
Statistics for ns.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
clearstats <String> Read-write Clear the statsistics / counters.

Possible values = basic, full
rescpuusagepcnt <Double> Read-only Average CPU utilization percentage. Not applicable for a single-CPU system.
cpuusagepcnt <Double> Read-only CPU utilization percentage.
cachemaxmemorykb <Double> Read-only Largest amount of memory the Citrix ADC can dedicate to caching, up to 50% of available memory. A 0 value disables caching, but the caching module continues to run.
delcmpratio <Double> Read-only Ratio of compressible data received to compressed data transmitted.If this ratio is one (uncmp:1.0) that means compression is disabled or we are not able to compress even a single compressible packet.
rescpuusage <Double> Read-only Shows average CPU utilization percentage if more than 1 CPU is present.
cpuusage <Double> Read-only CPU utilization percentage.
resmemusage <Double> Read-only Percentage of memory utilization on Citrix ADC.
comptotaldatacompressionratio <Double> Read-only Ratio of total HTTP data received to total HTTP data transmitted.
compratio <Double> Read-only Ratio of the compressible data received from the server to the compressed data sent to the client.
cacheutilizedmemorykb <Double> Read-only Amount of memory the integrated cache is currently using.
cachemaxmemoryactivekb <Double> Read-only Currently active value of maximum memory
cache64maxmemorykb <Double> Read-only Largest amount of memory the Citrix ADC can dedicate to caching, up to 50% of available memory. A 0 value disables caching, but the caching module continues to run.
cachepercentoriginbandwidthsaved <Double> Read-only Percentage of origin bandwidth saved, expressed as number of bytes served from the integrated cache divided by all bytes served. The assumption is that all compression is done in the Citrix ADC.
cachetotmisses <Double> Read-only Intercepted HTTP requests requiring fetches from origin server.
cachemissesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for cachetotmisses
cachetothits <Double> Read-only Responses served from the integrated cache. These responses match a policy with a CACHE action.
cachehitsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for cachetothits
memusagepcnt <Double> Read-only Percentage of memory utilization on Citrix ADC.
memuseinmb <Double> Read-only Main memory currently in use, in megabytes.
mgmtcpuusagepcnt <Double> Read-only Average Management CPU utilization percentage.
pktcpuusagepcnt <Double> Read-only Average CPU utilization percentage for all packet engines excluding management PE.
starttimelocal <String> Read-only Time (in local timezone format) when the Citrix ADC was last started.
starttime <String> Read-only Time when the Citrix ADC was last started.
transtime <String> Read-only Time when the last master state transition occurred. You can use this statistic for debugging.
hacurstate <String> Read-only State of the HA node, based on its health, in a high availability setup. Possible values are: UP - Indicates that the node is accessible and can function as either a primary or secondary node. DISABLED - Indicates that the high availability status of the node has been manually disabled. Synchronization and propagation cannot take place between the peer nodes. INIT - Indicates that the node is in the process of becoming part of the high availability configuration. PARTIALFAIL - Indicates that one of the high availability monitored interfaces has failed because of a card or link failure. This state triggers a failover. COMPLETEFAIL - Indicates that all the interfaces of the node are unusable, because the interfaces on which high availability monitoring is enabled are not connected or are manually disabled. This state triggers a failover. DUMB - Indicates that the node is in listening mode. It does not participate in high availability transitions or transfer configuration from the peer node. This is a configured value, not a statistic. PARTIALFAILSSL - Indicates that the SSL card has failed. This state triggers a failover. ROUTEMONITORFAIL - Indicates that the route monitor has failed. This state triggers a failover.
hacurmasterstate <String> Read-only Indicates the high availability state of the node. Possible values are: STAYSECONDARY - Indicates that the selected node remains the secondary node in a high availability setup. In this case a forced failover does not change the state but, instead, returns an appropriate error message. This is a configured value and not a statistic. PRIMARY - Indicates that the selected node is the primary node in a high availability setup. SECONDARY - Indicates that the selected node is the secondary node in a high availability setup. CLAIMING - Indicates that the secondary node is in the process of taking over as the primary node. This is the intermediate state in the transition of the secondary node to primary status. FORCE CHANGE - Indicates that the secondary node is forcibly changing its status to primary due to a forced failover issued on the secondary node.
sslnumcardsup <Double> Read-only Number of SSL cards that are UP. If the number of cards UP is lower than a threshold, a failover is initiated.
sslcards <Double> Read-only Number of SSL crypto cards present on the Citrix ADC.
disk0perusage <Double> Read-only Used space in /flash partition of the disk, as a percentage. This is a critical counter. You can configure /flash Used (%) by using the Set snmp alarm DISK-USAGE-HIGH command.
disk1perusage <Double> Read-only Used space in /var partition of the disk, as a percentage. This is a critical counter. You can configure /var Used (%) by using the Set snmp alarm DISK-USAGE-HIGH command.
disk0avail <Double> Read-only Available space in /flash partition of the hard disk.
disk1avail <Double> Read-only Available space in /var partition of the hard disk.
totrxmbits <Double> Read-only Number of megabytes received by the Citrix ADC.
rxmbitsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for totrxmbits
tottxmbits <Double> Read-only Number of megabytes transmitted by the Citrix ADC.
txmbitsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tottxmbits
tcpcurclientconn <Double> Read-only Client connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpcurclientconnestablished <Double> Read-only Current client connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the client.
tcpcurserverconn <Double> Read-only Server connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpcurserverconnestablished <Double> Read-only Current server connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the server.
httptotrequests <Double> Read-only Total number of HTTP requests received.
httprequestsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for httptotrequests
httptotresponses <Double> Read-only Total number of HTTP responses sent.
httpresponsesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for httptotresponses
httptotrxrequestbytes <Double> Read-only Total number of bytes of HTTP request data received.
httprxrequestbytesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for httptotrxrequestbytes
httptotrxresponsebytes <Double> Read-only Total number of bytes of HTTP response data received.
httprxresponsebytesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for httptotrxresponsebytes
ssltottransactions <Double> Read-only Number of SSL transactions on the Citrix ADC
ssltransactionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for ssltottransactions
ssltotsessionhits <Double> Read-only Number of SSL session reuse hits on the Citrix ADC.
sslsessionhitsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for ssltotsessionhits
appfirewallrequests <Double> Read-only HTTP/HTTPS requests sent to your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appfirewallrequestsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for appfirewallrequests
appfirewallresponses <Double> Read-only HTTP/HTTPS responses sent by your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appfirewallresponsesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for appfirewallresponses
appfirewallaborts <Double> Read-only Incomplete HTTP/HTTPS requests aborted by the client before the Application Firewall could finish processing them.
appfirewallabortsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for appfirewallaborts
appfirewallredirects <Double> Read-only HTTP/HTTPS requests redirected by the Application Firewall to a different Web page or web server. (HTTP 302)
appfirewallredirectsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for appfirewallredirects
enainbwlimitexceeded <Double> Read-only Inbound BW Limits Exceeded
enainbwlimitexceededrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for enainbwlimitexceeded
enaoutbwlimitexceeded <Double> Read-only Outbound BW Limits Exceeded
enaoutbwlimitexceededrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for enaoutbwlimitexceeded
enappslimitexceeded <Double> Read-only PPS Limits Exceeded
enappslimitexceededrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for enappslimitexceeded
enaconntracklimitexceeded <Double> Read-only Conn-Tracking Limits Exceeded
enaconntracklimitexceededrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for enaconntracklimitexceeded
enalinklocallimitexceeded <Double> Read-only Link-Local Limits Exceeded
enalinklocallimitexceededrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for enalinklocallimitexceeded
misccounter0 <Double> Read-only Miscellaneous Counter 0.
misccounter1 <Double> Read-only Miscellaneous Counter 1.
numcpus <Double> Read-only The number of CPUs on the Citrix ADC.


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: * Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/ns Query-parameters: args http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/ns? args=detail: <Boolean_value> ,fullvalues: <Boolean_value> ,ntimes: <Double_value> ,logfile: <String_value> ,clearstats: <String_value>

Use this query-parameter to get ns resources based on additional properties.

attrs http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/ns? attrs=property-name1,property-name2

Use this query parameter to specify the resource details that you want to retrieve.

Note: To retrieve rate counters using attrs option, please provide parent counter name in attrs. e.g., to get “rxmbitsrate” attribute in the STAT response, attrs should be “totrxmbits”

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Response: HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{  "ns": [ {
