ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “contentinspection-profile”:

unset set show rm add

unset contentinspection profile

Use this command to remove contentinspection profile settings.Refer to the set contentinspection profile command for meanings of the arguments.


unset contentinspection profile [-egressVlan] [-ingressVlan]

set contentinspection profile

Modifies the attributes of contentinspection profile


set contentinspection profile [-egressInterface ] [-ingressInterface ] [-egressVlan ] [-ingressVlan ] [-ipTunnel ]


name Name of a ContentInspection profile. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore (_) character. Other characters allowed, after the first character, are the hyphen (-), period (.), hash (#), space ( ), at (@), colon (:), and equal (=) characters. The name of a IPS profile cannot be changed after it is created.

CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my ips profile” or ‘my ips profile’).

egressInterface Egress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of type INLINEINSPECTION or MIRROR.

ingressInterface Ingress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of IPS type.

egressVlan Egress Vlan for CI Minimum value: 0

ingressVlan Ingress Vlan for CI Minimum value: 0

ipTunnel IP Tunnel for CI profile. It is used while creating a ContentInspection profile of type MIRROR when the IDS device is in a different network


set contentinspectionprofile -ingressinterface "1/3"

show contentinspection profile

Displays contentinspection profile/s configured on netscaler


show contentinspection profile []


name Name of the contentinspection profile to be displayed


type Type of ContentInspection profile. Following types are available to configure: INLINEINSPECTION : To inspect the packets/requests using IPS. MIRROR : To forward cloned packets.

egressInterface Egress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of type INLINEINSPECTION or MIRROR.

ingressInterface Ingress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of IPS type.

egressVlan Egress Vlan for CI

ingressVlan Ingress Vlan for CI

ipTunnel IP Tunnel for CI profile. It is used while creating a ContentInspection profile of type MIRROR when the IDS device is in a different network

devno count stateflag


show contentinspection profile [profile-name]

rm contentinspection profile

Removes contentinspection profile.


rm contentinspection profile


name Name of a ContentInspection profile. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore (_) character. Other characters allowed, after the first character, are the hyphen (-), period (.), hash (#), space ( ), at (@), colon (:), and equal (=) characters. The name of a IPS profile cannot be changed after it is created.

CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my ips profile” or ‘my ips profile’).


rm contentinspectionprofile

add contentinspection profile

Adds ContentInspection profile to the NetScaler appliance.


add contentinspection profile -type \( InlineInspection | Mirror ) \[-ingressInterface <interface\_name> \[-ingressVlan <positive\_integer>]] \(\(-egressInterface <interface\_name> \[-egressVlan <positive\_integer>]) | -ipTunnel )


name Name of a ContentInspection profile. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore (_) character. Other characters allowed, after the first character, are the hyphen (-), period (.), hash (#), space ( ), at (@), colon (:), and equal (=) characters. The name of a IPS profile cannot be changed after it is created.

CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my ips profile” or ‘my ips profile’).

type Type of ContentInspection profile. Following types are available to configure: INLINEINSPECTION : To inspect the packets/requests using IPS. MIRROR : To forward cloned packets.

Possible values: InlineInspection, Mirror

ingressInterface Ingress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of IPS type.

ingressVlan Ingress Vlan for CI Minimum value: 0

egressInterface Egress interface for CI profile.It is a mandatory argument while creating an ContentInspection profile of type INLINEINSPECTION or MIRROR.

ipTunnel IP Tunnel for CI profile. It is used while creating a ContentInspection profile of type MIRROR when the IDS device is in a different network

egressVlan Egress Vlan for CI Minimum value: 0


add contentinspectionprofile ips_profile1 -type InlineInspection -ingressinterface “1/2” -egressinterface “1/4”
