ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cli-mode”:

show cli mode

Use this command to display the current settings of parameters that can be set with the ‘set cli mode’ command.


show cli mode



page Determines whether output that spans more than one screen is “paged”. Specify ON to pause the display after each screen of ouput.

total Determines whether CLI “show” commands display a total count of objects before displaying the objects themselves.

color Specifies whether output can be shown in color, if the terminal supports it.

disabledFeatureAction Specifies what will happen when a configuration command is issued for a disabled feature. The following values are allowed: NONE - The action is allowed, and no warning message is issued.; ALLOW - The action is allowed, but a warning message is issued.; DENY - The action is not allowed.

argMark mark

noLicenseAction no licence

diagLevel diagnostic level

timeout CLI session inactivity timeout, in seconds. If Restrictedtimeout argument of system parameter is enabled, Timeout can have values in the range [300-86400] seconds and also climode timeout cannot be configured beyond admin configured value. If Restrictedtimeout argument of system parameter is disabled, Timeout can have values in the range [0, 10-100000000] seconds. Default value is 900 seconds.

timeoutKind From where the timeout has been inherited.

regex If ON, regular expressions can be used as argument values

r regular expression

format format

stats serverPort

unset cli mode

Use this command to remove cli mode settings.Refer to the set cli mode command for meanings of the arguments.


unset cli mode [-page] [-total] [-color] [-disabledFeatureAction] [-timeout] [-regex]

set cli mode

Use this command to specify how the CLI should display command output.


set cli mode [-page ( ON OFF )] [-total ( ON OFF )] [-color ( ON OFF )] [-disabledFeatureAction ] \[-timeout ] \[-regex \( ON OFF )]


page Determines whether output that spans more than one screen is “paged”. Specify ON to pause the display after each screen of ouput.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

total Determines whether CLI “show” commands display a total count of objects before displaying the objects themselves.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

color Specifies whether output can be shown in color, if the terminal supports it.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

disabledFeatureAction Specifies what will happen when a configuration command is issued for a disabled feature. The following values are allowed: NONE - The action is allowed, and no warning message is issued.; ALLOW - The action is allowed, but a warning message is issued.; DENY - The action is not allowed.

Possible values: NONE, ALLOW, DENY Default value: NS_ALLOW

timeout CLI session inactivity timeout, in seconds. If Restrictedtimeout argument of system parameter is enabled, Timeout can have values in the range [300-86400] seconds and also climode timeout cannot be configured beyond admin configured value. If Restrictedtimeout argument of system parameter is disabled, Timeout can have values in the range [0, 10-100000000] seconds. Default value is 900 seconds. Default value: -1

regex If ON, regular expressions can be used as argument values

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: ON
