ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “ns-connectiontable”:

show ns connectiontable

Displays the current TCP/IP connection table.


show ns connectiontable [] [-detail ...] [-Listen]


filterexpression The maximum length of filter expression is 255 and it can be of following format:

[ ] = \( && | \|| ) =: CONNECTION...() = SRCIP = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv4 address example = CONNECTION.SRCIP.EQ( = DSTIP = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv4 address. example = CONNECTION.DSTIP.EQ( = IP = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv4 address. example = CONNECTION.IP.EQ( = SRCIPv6 = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv6 address. example = CONNECTION.SRCIPv6.EQ(2001:db8:0:0:1::1) = DSTIPv6 = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv6 address. example = CONNECTION.DSTIPv6.EQ(2001:db8:0:0:1::1) = IPv6 = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid IPv6 address. example = CONNECTION.IPv6.EQ(2001:db8:0:0:1::1) = SRCPORT = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid port number. example = CONNECTION.SRCPORT.EQ(80) = DSTPORT = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid port number. example = CONNECTION.DSTPORT.EQ(80) = PORT = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid port number. example = CONNECTION.PORT.EQ(80) = SVCNAME = \[ EQ | NE | CONTAINS | STARTSWITH | ENDSWITH ] = service name. example = CONNECTION.SVCNAME.EQ("name") = LB_VSERVER.NAME = \[ EQ | NE | CONTAINS | STARTSWITH | ENDSWITH ] = LB vserver name. example = CONNECTION.LB_VSERVER.NAME.EQ("name") = CS_VSERVER.NAME = \[ EQ | NE | CONTAINS | STARTSWITH | ENDSWITH ] = CS vserver name. example = CONNECTION.CS_VSERVER.NAME.EQ("name") = INTF = \[ EQ | NE ] = A valid interface id in the form of x/y (n/x/y in case of cluster interface). examle = CONNECTION.INTF.EQ("0/1/1") = VLANID = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid VLAN ID. example = CONNECTION.VLANID.EQ(0) = CONNID = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid PCB dev number. example = CONNECTION.CONNID.EQ(0) = PPEID = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid core ID. example = CONNECTION.PPEID.EQ(0) = IDLETIME = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A positive integer indicating the idletime. example = CONNECTION.IDLETIME.LT(100) = TCPSTATE = \[ EQ | NE ] = \( CLOSE\_WAIT | CLOSED | CLOSING | ESTABLISHED | FIN\_WAIT\_1 | FIN\_WAIT\_2 | LAST\_ACK | LISTEN | SYN\_RECEIVED | SYN\_SENT | TIME\_WAIT | NOT_APPLICABLE) example = CONNECTION.TCPSTATE.EQ(LISTEN) = SERVICE_TYPE = \[ EQ | NE ] = \( SVC\_HTTP | FTP | TCP | UDP | SSL | SSL\_BRIDGE | SSL\_TCP | NNTP | RPCSVR | RPCSVRS | RPCCLNT | SVC\_DNS | ADNS | SNMP | RTSP | DHCPRA | NAT | ANY | MONITOR | MONITOR\_UDP | MONITOR\_PING | SIP\_UDP | SVC\_MYSQL | SVC\_MSSQL | SERVICE\_UNKNOWN ) example = CONNECTION.SERVICE_TYPE.EQ(ANY) = TRAFFIC_DOMAIN_ID = \[ EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | BETWEEN ] = A valid traffic domain ID. example = CONNECTION.TRAFFIC_DOMAIN_ID.EQ(0) common usecases: Filtering out loopback connections and view present connections through netscaler show connectiontable "CONNECTION.IP.NE( && CONNECTION.TCPSTATE.EQ(ESTABLISHED)" -detail full show connections from a particular sourceip and targeted to port 80 show connectiontable "CONNECTION.SRCIP.EQ( && CONNECTION.DSTPORT.EQ(80)" show connection particular to a service and its linked client connections show connectiontable CONNECTION.SVCNAME.EQ("S1") -detail link show connections for a particular servicetype(e.g.http) show connectiontable CONNECTION.SERVICE_TYPE.EQ(TCP) viewing connections that have been idle for a long time show connectiontable CONNECTION.IDLETIME.GT(100) show connections particular to a service and idle for a long time show connectiontable "CONNECTION.SVCNAME.EQ(\\"S1\\") && CONNECTION.IDLETIME.GT(100)" show connections for a particular interface show connectiontable CONNECTION.INTF.EQ("1/1") show connections for a particular interface and vlan show connectiontable "CONNECTION.INTF.EQ(\\"1/1\\") && CONNECTION.VLANID.EQ(1)" detail Specify display options for the connection table. - LINK - Displays the linked PCB (Protocol Control Block). - NAME - Displays along with the service name. - CONNFAILOVER - Displays PCB with connection failover. - FULL - Displays all available details. Listen Display listening services only ### Output SOURCEIP Source IP of the connection. SOURCEPORT Source port of the connection. DESTIP Destination IP of the connection. DESTPORT Destination port of the connection. SVCTYPE Protocol supported by the connection. IDLETIME Time since last activity was detected on the connection. STATE Current TCP/IP state of the connection. linkSourceIP Source IP of the link connection. linkSourcePort Source port of the link connection. linkDestIP Destination IP of the link connection. linkDestPort Destination port of the link connection. linkServiceType Protocol supported by the link connection. linkIdleTime Time since last activity was detected on link connection. linkState TCP/IP current state of link connection. entityName Citrix ADC entity name for the connection. linkEntityName Citrix ADC entity name for link connection. connectionNumber Connection number linkConnectionNumber Link connection number connid Unique transaction number for the connection. linkConnid Unique transaction number for the peer connection. connProperties flags used to store connection properties like client, server etc. optionFlags flags used to store TCP options like Sack, WS nsWSvalue Citrix ADC window scaling value peerWSvalue peer window scaling value mss Client side MSS for the connection - used in server SYN. retxRetryCnt Retransmission retry count for the connection. rcvWnd Received Advertised Window for the connection. advWnd Sent advertised window for the connection. sndCwnd sent congestion window for the connection. iss Initial send sequence number for the connection. irs Initial receive sequence number for the connection. rcvNxt next expecting seq number for the connection. maxAck current running max ack sent for the connection. sndNxt next bytes seq number for the connection. sndUnAck Most recently received ACK for the connection. httpEndSeq HTTP parsing tracking seq number for the connection. httpState HTTP Protocol state for the connection. trCount Max reuests allowed per connection. priority priority of the connection. httpReqVer current HTTP request version on the connection. httpRequest current HTTP request type on the connection. httpRspCode current response type on the connection. rttSmoothed smoothed RTT value of the connection. rttVariance RTT variance for the connection. outoforderPkts held packets on the connection. count count linkOptionFlag Link connection's TCP option flag for Sack and WS linknsWSvalue Link connection-s Citrix ADC window scaling value linkpeerWSvalue Link connection-s peer Citrix ADC window scaling value linkMSS Client side MSS for the Link connection - used in server SYN linkRetxRetryCnt Retransmission retry count for the Link connection. linkRcvWnd Received Advertised Window for the Link connection. linkAdvWnd Sent advertised window for the Link connection. linkSndCwnd Send congestion window for the Link connection. linkISS Initial send seq number for the Link connection. linkIRS Initial receive seq number for the Link connection. linkRcvNxt Next expecting seq number on the Link connection. linkMaxAck Current running maximum ack sent on the Link connection. linkSndNxt Next bytes seq number for the Link connection. linkSndUnAck Most recently received ACK on the Link connection. linkHttpEndSeq HTTP parsing tracking seq number on the Link connection. linkHttpState HTTP protocol state on the Link connection. linkTrCount Max requests per connection for Link connection. linkPriority Priority for the Link connection. linkHttpReqVer HTTP current request version on Link connection. linkHttpReq HTTP current request type on Link connection. linkHttpRspCode Current response type on link connection. linkRttSmoothed Smoothed RTT value on link connection. linkRttVariance RTT variance on Link connection. linkHeldPkts Held packets on Link connection. targetnodeidnnm NNM connection target node ID. sourcenodeidnnm NNM connection source node ID. channelidnnm NNM connection channel ID. msgversionnnm nnm message version. td Traffic Domain Id. maxRcvbuf Maximum receive window that application advertizes to peer. linkmaxRcvbuf Maximum receive window that application advertizes to peer in linked connection. RxQsize Total number of bytes in Citrix ADC receive buffer. This includes bytes being processed / policy related data / stored in application buffer. linkRxQsize Total number of bytes in Citrix ADC receive buffer for linked connection. This includes bytes being processed / policy related data / stored in application buffer. maxSndbuf Maximum send window that application can process and send. linkmaxSndbuf Maximum send window that application can process and send in linked connection. TxQsize Total number of bytes in Citrix ADC send buffer. This includes both inflight and queued bytes in Citrix ADC. linkTxQsize Total number of bytes in Citrix ADC send buffer for linked connection. This includes both inflight and queued bytes in Citrix ADC. flavor TCP congestion control algorithm. linkflavor TCP congestion control algorithm for a linked connection. bwEstimate TCP Bandwidth Estimate linkbwEstimate TCP Bandwidth Estimate for a linked connection rttMin Minimum Round Trip Time for the connection. linkrttMin Minimum Round Trip Time for linked connection. name Name of TCP profile attached to the connection. linkName Name of TCP profile attached to the connection. tcpmode TCP Optimization modes TRANSPARENT / ENDPOINT. linktcpmode TCP Optimization modes TRANSPARENT / ENDPOINT for linked connection. realTimeRtt Real Time / Instantaneous round trip time. linkrealTimeRtt Real Time / Instantaneous round trip time for linked connection. sndBuf send buffer size. linksndBuf Send buffer size for linked connection. nsbTcpwaitQ Number of packets in TCP wait queue. linknsbTcpwaitQ Number of packets in wait queue for linked connection. nsbRetxQ Number of packets in retransmission queue. linknsbRetxQ Number of packets in retransmission queue for linked connection. sackblocks Number of sack blocks attached to the connection. linksackblocks Number of sack blocks attached in linked connection. congstate TCP congestion state. linkcongstate TCP congestion state for a linked connection. sndrecoverle Sequence Number denoting end of fast recovery. linksndrecoverle Sequence Number denoting end of fast recovery for linked connection. creditsInBytes Connections current credits in Bytes/ms. linkcredits Link connections current credits in Bytes/ms. rateInBytes Connections current rate in Bytes/ms linkrateInBytes Link connections current rate in Bytes/ms rateSchedulerQueue Bytes that are queued in the rate scheduler for this connection linkrateSchedulerQueue Bytes that are queued in the rate scheduler for link connection burstRateControl TCP Burst Rate Control DISABLED/FIXED/DYNAMIC. linkburstRateControl TCP Burst Rate Control DISABLED/FIXED/DYNAMIC. cqaBifAvg Average bytes in flight over maxburst. cqaThruputAvg Average instantaneous throughput over maxburst. cqaRcvwndAvg Average receive window over maxburst. cqaIai1msPct Percentage of inter arriaval samples for 1ms over maxburst. cqaIai2msPct Percentage of inter arriaval samples for 2ms over maxburst. cqaSamples Number of ACK samples over maxburst. cqaIaiSamples Number of samples considered for calculating inter arrival interval over maxburst. cqaNetClass Network type name. cqaCCL Connection congestion level cqaCSQ Connectiontion signal quality level cqaIaiAvg Average inter arriaval interval over maxburst cqaIsiAvg Average inter send interval over maxburst cqaRcvwndMin Minimum receive window over maxburst cqaRetxCorr Number of retransmission due to noise over maxburst cqaRetxCong Number of retransmission due to congestion over maxburst cqaRetxPackets Number of retransmission over maxburst cqaLoadDelayAvg Average load delay over maxburst cqaNoiseDelayAvg Average noise delay over maxburst cqaRttMax Maximum RTT sample over maxburst in ms cqaRttMin Minimum RTT sample over maxburst in ms cqaRttAvg Minimum RTT sample over maxburst in ms adaptiveTcpProfName Name of the Adaptive-TCP profile currently assigned to the connection. outoforderBlocks held packets on the connection. outoforderFlushedCount held packets on the connection. outoforderBytes held packets on the connection. devno count stateflag