ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cmp-parameter”:

set cmp parameter

Configures the compression parameters.


set cmp parameter [-cmpLevel ] \[-quantumSize <positive\_integer>] \[-serverCmp \( ON | OFF )] \[-minResSize <positive\_integer>] \[-cmpBypassPct <positive\_integer>] \[-cmpOnPush \( ENABLED | DISABLED )] \[-policyType \( CLASSIC | ADVANCED )] \[-addVaryHeader \( ENABLED | DISABLED ) \[-varyHeaderValue ]] \[-externalCache \( YES | NO )]


cmpLevel Specify a compression level. Available settings function as follows:

  • Optimal - Corresponds to a gzip GZIP level of 5-7.
  • Best speed - Corresponds to a gzip level of 1.
  • Best compression - Corresponds to a gzip level of 9.

Possible values: optimal, bestspeed, bestcompression Default value: optimal

quantumSize Minimum quantum of data to be filled before compression begins. Default value: 57344 Minimum value: 8 Maximum value: 63488

serverCmp Allow the server to send compressed data to the Citrix ADC. With the default setting, the Citrix ADC appliance handles all compression.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: ON

minResSize Smallest response size, in bytes, to be compressed. Minimum value: 0

cmpBypassPct Citrix ADC CPU threshold after which compression is not performed. Range: 0 - 100 Default value: 100 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 100

cmpOnPush Citrix ADC does not wait for the quantum to be filled before starting to compress data. Upon receipt of a packet with a PUSH flag, the appliance immediately begins compression of the accumulated packets.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

policyType Type of policy. Available settings function as follows:

  • Classic - Classic policies evaluate basic characteristics of traffic and other data. Deprecated.
  • Advanced - Advanced policies (which have been renamed as default syntax policies) can perform the same type of evaluations as classic policies. They also enable you to analyze more data (for example, the body of an HTTP request) and to configure more operations in the policy rule (for example, transforming data in the body of a request into an HTTP header).

Possible values: CLASSIC, ADVANCED

addVaryHeader Control insertion of the Vary header in HTTP responses compressed by Citrix ADC. Intermediate caches store different versions of the response for different values of the headers present in the Vary response header.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

varyHeaderValue The value of the HTTP Vary header for compressed responses. If this argument is not specified, a default value of “Accept-Encoding” will be used.

externalCache Enable insertion of Cache-Control: private response directive to indicate response message is intended for a single user and must not be cached by a shared or proxy cache.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO


set cmp param -cmpLevel bestspeed -quantumSize 20480

show cmp parameter

Displays the values of the compression parameters. Example: > show cmp parameter Configured compression parameters: Compression level: optimal Quantum size: 4555 Server-side compression: ON Minimum HTTP response size for compression: 0 CPU load at which to bypass compression: 100% Compression on PUSH: DISABLED Compression policy type: CLASSIC Vary header insertion: DISABLED Disable external cache: NO


show cmp parameter



cmpLevel Specify a compression level. Available settings function as follows:

  • Optimal - Corresponds to a gzip GZIP level of 5-7.
  • Best speed - Corresponds to a gzip level of 1.
  • Best compression - Corresponds to a gzip level of 9.

quantumSize Minimum quantum of data to be filled before compression begins.

serverCmp Compression enabled/disabled at back-end server.

heurExpiry Heuristic basefile expiry.

heurExpiryThres Threshold compression ratio for heuristic basefile expiry, multiplied by 100. For example, to set the threshold ratio to 1.25, specify 125.

heurExpiryHistWt For heuristic basefile expiry, weightage to be given to historical delta compression ratio, specified as percentage. For example, to give 25% weightage to historical ratio (and therefore 75% weightage to the ratio for current delta compression transaction), specify 25.

minResSize Smallest response size, in bytes, to be compressed.

cmpBypassPct Citrix ADC CPU threshold after which compression is not performed. Range: 0 - 100

cmpOnPush Citrix ADC does not wait for the quantum to be filled before starting to compress data. Upon receipt of a packet with a PUSH flag, the appliance immediately begins compression of the accumulated packets.

policyType Type of policy. Available settings function as follows:

  • Classic - Classic policies evaluate basic characteristics of traffic and other data. Deprecated.
  • Advanced - Advanced policies (which have been renamed as default syntax policies) can perform the same type of evaluations as classic policies. They also enable you to analyze more data (for example, the body of an HTTP request) and to configure more operations in the policy rule (for example, transforming data in the body of a request into an HTTP header).

addVaryHeader Control insertion of the Vary header in HTTP responses compressed by Citrix ADC. Intermediate caches store different versions of the response for different values of the headers present in the Vary response header.

varyHeaderValue The value of the HTTP Vary header for compressed responses. If this argument is not specified, a default value of “Accept-Encoding” will be used.

externalCache Enable insertion of Cache-Control: private response directive to indicate response message is intended for a single user and must not be cached by a shared or proxy cache.

builtin Flag to determine whether compression is default or not

feature The feature to be checked while applying this config

unset cmp parameter

Reverts to the default value.Refer to the set cmp parameter command for meanings of the arguments.


unset cmp parameter [-policyType] [-cmpLevel] [-quantumSize] [-serverCmp] [-minResSize] [-cmpBypassPct] [-cmpOnPush] [-addVaryHeader] [-varyHeaderValue] [-externalCache]


unset cmp param -policytype
