ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “authentication-OAuthIDPProfile”:

rm authentication OAuthIDPProfile

Deletes an existing OAuth IdP profile.


rm authentication OAuthIDPProfile


name Name for the new OAuth Identity Provider (IdP) single sign-on profile. Must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Cannot be changed after an action is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my action” or ‘my action’).

add authentication OAuthIDPProfile

Creates a OAuth IdP profile. This profile is used in verifying incoming authentication request from Reousece Server, and sending token.


add authentication OAuthIDPProfile \[-clientID ] \[-clientSecret ] \[-redirectURL ] \[-issuer ] \[-configservice ] \[-audience ] \[-skewTime ] \[-defaultAuthenticationGroup ] \[-relyingPartyMetadataURL ] \[-refreshInterval <positive\_integer>] \[-encryptToken \( ON | OFF )] \[-signatureService ] \[-signatureAlg \( RS256 | RS512 )] \[-Attributes ] \[-sendPassword \( ON | OFF )]


name Name for the new OAuth Identity Provider (IdP) single sign-on profile. Must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Cannot be changed after an action is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my action” or ‘my action’).

clientID Unique identity of the relying party requesting for authentication.

clientSecret Unique secret string to authorize relying party at authorization server.

redirectURL URL endpoint on relying party to which the OAuth token is to be sent.

issuer The name to be used in requests sent fromCitrix ADC to IdP to uniquely identify Citrix ADC.

configservice Name of the entity that is used to obtain configuration for the current authentication request. It is used only in Citrix Cloud.

audience Audience for which token is being sent by Citrix ADC IdP. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

skewTime This option specifies the duration for which the token sent by Citrix ADC IdP is valid. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all. Default value: 5

defaultAuthenticationGroup This group will be part of AAA session’s internal group list. This will be helpful to admin in Nfactor flow to decide right AAA configuration for Relaying Party. In authentication policy AAA.USER.IS_MEMBER_OF(“") is way to use this feature.

relyingPartyMetadataURL This is the endpoint at which Citrix ADC IdP can get details about Relying Party (RP) being configured. Metadata response should include endpoints for jwks_uri for RP public key(s).

refreshInterval Interval at which Relying Party metadata is refreshed. Default value: 50 Minimum value: 0

encryptToken Option to encrypt token when Citrix ADC IDP sends one.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

signatureService Name of the service in cloud used to sign the data. This is applicable only if signature if offloaded to cloud.

signatureAlg Algorithm to be used to sign OpenID tokens.

Possible values: RS256, RS512 Default value: RS256

Attributes Name-Value pairs of attributes to be inserted in idtoken. Configuration format is name=value_expr@@@name2=value2_expr@@@. ‘@@@’ is used as delimiter between Name-Value pairs. name is a literal string whose value is 127 characters and does not contain ‘=’ character. Value is advanced policy expression terminated by @@@ delimiter. Last value need not contain the delimiter.

sendPassword Option to send encrypted password in idtoken.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

show authentication OAuthIDPProfile

Displays information about all configured OAuth IdP profiles, or displays detailed information about the specified action.


show authentication OAuthIDPProfile []


name Name for the new OAuth Identity Provider (IdP) single sign-on profile. Must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Cannot be changed after an action is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my action” or ‘my action’).


clientID Unique identity of the relying party requesting for authentication.

clientSecret Unique secret string to authorize relying party at authorization server.

redirectURL URL endpoint on relying party to which the OAuth token is to be sent.

issuer The name to be used in requests sent fromCitrix ADC to IdP to uniquely identify Citrix ADC.

configservice Name of the entity that is used to obtain configuration for the current authentication request. It is used only in Citrix Cloud.

audience Audience for which token is being sent by Citrix ADC IdP. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

skewTime This option specifies the duration for which the token sent by Citrix ADC IdP is valid. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all.

defaultAuthenticationGroup This group will be part of AAA session’s internal group list. This will be helpful to admin in Nfactor flow to decide right AAA configuration for Relaying Party. In authentication policy AAA.USER.IS_MEMBER_OF(“") is way to use this feature.

relyingPartyMetadataURL This is the endpoint at which Citrix ADC IdP can get details about Relying Party (RP) being configured. Metadata response should include endpoints for jwks_uri for RP public key(s).

refreshInterval Interval at which Relying Party metadata is refreshed.

encryptToken Option to encrypt token when Citrix ADC IDP sends one.

signatureService Name of the service in cloud used to sign the data. This is applicable only if signature if offloaded to cloud.

signatureAlg Algorithm to be used to sign OpenID tokens.

OAuthStatus Describes status information of oauth idp metadata fetch process.

Attributes Name-Value pairs of attributes to be inserted in idtoken. Configuration format is name=value_expr@@@name2=value2_expr@@@. ‘@@@’ is used as delimiter between Name-Value pairs. name is a literal string whose value is 127 characters and does not contain ‘=’ character. Value is advanced policy expression terminated by @@@ delimiter. Last value need not contain the delimiter.

sendPassword Option to send encrypted password in idtoken.

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unset authentication OAuthIDPProfile

Use this command to remove authentication OAuthIDPProfile settings.Refer to the set authentication OAuthIDPProfile command for meanings of the arguments.


unset authentication OAuthIDPProfile [-issuer] [-configservice] [-audience] [-skewTime] [-defaultAuthenticationGroup] [-relyingPartyMetadataURL] [-refreshInterval] [-encryptToken] [-signatureService] [-signatureAlg] [-Attributes] [-sendPassword]

set authentication OAuthIDPProfile

Modifies the specified attributes of a OAuth IdP profile.


set authentication OAuthIDPProfile \[-clientID ] \[-clientSecret ] \[-redirectURL ] \[-issuer ] \[-configservice ] \[-audience ] \[-skewTime ] \[-defaultAuthenticationGroup ] \[-relyingPartyMetadataURL ] \[-refreshInterval <positive\_integer>] \[-encryptToken \( ON | OFF )] \[-signatureService ] \[-signatureAlg \( RS256 | RS512 )] \[-Attributes ] \[-sendPassword \( ON | OFF )]


name Name for the new OAuth Identity Provider (IdP) single sign-on profile. Must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Cannot be changed after an action is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my action” or ‘my action’).

clientID Unique identity of the relying party requesting for authentication.

clientSecret Unique secret string to authorize relying party at authorization server.

redirectURL URL endpoint on relying party to which the OAuth token is to be sent.

issuer The name to be used in requests sent fromCitrix ADC to IdP to uniquely identify Citrix ADC.

configservice Name of the entity that is used to obtain configuration for the current authentication request. It is used only in Citrix Cloud.

audience Audience for which token is being sent by Citrix ADC IdP. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

skewTime This option specifies the duration for which the token sent by Citrix ADC IdP is valid. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all. Default value: 5

defaultAuthenticationGroup This group will be part of AAA session’s internal group list. This will be helpful to admin in Nfactor flow to decide right AAA configuration for Relaying Party. In authentication policy AAA.USER.IS_MEMBER_OF(“") is way to use this feature.

relyingPartyMetadataURL This is the endpoint at which Citrix ADC IdP can get details about Relying Party (RP) being configured. Metadata response should include endpoints for jwks_uri for RP public key(s).

refreshInterval Interval at which Relying Party metadata is refreshed. Default value: 50 Minimum value: 0

encryptToken Option to encrypt token when Citrix ADC IDP sends one.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

signatureService Name of the service in cloud used to sign the data. This is applicable only if signature if offloaded to cloud.

signatureAlg Algorithm to be used to sign OpenID tokens.

Possible values: RS256, RS512 Default value: RS256

Attributes Name-Value pairs of attributes to be inserted in idtoken. Configuration format is name=value_expr@@@name2=value2_expr@@@. ‘@@@’ is used as delimiter between Name-Value pairs. name is a literal string whose value is 127 characters and does not contain ‘=’ character. Value is advanced policy expression terminated by @@@ delimiter. Last value need not contain the delimiter.

sendPassword Option to send encrypted password in idtoken.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
