ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cache-object”:

save show expire flush

save cache object

Save a cached object to local disk.


save cache object [-locator ] [-tosecondary ( YES NO )]


locator The ID of the cached object. Minimum value: 0

tosecondary Object will be saved onto Secondary.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO

show cache object

Displays a list of all cached objects. The list displays the unique locator ID of each cached object along with the content group in which it was cached, and other details. To view more details of a specific cached object, use the -locator parameter along with this command.


show cache object [(-url \(-host \[-port ] \[-groupName ] \[-httpMethod \( GET | POST )])) | -locator <positive\_integer> | -httpStatus <positive\_integer> | -group | -ignoreMarkerObjects \( ON | OFF ) | -includeNotReadyObjects \( ON | OFF )]


url URL of the particular object whose details is required. Parameter “host” must be specified along with the URL.

locator ID of the cached object. Minimum value: 0

httpStatus HTTP status of the object. Minimum value: 0

host Host name of the object. Parameter “url” must be specified.

port Host port of the object. You must also set the Host parameter. Default value: 80 Minimum value: 1

groupName Name of the content group to which the object belongs. It will display only the objects belonging to the specified content group. You must also set the Host parameter.

httpMethod HTTP request method that caused the object to be stored.

Possible values: GET, POST Default value: GET

group Name of the content group whose objects should be listed.

ignoreMarkerObjects Ignore marker objects. Marker objects are created when a response exceeds the maximum or minimum response size for the content group or has not yet received the minimum number of hits for the content group.

Possible values: ON, OFF

includeNotReadyObjects Include responses that have not yet reached a minimum number of hits before being cached.

Possible values: ON, OFF


cacheResSize Cache response size of the object.

cacheResHdrSize Cache response header size of the object.

cacheETag Cache ETag of the object.

httpStatusOutput HTTP status of the object.

cacheResLastMod Value of “Last-modified” header.

cacheControl Cache-Control header of the object.

cacheResDate Value of “Date” header

contentGroup Name of the contentgroup in which it is stored.

destIP Destination IP.

destIPV46 Destination IP.

destPort Destination Port.

cacheCellComplex The state of the parameterized caching on this cell.

hitParams Parameterized hit evaluation of an object.

hitValues Values of hitparams for this object.

cacheCellReqTime Required time of the cache cell object.

cacheCellResTime Response time to the cache cell object.

cacheCurAge Current age of the cache object.

cacheCellExpires Expiry time of the cache cell object in seconds.

cacheCellExpiresMilliSec Expiry time of the cache cell object in milliseconds.

flushed Specifies whether the object is flushed.

prefetch Specifies whether Integrated Cache should attempt to refresh an object immediately before it goes stale.

prefetchPeriod The duration in seconds of the period during which prefetch should be attempted, immediately before the object’s calculated expiry time.

prefetchPeriodMilliSec The duration in milliseconds of the period during which prefetch should be attempted, immediately before the object’s calculated expiry time.

cacheCellCurReaders Current readers of the cache cell object.

cacheCellCurMisses Current misses of the cache cell object.

cacheCellHits Cache cell hits.

cacheCellMisses Cache cell misses.

cacheCellDHits Cache cell disk hits.

cacheCellGzipCompressed The state of the response being gzip-compressed.

cacheCellDeflateCompressed The state of the response being deflate-compressed.

cacheCellCompressionFormat Compression format of this object. Identity means not compressed

cacheCellAppFWMetadataExists AppFirewall cache object.

cacheCellHttp11 The state of the response to be HTTP/1.1.

cacheCellWeakEtag The state of the weak HTTP Entity Tag in the cell.

cacheCellResBadSize The marked state of the cell.

markerReason Reason for marking the cell.

cacheCellPollEveryTime The state to poll every time on object.

cacheCellEtagInserted The state of the ETag to be inserted by IC for this object.

cacheCellReadyWithLastByte The state of the complete arrived response.

cacheInMemory The cache data is available in memory.

cacheInDisk The cache data is available in disk.

cacheInSecondary The cache data is available in secondary in HA deployment.

cacheDirname The directory name used if saved.

cacheFilename The filename used if saved.

cacheCellDestipVerified The state of DNS verification.

cacheCellFwpxyObj The state of the object to be stored on a request to a forward proxy.

cacheCellBasefile The state of delta being used as a basefile.

cacheCellMinHitFlag The state of the minhit feature on this cell.

cacheCellMinHit Min hit value for the object.

policy Policy info for the object.

policyName Policy which created the object.

selectorName The hit selector for the object.

rule Selectors for this object.

selectorValue The HTTP request method that caused the object to be stored.

cacheUrls List of cache object URLs.

numurls Total number of cache object entries returned in cacheUrls field

warnBucketSkip Bucket skipped warning.

totalObjs Total objects.

httpCalloutCell Is it a http callout cell ?

httpCalloutName Name of the http callout

returnType Return type of the http callout

httpCalloutResult First few bytes of http callout response

locatorshow ID of the cached object.

ceflags Indicates state and type of cached cell

devno count stateflag

expire cache object

Forces expiry of a cached object. You have to specify the locator ID of the cached object by using the -locator parameter.


expire cache object (-locator (-url \(-host \[-port ] \[-groupName ] \[-httpMethod \( GET POST )])))


locator ID of the cached object to be expired To view the locator ID of the cached objects, use the show cache object command. Minimum value: 0

url The URL of the object to be expired.

host The host of the object to be expired.

port The host port of the object to be expired. Default value: 80 Minimum value: 1

groupName Name of the content group to which the object belongs.

httpMethod HTTP request method that caused the object to be stored.

Possible values: GET, POST Default value: GET

flush cache object

Removes a cached object from memory and from disk (if it has a disk copy). You have to specify the locator ID of the cached object by using the -locator parameter


flush cache object (-locator (-url \(-host \[-port ] \[-groupName ] \[-httpMethod \( GET POST )])))


locator ID of the cached object. To view the locator ID of the cached objects, use the show cache object command. Minimum value: 0

url URL of the object to be flushed. You must also set the Host parameter.

host Host of the object to be flushed. Must provide the “url” parameter along with the host.

port Host port of the object to be flushed. Must provide the “host” parameter along with the port. Default value: 80 Minimum value: 1

groupName Name of the content group to which the object belongs. Must provide the "host" parameter along with the group name.

httpMethod HTTP request method that caused the object to be stored. All objects cached by that method will be flushed.

Possible values: GET, POST Default value: GET
