ADC Advanced Policy Expressions


Provides expressions to retrieve radius header information and radius Header and AVPs (attribute value pairs) from radius requests and responses.

Note: The radius implementation is RFC 2865 and 2866 compliant.

This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.


    Returns true if this is a radius client connection.

Returns: bool_at


    Returns true if this is a radius server connection.

Returns: bool_at


    Creates Radius Access Reject message (Header only) based on Request header.

Returns: text_t

NEW_ANSWER (uint code)

Creates Radius message (Header only) based on Request header.


            code- Radius Message code

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER32 (uint avpcode, num_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Integer32 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER64 (uint avpcode, ip_address_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Interger64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER64 (uint avpcode, num_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Interger64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER64 (uint avpcode, time_local_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Interger64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER64 (uint avpcode, time_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Interger64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_INTEGER64 (uint avpcode, unsigned_long_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Interger64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_IPADDRESS (uint avpcode, ip_address_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given IP address value. Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP_IPADDRESS(8,


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value as octet string

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_IPV6ADDRESS (uint avpcode, ipv6_address_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given IPv6 address value. Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP_IPV6ADDRESS(95, 127:1:1::1)


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value as octet string

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_IPV6SUBNET (uint avpcode, ipv6_subnet_at s)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given IPv6 Subnet value. Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP_IPV6SUBNET(97, 127::1/64)


            avpcode- AVP code

            s- IPv6 Subnet

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP (uint avpcode, text_t avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given value. Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP(1, "Hemant") Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP(97, RADIUS.REQ.AVP(97).VALUE(0))


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value as octet string

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_TIME (uint avpcode, time_at t)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given time value. Example: RADIUS.NEW_AVP(, GMT May 10h 0m)


            avpcode- AVP code

            t- Time

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED32 (uint avpcode, uint avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given Unsigned32 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED64 (uint avpcode, ip_address_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given unsigned64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED64 (uint avpcode, num_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given unsigned64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED64 (uint avpcode, time_local_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given unsigned64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED64 (uint avpcode, time_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given unsigned64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_AVP_UNSIGNED64 (uint avpcode, unsigned_long_at avpvalue)

Creates new AVP based on given avp code and given unsigned64 value.


            avpcode- AVP code

            avpvalue- AVP value

Returns: text_t

NEW_VENDOR_SPEC_AVP (uint vendorid, text_t avpvalue)

Creates new Vendor-Specific AVP with given vendor id and given value.


            vendorid- Vendor ID

            avpvalue- AVP value as octet string

Returns: text_t

  • REQ

    Retrieves header information and AVPs from radius requests.

Returns: radius_req_t

  • RES

    Retrieves header information and AVPs from radius responses.

Returns: radius_res_t



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