ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “transform-profile”:

show add set rm unset

show transform profile

Displays the current settings for the specified URL Transformation profile. If no URL Transformation profile name is specified, displays a list of all URL Transformation profiles currently configured on the Citrix ADC.


show transform profile []


name Name of the profile.


actionName URL Transformation action name.

stateflag type Type of transformation. Always URL for URL Transformation profiles.

RegexForFindingURLinJavaScript Patclass having regexes to find the URLs in JavaScript.

RegexForFindingURLinCSS Patclass having regexes to find the URLs in CSS.

RegexForFindingURLinXComponent Patclass having regexes to find the URLs in X-Component.

RegexForFindingURLinXML Patclass having regexes to find the URLs in XML.

additionalReqHeadersList Patclass having a list of additional request header names that should transformed.

additionalRespHeadersList Patclass having a list of additional response header names that should transformed.

onlyTransformAbsURLinBody In the HTTP body, transform only absolute URLs. Relative URLs are ignored.

comment Any comments to preserve information about this URL Transformation profile.

priority Priority of the Action within the Profile.

state Enabled flag.

profileName URL Transformation profile name.

reqUrlFrom Pattern of original request URLs. It corresponds to the way external users view the server, and acts as a source for request transformations.

reqUrlInto Pattern of transformed request URLs. It corresponds to internal addresses and indicates how they are created.

resUrlFrom Pattern of original response URLs. It corresponds to the way external users view the server, and acts as a source for response transformations.

resUrlInto Pattern of transformed response URLs. It corresponds to internal addresses and indicates how they are created.

cookieDomainFrom Pattern of the original domain in Set-Cookie headers.

cookieDomainInto Pattern of the transformed domain in Set-Cookie headers.

actionComment Comments.

devno count

add transform profile

Creates a URL transformation profile, which contains a list of actions that define how the URLs in a request or response are to be modified. NOTE: In the URL Transformation feature (unlike all other Citrix ADC features), “profile” and “action” are not synonymous but refer to distinct entities. You must create the profile first, and then the actions.


add transform profile [-type URL]


name Name for the URL transformation profile. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-), period (.) pound (#), space ( ), at (@), equals (=), colon (:), and underscore characters. Cannot be changed after the URL transformation profile is added.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my transform profile” or ‘my transform profile’).

type Type of transformation. Always URL for URL Transformation profiles.

Possible values: URL

set transform profile

Modifies the settings of a URL Transformation profile.


set transform profile \[-type URL] \[-onlyTransformAbsURLinBody \( ON | OFF )] \[-comment ]


name Name of the profile to be modified.

type Type of transformation. Always URL for URL Transformation profiles.

Possible values: URL

onlyTransformAbsURLinBody In the HTTP body, transform only absolute URLs. Relative URLs are ignored.

Possible values: ON, OFF

comment Any comments to preserve information about this URL Transformation profile.

rm transform profile

Removes a URL Transformation profile.


rm transform profile


name Name of the profile to remove.

unset transform profile

Use this command to remove transform profile settings.Refer to the set transform profile command for meanings of the arguments.


unset transform profile [-type] [-onlyTransformAbsURLinBody] [-comment]
