ADC Advanced Policy Expressions


Provides operations for the 48-bit MAC address value.

This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.

APPEND (text_t str)

Appends the given string to the string representation of the current MAC address.


            str- the string to append.

Returns: text_t

EQ (mac_address_at m)

Compares the MAC address of the packet source ethernet interface against the MAC address designated in mac, and returns TRUE if they match.

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            m- MAC Address

Returns: bool_at

  • GET1

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the first segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns 12. So, if the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET1.EQ(0xd6) will return true.

Returns: num_at

  • GET2

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the second segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns 34. So, If the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET2.EQ(0x96) will return true.

Returns: num_at

  • GET3

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the third segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns 56. So, If the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET3.EQ(0xa1) will return true.

Returns: num_at

  • GET4

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the fourth segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns 78. So, If the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET4.EQ(0xa8) will return true.

Returns: num_at

  • GET5

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the fifth segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns 9a. So, If the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET5.EQ(0x89) will return true.

Returns: num_at

  • GET6

    Returns the hexadecimal code of the sixth segment of the destination MAC address. For example, if the MAC address is 12:34:56:78:9a:bc, returns bc. So, If the Client's MAC address is d6:96:a1:a8:89:e4 then CLIENT.ETHER.SRCMAC.GET6.EQ(0xe4) will return true.

Returns: num_at


    Typecast the MAC Address Value to its string representation.

Returns: text_t