ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “ns-aptlicense”:

show ns aptlicense


show ns aptlicense \[-useProxy \( YES | NO )]


serialNo Hardware Serial Number/License Activation Code(LAC)

useProxy Specifies whether to use the licenseproxyserver to reach the internet. Make sure to configure licenseproxyserver to use this option.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO


response Response data as text blob

id License ID

sessionId Session ID

bindType Bind type

countAvailable Count

countTotal Count

name License name

relevance License relevance

datePurchased License purchase date

dateSa License SA date

dateExp License expiry date

features Features


show ns aptlicense <hw-no/lac>

update ns aptlicense


update ns aptlicense \[] \[-useProxy \( YES | NO )]


id License ID

sessionId Session ID

bindType Bind type

countAvailable The user can allocate one or more licenses. Ensure the value is less than (for partial allocation) or equal to the total number of available licenses

licenseDir License Directory

useProxy Specifies whether to use the licenseproxyserver to reach the internet. Make sure to configure licenseproxyserver to use this option.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: NO


update ns aptlicense key1 sessionID# HOSTNAME 1
