Configuration for XenServer Interface resource.
(click to see Operations )
Name | Data Type | Permissions | Description |
auto_applied |
Read-write | True if AUTO is selected as speed. |
range |
Read-write | Range for Base Mac Address.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 50 |
channel_tag_all_vlans |
Read-write | If true then all the member interfaces of this channel are tagged. Possible values: true and false. |
mapped_port |
Read-write | Mapped Port Name Ex: eth0.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 50 |
lacp_channel_time |
Read-write | LACP time. Possible values: fast and slow.
Minimum length = 4 Maximum length = 10 |
channel_interface_list |
Read-write | Comma separated list of interfaces that are part of this channel if this interface represents a channel (10/1, 10/4).
Maximum length = 256 |
channel_alias |
Read-write | Alias name for this channel.
Minimum length = 4 Maximum length = 31 |
id |
Read-write | Id is system generated key . |
add_mac_address |
Read-write | Add Mac Address. |
apply_mac_address |
Read-write | Apply Mac Address. |
channel_type |
Read-write | Channel type if this interface represents a channel (LACP or Static).
Minimum length = 4 Maximum length = 16 |
mtu |
Read-write | MTU value, should be between 1500-9126. |
channel_id |
Read-write | Channel ID if this interface represents a channel (LA/1, LA/2 …).
Minimum length = 4 Maximum length = 5 |
display_name |
Read-write | Display Name Ex: Management Port.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 50 |
port |
Read-write | Port Name Ex: 10/1.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 50 |
static_channel_state |
Read-write | Static channel state (Enabled/Disabled). |
channel_ha_monitoring |
Read-write | HA-monitoring control for the channel. Possible values: true and false. |
base_mac_address |
Read-write | Mac Address.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 32 |
channel_throughput |
Read-write | Minimum required throughput in Mbps for this channel.
Maximum value = |
channel_bandwidth_high |
Read-write | Higher end threshold of the channel bandwidth usage in Mbps.
Maximum value = |
channel_bandwidth_normal |
Read-write | Lower end threshold of the channel bandwidth usage in Mbps.
Maximum value = |
flow_control_tx |
Read-write | TX Pause. |
vlan_strippping_state |
Read-write | VLAN Stripping State, 0: Disabled 1: Enabled. |
speed |
Read-write | Actual speed .
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
support_auto_neg |
Read-write | true if the port supports auto-negotiation. |
flow_control_auto_neg |
Read-write | Auto Negotiation For Flow Control. |
duplex |
Read-write | Duplex.
Minimum length = 1 Maximum length = 128 |
sync_operation |
Read-write | sync operation. |
adv_auto_neg |
Read-write | true if the advertised auto-negotiation for the port is true. |
flow_control_rx |
Read-write | RX Pause. |
admin_state |
Read-only | Admin can enable or disable the interface. |
xen_bond_uuid |
Read-only | UUID of the corresponding bond in Xenserver. |
is_mgmt_bond |
Read-only | True if this bond is on management interface. |
lacp_channel_mac_address |
Read-only | Mac address of the bond on Xenserver. |
interface_type |
Read-only | Indicates if this is an interface or a channel or a member interface of a channel. |
supported_link_modes | <String[]> | Read-only | Supported Link Modes. |
state |
Read-only | State of the port.. |
device_name |
Read-only | Device Name. |
act_id |
Read-only | Activity Id. |
port_type |
Read-only | Port Type. |
supported_port_types | <String[]> | Read-only | Supported Port Types. |
cpu_socket |
Read-only | CPU Socket to which this interface belong to. |
adv_link_modes | <String[]> | Read-only | Advertised Link Modes. |
(click to see Properties )
Some options that you can use for each operations:
Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:
http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes
If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.
Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,
To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:
X-NITRO-USER: <username>
X-NITRO-PASS: <password>
Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:
Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>
Mandatory parameters are marked in
and placeholder content is marked in
The following parameters can be used in the nitro request : onerror <String_value>
Use this parameter to set the onerror status for nitro request. Applicable only for bulk requests.
Default value: EXIT
Possible values = EXIT, CONTINUE
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface?onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"host_interface": {
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "host_interface":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface/id_value<String>?action=reset;onerror=<String_value> HTTPS Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
{"host_interface": { }}
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt}
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface/id_value<String> HTTPS Method: DELETE
Request Headers: X-NITRO-USER:username_value<String>
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt }
get (all)
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface Query-parameters:
filter https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface ?filter=property-name1:property-value1,property-name2:property-value2 Use this query-parameter to get the filtered set of host_interface resources configured on the system. You can set a filter on any property of the resource.
pagesize=#no;pageno=#no https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface ?pagesize=#no;pageno=#no Use this query-parameter to get the host_interface resources in chunks.
count https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface ?count=yes Use this query-parameter to get the count of host_interface resources.
Request Headers: Accept: application/json
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Headers:
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "host_interface":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface/id_value<String> HTTPS Method: GET
Request Headers: Accept: application/json
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Headers:
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "host_interface":[{
URL: https://<MGMT-IP>/nitro/v2/config/host_interface/id_value<String> HTTPS Method: PUT
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload:
Response: HTTPS Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTPS Status Code on Failure: 4xx (for general HTTPS errors) or 5xx (for NetScaler-MAS-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error
Response Payload:
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": ;ltString_value;gt, "host_interface":[{