslbhealth Read-only Health of the vserver. This gives percentage of UP services bound to this vserver.
primaryipaddress Read-only IP address of the vserver
primaryport Read-only The port on which the service is running.
type Read-only Protocol associated with the vserver
state Read-only Current state of the server. There are seven possible values: UP(7), DOWN(1), UNKNOWN(2), BUSY(3), OFS(Out of Service)(4), TROFS(Transition Out of Service)(5), TROFS_DOWN(Down When going Out of Service)(8)
actsvcs Read-only number of ACTIVE services bound to a vserver
tothits Read-only Total vserver hits
hitsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tothits
totalrequests Read-only Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
requestsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalrequests
totalresponses Read-only Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
responsesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalresponses
totalrequestbytes Read-only Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server.
requestbytesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalrequestbytes
totalresponsebytes Read-only Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server.
responsebytesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalresponsebytes
totalh2requests Read-only Total number of Http2 requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
h2requestsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalh2requests
totalh2responses Read-only Number of Http2 responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
h2responsesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalh2responses
totalpktsrecvd Read-only Total number of packets received by this service or virtual server.
pktsrecvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalpktsrecvd
totalpktssent Read-only Total number of packets sent.
pktssentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalpktssent
curclntconnections Read-only Number of current client connections.
cursrvrconnections Read-only Number of current connections to the actual servers behind the virtual server.
curpersistencesessions Read-only current vserver owned persistence sessions
curbackuppersistencesessions Read-only current vserver owned backup persistence sessions
surgecount Read-only Number of requests in the surge queue.
svcsurgecount Read-only Total number of requests in the surge queues of all the services bound to this LB-vserver.
sothreshold Read-only Spill Over Threshold set on the VServer.
totspillovers Read-only Number of times vserver experienced spill over.
labelledconn Read-only Number of Labeled connection on this vserver
pushlabel Read-only Number of labels for this push vserver.
deferredreq Read-only Number of deferred request on this vserver
deferredreqrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for deferredreq
invalidrequestresponse Read-only Number invalid requests/responses on this vserver
invalidrequestresponsedropped Read-only Number invalid requests/responses dropped on this vserver
totvserverdownbackuphits Read-only Number of times traffic was diverted to backup vserver since primary vserver was DOWN.
curmptcpsessions Read-only Current Multipath TCP sessions
cursubflowconn Read-only Current Multipath TCP subflows
totalconnreassemblyqueue75 Read-only Total no of connections with 75% TCP reassembly queue
totalconnreassemblyqueueflush Read-only Total no of connections incurred TCP reassembly queue flush
totalsvrbusyerr Read-only Total no of server busy error
svrbusyerrrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totalsvrbusyerr
httpmaxhdrszpkts Read-only Number of http max header size packet parsing failures
tcpmaxooopkts Read-only No of times max out of order packets reached
totcltttlbtransactions Read-only Total transactions where client TTLB is calculated.
toleratingttlbtransactions Read-only Tolerable transactions based on APDEX threshold (>T ;; <4T).
frustratingttlbtransactions Read-only Frustrating transactions based on APDEX threshold (>4T).


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)
  • GET

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: *

Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/lbvserver



http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/lbvserver? args=name: <String_value> ,detail: <Boolean_value> ,fullvalues: <Boolean_value> ,ntimes: <Double_value> ,logfile: <String_value> ,clearstats: <String_value> ,sortby: <String_value> ,sortorder: <String_value> ,sortorder: <String_value>

Use this query-parameter to get lbvserver resources based on additional properties.

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{ "lbvserver": [ { "name":<String_value>, "curclntconnections":<Double_value>, "totalpktssent":<Double_value>, "tothits":<Double_value>, "totalrequests":<Double_value>, "cursubflowconn":<Double_value>, "surgecount":<Double_value>, "responsebytesrate":<Double_value>, "requestbytesrate":<Double_value>, "totalsvrbusyerr":<Double_value>, "avgcltttlb":<Double_value>, "type":<String_value>, "hitsrate":<Double_value>, "totalconnreassemblyqueue75":<Double_value>, "cursrvrconnections":<Double_value>, "cltresponsetimeapdex":<Double_value>, "primaryipaddress":<String_value>, "responsesrate":<Double_value>, "deferredreq":<Double_value>, "tcpmaxooopkts":<Double_value>, "totspillovers":<Double_value>, "totalrequestbytes":<Double_value>, "state":<String_value>, "vslbhealth":<Double_value>, "totalpktsrecvd":<Double_value>, "frustratingttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "totalh2responses":<Double_value>, "totvserverdownbackuphits":<Double_value>, "h2requestsrate":<Double_value>, "establishedconn":<Double_value>, "labelledconn":<Double_value>, "sothreshold":<Double_value>, "svrbusyerrrate":<Double_value>, "invalidrequestresponsedropped":<Double_value>, "totalresponses":<Double_value>, "curpersistencesessions":<Double_value>, "totalconnreassemblyqueueflush":<Double_value>, "totcltttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "pktsrecvdrate":<Double_value>, "vsvrsurgecount":<Double_value>, "pushlabel":<Double_value>, "toleratingttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "totalh2requests":<Double_value>, "curmptcpsessions":<Double_value>, "svcsurgecount":<Double_value>, "h2responsesrate":<Double_value>, "invalidrequestresponse":<Double_value>, "httpmaxhdrszpkts":<Double_value>, "deferredreqrate":<Double_value>, "actsvcs":<Double_value>, "curbackuppersistencesessions":<Double_value>, "pktssentrate":<Double_value>, "totalresponsebytes":<Double_value>, "primaryport":<Integer_value>, "requestsrate":<Double_value>, "inactsvcs":<Double_value> }]}


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/lbvserver/ name_value><String>

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{ "lbvserver": [ { "name":<String_value>, "curclntconnections":<Double_value>, "totalpktssent":<Double_value>, "tothits":<Double_value>, "totalrequests":<Double_value>, "cursubflowconn":<Double_value>, "surgecount":<Double_value>, "responsebytesrate":<Double_value>, "requestbytesrate":<Double_value>, "totalsvrbusyerr":<Double_value>, "avgcltttlb":<Double_value>, "type":<String_value>, "hitsrate":<Double_value>, "totalconnreassemblyqueue75":<Double_value>, "cursrvrconnections":<Double_value>, "cltresponsetimeapdex":<Double_value>, "primaryipaddress":<String_value>, "responsesrate":<Double_value>, "deferredreq":<Double_value>, "tcpmaxooopkts":<Double_value>, "totspillovers":<Double_value>, "totalrequestbytes":<Double_value>, "state":<String_value>, "vslbhealth":<Double_value>, "totalpktsrecvd":<Double_value>, "frustratingttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "totalh2responses":<Double_value>, "totvserverdownbackuphits":<Double_value>, "h2requestsrate":<Double_value>, "establishedconn":<Double_value>, "labelledconn":<Double_value>, "sothreshold":<Double_value>, "svrbusyerrrate":<Double_value>, "invalidrequestresponsedropped":<Double_value>, "totalresponses":<Double_value>, "curpersistencesessions":<Double_value>, "totalconnreassemblyqueueflush":<Double_value>, "totcltttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "pktsrecvdrate":<Double_value>, "vsvrsurgecount":<Double_value>, "pushlabel":<Double_value>, "toleratingttlbtransactions":<Double_value>, "totalh2requests":<Double_value>, "curmptcpsessions":<Double_value>, "svcsurgecount":<Double_value>, "h2responsesrate":<Double_value>, "invalidrequestresponse":<Double_value>, "httpmaxhdrszpkts":<Double_value>, "deferredreqrate":<Double_value>, "actsvcs":<Double_value>, "curbackuppersistencesessions":<Double_value>, "pktssentrate":<Double_value>, "totalresponsebytes":<Double_value>, "primaryport":<Integer_value>, "requestsrate":<Double_value>, "inactsvcs":<Double_value> }]}