
Statistics for http2 resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
clearstats Read-write Clear the statsistics / counters.

Possible values = basic, full
http2requests Read-only Total number of http2 requests
http2requestsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2requests
http2responses Read-only Total number of http2 responses
http2responsesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2responses
http2totgrpcrequest Read-only Total number of gRPC requests
http2grpcrequestrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2totgrpcrequest
http2totgrpcresponse Read-only Total number of gRPC responses
http2grpcresponserate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2totgrpcresponse
http2totgrpcsuccess Read-only Total number of gRPC success
http2grpcsuccessrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2totgrpcsuccess
http2totgrpcfailure Read-only Total number of gRPC failures
http2grpcfailurerate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2totgrpcfailure
http2direct Read-only Total number of http2 direct connections established
http2directrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2direct
http2serverdirect Read-only Number of HTTP/2 server direct
http2serverdirectrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2serverdirect
http2requpg Read-only Total number of connections upgraded to HTTP2
http2requpgrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2requpg
http2nomatcipher Read-only Total number of cipher mismatch failures
http2nomatcipherrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2nomatcipher
http2serverdirectfailed Read-only Number of HTTP/2 server direct failed
http2serverdirectfailedrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2serverdirectfailed
http2serverupgradefailed Read-only Number of HTTP/2 server upgrade failed
http2serverupgradefailedrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2serverupgradefailed
http2requestupgradefailed Read-only Number of HTTP/2 request upgrade failed
http2requestupgradefailedrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2requestupgradefailed
http2dataframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames sent
http2dataframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2dataframessent
http2headerframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 HEADER frames sent
http2headerframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2headerframessent
http2priorityframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PRIORITY frames sent
http2priorityframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2priorityframessent
http2rststreamframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames sent
http2rststreamframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2rststreamframessent
http2settingframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames sent
http2settingframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2settingframessent
http2pushpromiseframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames sent
http2pushpromiseframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2pushpromiseframessent
http2pingframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PING frames sent
http2pingframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2pingframessent
http2goawayframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames sent
http2goawayframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2goawayframessent
http2windowupdateframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames sent
http2windowupdateframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2windowupdateframessent
http2continuationframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames sent
http2continuationframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2continuationframessent
http2altsvcframessent Read-only Number of HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames sent
http2altsvcframessentrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2altsvcframessent
http2dataframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames received
http2dataframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2dataframesrcvd
http2headerframesrcvd Read-only Total number of http2 header frames received
http2headerframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2headerframesrcvd
http2priorityframesrcvd Read-only Total number of http2 priority frames received
http2priorityframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2priorityframesrcvd
http2rststreamframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames received
http2rststreamframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2rststreamframesrcvd
http2settingframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames received
http2settingframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2settingframesrcvd
http2pushpromframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames received
http2pushpromframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2pushpromframesrcvd
http2pingframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PING frames received
http2pingframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2pingframesrcvd
http2goawayframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames received
http2goawayframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2goawayframesrcvd
http2winupdateframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames received
http2winupdateframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2winupdateframesrcvd
http2continuationframesrcvd Read-only Number of HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames received
http2continuationframesrcvdrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2continuationframesrcvd
http2indataframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames
http2indataframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2indataframes
http2inheaderframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 HEADER frames
http2inheaderframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inheaderframes
http2inpriorityframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PRIORITY frames
http2inpriorityframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inpriorityframes
http2inrststreamframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames
http2inrststreamframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inrststreamframes
http2insettingframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames
http2insettingframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2insettingframes
http2inpushpromiseframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames
http2inpushpromiseframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inpushpromiseframes
http2inpingframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 PING frames
http2inpingframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inpingframes
http2ingoawayframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames
http2ingoawayframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2ingoawayframes
http2inwindowupdateframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames
http2inwindowupdateframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2inwindowupdateframes
http2incontinuationframes Read-only Number of HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames
http2incontinuationframesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2incontinuationframes
http2frametoobig Read-only Number of HTTP/2 frames received carrying a frame length greater than SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE sent by NetScale
http2frametoobigrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2frametoobig
http2pingflood Read-only HTTP/2 number of ping frames received on connection is above rate limit
http2pingfloodrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2pingflood
http2errsetflood Read-only HTTP/2 number of settings frames received on connection is above rate limit
http2errsetfloodrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2errsetflood
http2errresfraflood Read-only HTTP/2 number of reset frames sent on connection is above rate limit
http2errresfrafloodrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2errresfraflood
http2errempfraflood Read-only HTTP/2 number of empty frames received on connection is above rate limit
http2errempfrafloodrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2errempfraflood
http2errrxresfraflood Read-only HTTP/2 number of reset frames received on connection is above rate limit
http2errrxresfrafloodrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for http2errrxresfraflood


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: * Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/protocolhttp2 Query-parameters: args http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/protocolhttp2? args=detail: <Boolean_value> ,fullvalues: <Boolean_value> ,ntimes: <Double_value> ,logfile: <String_value> ,clearstats: <String_value>

Use this query-parameter to get protocolhttp2 resources based on additional properties.

attrs http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/protocolhttp2? attrs=property-name1,property-name2

Use this query parameter to specify the resource details that you want to retrieve.

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Response: HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{  "protocolhttp2": [ {
