ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “server”:

disable server

Disables all services on the server. When a server is disabled, all services on the server are disabled.


disable server @ \[] \[-graceFul \( YES | NO )]


name Name of the server to disable.

delay Time, in seconds, after which all the services configured on the server are disabled.

graceFul Shut down gracefully, without accepting any new connections, and disabling each service when all of its connections are closed.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO


disable server web_svr 30 To disable all the services configured on servers named serv1, serv2 and serv3 at once, use the following command: disable server serv[1-3]

rename server

Renames a server.


rename server @ @


name Existing name of the server.

newName New name for the server. Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters.


rename server s1 s1-new

set server

Modifies the specified parameters of a server entry.


set server @ \[-IPAddress <ip\_addr|ipv6\_addr|\*>@ | -domainResolveRetry | -translationIp <ip\_addr> | -translationMask | -domainResolveNow] \[-comment ]


name Name of the server whose parameters you are configuring.

IPAddress Name of the server whose parameters you are configuring.

domainResolveRetry Time, in seconds, for which the Citrix ADC must wait, after DNS resolution fails, before sending the next DNS query to resolve the domain name. Default value: 5 Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20939

translationIp IP address used to transform the server’s DNS-resolved IP address.

translationMask The netmask of the translation ip

domainResolveNow Immediately send a DNS query to resolve the server’s domain name.

comment Any information about the server.


set server http_svr -IPAddress To set multiple servers IP addresses at once you can use the following command: setserver serv[1-3] -IPAddress 10.102.27.[1-3] The above command sets the IP address of serv1 to, serv2 to and serv3 to

add server

Creates a server entry on the Citrix ADC. The Citrix ADC appliance supports two types of servers: IP address based servers and domain based servers.


add server @ \(@ | \(@ \[-domainResolveRetry ] \[-IPv6Address \( YES | NO )] \[-queryType ]) | \(-translationIp <ip\_addr> -translationMask )) \[-state \( ENABLED | DISABLED )] \[-comment ] \[-td <positive\_integer>]


name Name for the server. Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Can be changed after the name is created.

IPAddress IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. If you create an IP address based server, you can specify the name of the server, instead of its IP address, when creating a service. Note: If you do not create a server entry, the server IP address that you enter when you create a service becomes the name of the server.

domain Domain name of the server. For a domain based configuration, you must create the server first.

translationIp IP address used to transform the server’s DNS-resolved IP address.

translationMask The netmask of the translation ip

domainResolveRetry Time, in seconds, for which the Citrix ADC must wait, after DNS resolution fails, before sending the next DNS query to resolve the domain name. Default value: 5 Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20939

state Initial state of the server.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED

IPv6Address Support IPv6 addressing mode. If you configure a server with the IPv6 addressing mode, you cannot use the server in the IPv4 addressing mode.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO

comment Any information about the server.

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

queryType Specify the type of DNS resolution to be done on the configured domain to get the backend services. Valid query types are A, AAAA and SRV with A being the default querytype. The type of DNS resolution done on the domains in SRV records is inherited from ipv6 argument.

Possible values: A, AAAA, SRV Default value: A


add server web_serv To add multiple servers you can use the following command: add server serv[1-3] 10.102.27.[151-153] The above command adds three servers: serv1 with IP, serv2 with IP and serv3 with IP

rm server

Removes a server entry from the Citrix ADC.


rm server @ ...


name Name of the server entry to remove.


rm server web_svr To remove the servers named serv1, serv2 and serv3 at once you can use the following command: rm server serv[1-3]

show server

Displays the parameters of all the server entries on the appliance, or the parameters of the specified server entry.


show server [ | -internal]


name Name of the server for which to display parameters.

internal Display names of the servers that have been created for internal use.


IPAddress The IP Address of server.

state The State of the server.

domain The domain name of the server.

domainResolveRetry Time, in seconds, for which the Citrix ADC must wait, after DNS resolution fails, before sending the next DNS query to resolve the domain name.

serviceName The services attatched to the server.

serviceGroupName servicegroups bind to this server

translationIp IP address used to transform the server’s DNS-resolved IP address.

translationMask The netmask of the translation ip

comment Any information about the server.

stateflag stateflag

serviceType The type of bound service

serviceIPAddress The IP address of the bound service

serviceIPstr This field has been intorduced to show the dbs services ip

port The port number to be used for the bound service.

svrState The state of the bound service

stateChangeTimeSec Time when last state change happened. Seconds part.

ticksSinceLastStateChange Time in 10 millisecond ticks since the last state change.

IPv6Address Support IPv6 addressing mode. If you configure a server with the IPv6 addressing mode, you cannot use the server in the IPv4 addressing mode.

svrcfgFlags Contains config info about the service like LOOPBACK/DMNBASED/INTERNAL

port port of the service.

serviceType service type of the service.

svrcfgFlags service flags to denote its a db enabled.

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0.

autoScale Auto scale option for a servicegroup

CustomServerID A positive integer to identify the service. Used when the persistency type is set to Custom Server ID.

monThreshold Minimum sum of weights of the monitors that are bound to this service. Used to determine whether to mark a service as UP or DOWN.

maxClient Maximum number of simultaneous open connections for the service group.

maxReq Maximum number of requests that can be sent on a persistent connection to the service group. Note: Connection requests beyond this value are rejected.

maxBandwidth Maximum bandwidth, in Kbps, allocated for all the services in the service group.

usip Use the client’s IP address as the source IP address when initiating a connection to the server. When creating a service, if you do not set this parameter, the service inherits the global Use Source IP setting (available in the enable ns mode and disable ns mode CLI commands, or in the System > Settings > Configure modes > Configure Modes dialog box). However, you can override this setting after you create the service.

CKA Enable client keep-alive for the service group.

TCPB Enable TCP buffering for the service group.

CMP Enable compression for the specified service.

cltTimeout Time, in seconds, after which to terminate an idle client connection.

svrTimeout Time, in seconds, after which to terminate an idle server connection.

cipHeader Name of the HTTP header whose value must be set to the IP address of the client. Used with the Client IP parameter. If client IP insertion is enabled, and the client IP header is not specified, the value of Client IP Header parameter or the value set by the set ns config command is used as client’s IP header name.

cip Before forwarding a request to the service, insert an HTTP header with the client’s IPv4 or IPv6 address as its value. Used if the server needs the client’s IP address for security, accounting, or other purposes, and setting the Use Source IP parameter is not a viable option.

cacheable Use the transparent cache redirection virtual server to forward the request to the cache server.

sp Enable surge protection for the service group.

downStateFlush Perform delayed clean-up of connections to all services in the service group.

appflowLog Enable logging of AppFlow information for the specified service group.

boundTD Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0.

queryType Specify the type of DNS resolution to be done on the configured domain to get the backend services. Valid query types are A, AAAA and SRV with A being the default querytype. The type of DNS resolution done on the domains in SRV records is inherited from ipv6 argument.

serviceGroupEntName2 Used for show server of SRV type to indicate target FQDNs

svcitmPriority Indicates the Priority of the SRV target FQDN

svcitmActSvcs Indicates the total number of active IPs for SRV target FQDN

svcitmBoundSvcs Indicates the total number of bound IPs for the SRV target FQDN

weight Indicates the weight of bound IPs

devno count


show server web_svr1 Name: web_svr1 State:ENABLED IPAddress:

show server web_svr1 Name: web_svr2 State:ENABLED Domain: Resolve Retry: 30 Secs Translation IP: Translation Mask:

unset server

Use this command to remove server settings.Refer to the set server command for meanings of the arguments.


unset server @ -comment

enable server

Enables all services on the specified server.


enable server @


name Name of the server to enable.


enable server web_serv To enable all the services configured on servers named serv1, serv2 and serv3 at once, use the following command: enable server serv[1-3]
