ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cloud-ngsparameter”:

set show unset

set cloud ngsparameter


set cloud ngsparameter [-blockonallowedngstktprof ( YES NO )] [-allowedudtversion ] \[-csvserverTicketingDecouple \( YES NO )] [-allowdtls12 ( YES NO )]


blockonallowedngstktprof Enables blocking connections authenticated with a ticket createdby by an entity not whitelisted in allowedngstktprofile

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO

allowedudtversion Enables the required UDT version to EDT connections in the CGS deployment

Possible values: V4, V5, V6, V7 Default value: V4

csvserverTicketingDecouple Enables Decoupling CSVSERVER state from Ticketing Service state in the CGS deployment

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO

allowdtls12 Enables DTLS1.2 for client connections on CGS

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO

show cloud ngsparameter


show cloud ngsparameter



blockonallowedngstktprof Enables blocking connections authenticated with a ticket createdby by an entity not whitelisted in allowedngstktprofile

allowedudtversion Enables the required UDT version to EDT connections in the CGS deployment

csvserverTicketingDecouple Enables Decoupling CSVSERVER state from Ticketing Service state in the CGS deployment

allowdtls12 Enables DTLS1.2 for client connections on CGS

unset cloud ngsparameter

Use this command to remove cloud ngsparameter settings.Refer to the set cloud ngsparameter command for meanings of the arguments.


unset cloud ngsparameter [-blockonallowedngstktprof] [-allowedudtversion] [-csvserverTicketingDecouple] [-allowdtls12]
