ADC Advanced Policy Expressions


Operates on a vserver

This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.


    Returns number of active services Raises undef if used on non ADDR based vservers

Returns: num_at


    Returns current active transaction counter accumulated on vserver level

Returns: unsigned_long_at


    Returns average number of requests in surge queue per active service Raises undef if used on non ADDR based vservers

Returns: double_at


    Returns number of connections on the vserver as Unsigned long number.

Returns: unsigned_long_at

DETERMINE_SERVICES (server_attr_e attr, text_t separator)

Determines the services selected by the LoadBalancing Algorithm on a given vserver and returns a list of them in the preference order.

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            attr- - Service Attribute which could be service description - 'DESCRIPTION', service name - 'NAME', service IP - 'IP', service port - 'PORT', service IP:port combination - 'IPPORT'

            separator- - The string inserted between each of the returned services

Returns: text_t


    Returns as number, the percentage of UP services bound to the vserver.

Returns: num_at


    Returns in Boolean TRUE if number of connections on a vserver reached the dynamic threshold, computed as a sum of max clients on all active services under the vserver.

Returns: bool_at


    Returns the configured maximum number of autoscale members Raises undef if used on non ADDR based vservers

Returns: num_at


    Returns the configured minimum number of autoscale members Raises undef if used on non ADDR based vservers

Returns: num_at

  • NAME

    Returns the name of the vserver(CS/LB).

Returns: text_t


    Returns as number, the response time in milli-seconds. RESPTIME is the average TTFB (Time To recieve First Byte) from all the backend services bound to this vserver.

Returns: num_at

SNMP_TABLE (uint index)

Returns the load entry in the SNMP table at given index

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            index- Index Raises undef if used on non ADDR based vservers or vserver does not have SNMP load table or the index is out of boundary (valid index values are 0-9)

Returns: snmp_table_t


    Returns the state of vserver.

Returns: vserver_state_e


    Returns as number, the number of requests in surge queue of vserver.

Returns: unsigned_long_at


    Returns throughput of the vserver in Mbps (Megabits per sec) as Unsigned long number.

Returns: unsigned_long_at


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