ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “policy-urlset”:

add rm import show update export

add policy urlset

Adds a url set.


add policy urlset [-comment ]


name Unique name of the url set. Not case sensitive. Must begin with an ASCII letter or underscore (_) character and must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Must not be the name of an existing named expression, pattern set, dataset, string map, or HTTP callout.

comment Any comments to preserve information about this url set.


add policy urlset urlset1

rm policy urlset

Removes a url set. If the url set is used by an expression in another object, such as a policy, you must remove the object before removing the url set.


rm policy urlset


name Name of the url set to remove.


rm urlset urlset1

import policy urlset

Imports the specified urlset to the Citrix ADC, assigns it the specified name.


import policy urlset [-overwrite] [-delimiter ] [-rowSeparator ] -url [-interval ] [-privateSet] [-subdomainExactMatch] [-MatchedId ] [-canaryUrl ]


name Unique name of the url set. Not case sensitive. Must begin with an ASCII letter or underscore (_) character and must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Must not be the name of an existing named expression, pattern set, dataset, string map, or HTTP callout.

overwrite Overwrites the existing file. Default value: 0

delimiter CSV file record delimiter. Default value: 44

rowSeparator CSV file row separator. Default value: 10

url URL (protocol, host, path and file name) from where the CSV (comma separated file) file will be imported or exported. Each record/line will one entry within the urlset. The first field contains the URL pattern, subsequent fields contains the metadata, if available. HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols are supported. NOTE: The operation fails if the destination HTTPS server requires client certificate authentication for access.

interval The interval, in seconds, rounded down to the nearest 15 minutes, at which the update of urlset occurs. Default value: 0 Maximum value: 2592000

privateSet Prevent this urlset from being exported. Default value: 0

subdomainExactMatch Force exact subdomain matching, ex. given an entry ‘’ in the urlset, a request to ‘’ won’t match, if subdomainExactMatch is set. Default value: 0

MatchedId An ID that would be sent to AppFlow to indicate which URLSet was the last one that matched the requested URL. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 2 Maximum value: 31

canaryUrl Add this URL to this urlset. Used for testing when contents of urlset is kept confidential.


import policy urlset urlset1 -url

show policy urlset

Displays information about the configured urlsets.


show policy urlset [] [-imported]


name Name of the url set for which to display the detailed information. If a name is not provided, a list of all url sets configured on the appliance is shown.

imported when set, display shows all imported urlsets. Default value: 0


stateflag comment Any comments to preserve information about this url set.

patternCount Number of patterns in this urlset.

url URL (protocol, host, path and file name) from where the CSV (comma separated file) file will be imported or exported. Each record/line will one entry within the urlset. The first field contains the URL pattern, subsequent fields contains the metadata, if available. HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols are supported. NOTE: The operation fails if the destination HTTPS server requires client certificate authentication for access.

delimiter CSV file record delimiter.

rowSeparator CSV file row separator.

interval The interval, in seconds, rounded down to the nearest 15 minutes, at which the update of urlset occurs.

MatchedId An ID that would be sent to AppFlow to indicate which URLSet was the last one that matched the requested URL.

canaryUrl Add this URL to this urlset. Used for testing when contents of urlset is kept confidential.

devno count


show policy urlset urlset1

update policy urlset

Update the specified urlset from the source.


update policy urlset


name Name of the urlset to update.


update policy urlset urlset1

export policy urlset

Exports the specified urlset to the URL. Ensure the URL accepts a PUT request for HTTP/HTTPS URL.


export policy urlset -url


name Unique name of the url set. Not case sensitive. Must begin with an ASCII letter or underscore (_) character and must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Must not be the name of an existing named expression, pattern set, dataset, string map, or HTTP callout.

url URL (protocol, host, path and file name) from where the CSV (comma separated file) file will be imported or exported. Each record/line will one entry within the urlset. The first field contains the URL pattern, subsequent fields contains the metadata, if available. HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols are supported. NOTE: The operation fails if the destination HTTPS server requires client certificate authentication for access.


export policy urlset urlset1 -url
