The following operations can be performed on “gslb-vserver”:
unset | rename | rm | unbind | add | stat | bind | disable | show | set | enable |
unset gslb vserver
Removes the specified settings from the specified global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server. Attributes for which a default value is available revert to their default values..Refer to the set gslb vserver command for meanings of the arguments.
unset gslb vserver
unset gslb vserver lb_vip -backupVServer For multiple gslb vservers the command is: unset gslb vserver lb_vip[1-3] -backupVServer
rename gslb vserver
Renames a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server.
rename gslb vserver
name Existing name of the GSLB virtual server.
newName New name for the GSLB virtual server.
rename gslb vserver gsl_vsvr gslb_vsvr_new
rm gslb vserver
Removes a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server configured on the appliance.
rm gslb vserver
name Name of the GSLB virtual server to remove.
rm gslb vserver gvip
unbind gslb vserver
Unbinds the domain or service from the GSLB virtual server.
unbind gslb vserver
name Name of the GSLB virtual server.
serviceName Name of the GSLB service for which to change the weight.
serviceGroupName The name of the service group that is unbound.
domainName Domain name for which to change the time to live (TTL) and/or backup service IP address.
backupIP The IP address of the backup service for the specified domain name. Used when all the services bound to the domain are down, or when the backup chain of virtual servers is down.
cookieDomain The cookie domain for the GSLB site. Used when inserting the GSLB site cookie in the HTTP response.
policyName The policy that has been bound to this load balancing virtual server, using the ###bind gslb vserver### command.
unbind gslb vserver gvip -domainName
add gslb vserver
Creates a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server.
add gslb vserver
name Name for the GSLB virtual server. Must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore (_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Can be changed after the virtual server is created.
CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my vserver” or ‘my vserver’).
serviceType Protocol used by services bound to the virtual server.
dnsRecordType DNS record type to associate with the GSLB virtual server’s domain name.
Possible values: A, AAAA, CNAME, NAPTR Default value: A
lbMethod Load balancing method for the GSLB virtual server.
backupLBMethod Backup load balancing method. Becomes operational if the primary load balancing method fails or cannot be used. Valid only if the primary method is based on either round-trip time (RTT) or static proximity.
netmask IPv4 network mask for use in the SOURCEIPHASH load balancing method. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF
v6netmasklen Number of bits to consider, in an IPv6 source IP address, for creating the hash that is required by the SOURCEIPHASH load balancing method. Default value: 128 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 128
rule Expression, or name of a named expression, against which traffic is evaluated. This field is applicable only if gslb method or gslb backup method are set to API. The following requirements apply only to the Citrix ADC CLI:
- If the expression includes one or more spaces, enclose the entire expression in double quotation marks.
- If the expression itself includes double quotation marks, escape the quotations by using the \ character.
- Alternatively, you can use single quotation marks to enclose the rule, in which case you do not have to escape the double quotation marks. Default value: “none”
tolerance Site selection tolerance, in milliseconds, for implementing the RTT load balancing method. If a site’s RTT deviates from the lowest RTT by more than the specified tolerance, the site is not considered when the Citrix ADC makes a GSLB decision. The appliance implements the round robin method of global server load balancing between sites whose RTT values are within the specified tolerance. If the tolerance is 0 (zero), the appliance always sends clients the IP address of the site with the lowest RTT. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 100
persistenceType Use source IP address based persistence for the virtual server. After the load balancing method selects a service for the first packet, the IP address received in response to the DNS query is used for subsequent requests from the same client.
Possible values: SOURCEIP, NONE
persistenceId The persistence ID for the GSLB virtual server. The ID is a positive integer that enables GSLB sites to identify the GSLB virtual server, and is required if source IP address based or spill over based persistence is enabled on the virtual server. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535
persistMask The optional IPv4 network mask applied to IPv4 addresses to establish source IP address based persistence. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF
v6persistmasklen Number of bits to consider in an IPv6 source IP address when creating source IP address based persistence sessions. Default value: 128 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 128
timeout Idle time, in minutes, after which a persistence entry is cleared. Default value: 2 Minimum value: 2 Maximum value: 1440
EDR Send clients an empty DNS response when the GSLB virtual server is DOWN.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ECS If enabled, respond with EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) option in the response for a DNS query with ECS. The ECS address will be used for persistence and spillover persistence (if enabled) instead of the LDNS address. Persistence mask is ignored if ECS is enabled.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ecsAddrValidation Validate if ECS address is a private or unroutable address and in such cases, use the LDNS IP.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
MIR Include multiple IP addresses in the DNS responses sent to clients.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
disablePrimaryOnDown Continue to direct traffic to the backup chain even after the primary GSLB virtual server returns to the UP state. Used when spillover is configured for the virtual server.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
dynamicWeight Specify if the appliance should consider the service count, service weights, or ignore both when using weight-based load balancing methods. The state of the number of services bound to the virtual server help the appliance to select the service.
state State of the GSLB virtual server.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
considerEffectiveState If the primary state of all bound GSLB services is DOWN, consider the effective states of all the GSLB services, obtained through the Metrics Exchange Protocol (MEP), when determining the state of the GSLB virtual server. To consider the effective state, set the parameter to STATE_ONLY. To disregard the effective state, set the parameter to NONE.
The effective state of a GSLB service is the ability of the corresponding virtual server to serve traffic. The effective state of the load balancing virtual server, which is transferred to the GSLB service, is UP even if only one virtual server in the backup chain of virtual servers is in the UP state.
Possible values: NONE, STATE_ONLY Default value: NONE
comment Any comments that you might want to associate with the GSLB virtual server.
soMethod Type of threshold that, when exceeded, triggers spillover. Available settings function as follows:
- CONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections exceeds the threshold.
- DYNAMICCONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections at the GSLB virtual server exceeds the sum of the maximum client (Max Clients) settings for bound GSLB services. Do not specify a spillover threshold for this setting, because the threshold is implied by the Max Clients settings of the bound GSLB services.
- BANDWIDTH - Spillover occurs when the bandwidth consumed by the GSLB virtual server’s incoming and outgoing traffic exceeds the threshold.
- HEALTH - Spillover occurs when the percentage of weights of the GSLB services that are UP drops below the threshold. For example, if services gslbSvc1, gslbSvc2, and gslbSvc3 are bound to a virtual server, with weights 1, 2, and 3, and the spillover threshold is 50%, spillover occurs if gslbSvc1 and gslbSvc3 or gslbSvc2 and gslbSvc3 transition to DOWN.
- NONE - Spillover does not occur.
soPersistence If spillover occurs, maintain source IP address based persistence for both primary and backup GSLB virtual servers.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
soPersistenceTimeOut Timeout for spillover persistence, in minutes. Default value: 2 Minimum value: 2 Maximum value: 1440
soThreshold Threshold at which spillover occurs. Specify an integer for the CONNECTION spillover method, a bandwidth value in kilobits per second for the BANDWIDTH method (do not enter the units), or a percentage for the HEALTH method (do not enter the percentage symbol). Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 4294967287
soBackupAction Action to be performed if spillover is to take effect, but no backup chain to spillover is usable or exists
Possible values: DROP, ACCEPT, REDIRECT
appflowLog Enable logging appflow flow information
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
add gslb vserver gvip http
stat gslb vserver
Displays statistics associated with a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server.
stat gslb vserver [
name Name of the GSLB virtual server for which to display statistics. If you do not specify a name, statistics are displayed for all GSLB virtual servers.
detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.
fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated
ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0
logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.
clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters
Possible values: basic, full
count devno stateflag
Current Client Est connections (ClntEstConn) Number of client connections in ESTABLISHED state.
total INACTIVE services (inactSvcs) number of INACTIVE services bound to a vserver
Vserver Health (Health) Health of the vserver. This gives percentage of UP services bound to this vserver.
Vserver protocol (Protocol) Protocol associated with the vserver
State Current state of the server. There are seven possible values: UP(7), DOWN(1), UNKNOWN(2), BUSY(3), OFS(Out of Service)(4), TROFS(Transition Out of Service)(5), TROFS_DOWN(Down When going Out of Service)(8)
total ACTIVE services (actSvcs) number of ACTIVE services bound to a vserver
Vserver hits (Hits) Total vserver hits
Primary LB Method Failures (Backup LB Hits) Total backup LB method hits
Backup LB Method Failures (Backup LB Fail) Total backup LB method fails
Current Persistence Sessions (PersistenceSessions) current vserver owned persistence sessions
Vserver Persistence Hits (Total Vserver Persistence Hits) Total number of Persistence hits at vserver
Request bytes (Reqb) Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server.
Response bytes (Rspb) Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server.
Spill Over Threshold (SOThresh) Spill Over Threshold set on the VServer.
Spill Over Hits (NumSo ) Number of times vserver experienced spill over.
Vserver Down Backup Hits (VserverDownBackupHits ) Number of times traffic was diverted to backup vserver since primary vserver was DOWN.
Requests (Req) Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
Responses (Rsp) Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
Current client connections (ClntConn) Number of current client connections.
Current server connections (SvrConn) Number of current connections to the actual servers behind the virtual server.
Current Server Est connections (SvrEstConn) Number of server connections in ESTABLISHED state.
Related Commands
bind gslb vserver
Binds a domain, service, backup IP address, or cookie domain to a GSLB virtual server.
bind gslb vserver
name Name of the virtual server on which to perform the binding operation.
serviceName Name of the GSLB service for which to change the weight.
weight Weight to assign to the GSLB service. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 100
serviceGroupName Name of the service group.
domainName Domain name for which to change the time to live (TTL) and/or backup service IP address.
TTL Time to live (TTL) for the domain. Minimum value: 1
backupIP The IP address of the backup service for the specified domain name. Used when all the services bound to the domain are down, or when the backup chain of virtual servers is down.
cookieDomain The cookie domain for the GSLB site. Used when inserting the GSLB site cookie in the HTTP response.
cookieTimeout Timeout, in minutes, for the GSLB site cookie.
sitedomainTTL TTL, in seconds, for all internally created site domains (created when a site prefix is configured on a GSLB service) that are associated with this virtual server. Default value: 3600 Minimum value: 1
policyName Name of the policy bound to the GSLB vserver.
priority Priority. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 2147483647
gotoPriorityExpression Expression specifying the priority of the next policy which will get evaluated if the current policy rule evaluates to TRUE. oIf gotoPriorityExpression is not present or if it is equal to END then the policy bank evaluation ends here oElse if the gotoPriorityExpression is equal to NEXT then the next policy in the priority order is evaluated. oElse gotoPriorityExpression is evaluated. The result of gotoPriorityExpression (which has to be a number) is processed as follows: -An UNDEF event is triggered if .gotoPriorityExpression cannot be evaluated .gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to number which is smaller than the maximum priority in the policy bank but is not same as any policy’s priority .gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to a priority that is smaller than the current policy’s priority -If the gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to the priority of the current policy then the next policy in the priority order is evaluated. -If the gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to the priority of a policy further ahead in the list then that policy will be evaluated next. This field is applicable only to rewrite and responder policies.
type Bind point to which to bind the policy.
bind gslb vserver gvip -domainName
disable gslb vserver
Disables a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server and takes it out of service.
disable gslb vserver
name Name of the GSLB virtual server to disable.
disable gslb vserver gslb_vip To disable multiple gslb vservers use the following command: disable gslb vserver gslb_vip[1-3]
show gslb vserver
Displays the parameters of all the global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual servers configured on the appliance, or the parameters of the specified GSLB virtual server.
show gslb vserver [
name Name of the GSLB virtual server.
serviceType Protocol used by services bound to the virtual server.
state State of the GSLB virtual server.
ipType The IP type for this GSLB vserver.
dnsRecordType The IP type for this GSLB vserver.
persistenceType Indicates if persistence is set on the gslb vserver
persistenceId Persistence id of the gslb vserver
lbMethod The load balancing method set for the virtual server
backupLBMethod Indicates the backup method in case the primary fails
tolerance Indicates the deviation we can tolerate when we have the LB method as RTT
timeout Idle timeout for persistence entries.
state State of the gslb vserver.
netmask The netmask used in the SOURCEIPHASH policy.
v6netmasklen The netmask used for ipv6 traffic in the SOURCE/DEST IPHASH policy.
persistMask The netmask used while SOURCEIP based persistency is ENABLED.
v6persistmasklen The netmask applied for ipv6 traffic when the persistency type is SOURCEIP.
serviceName The service name.
weight Weight for the service.
domainName The name of the domain for which TTL and/or backupIP has changed.
TTL TTL for the given domain.
backupIP Backup IP for the given domain.
cookieDomain The cookie domain for the GSLB domain. This will be used when inserting the GSLB site cookie in the HTTP response. By default, cookie domain will not be inserted.
cookieTimeout Time out value of the cookie in minutes
sitedomainTTL Site domain TTL.
IPAddress IP address.
port Port number.
status Current status of the gslb vserver. During the initial phase if the configured lb method is not round robin , the vserver will adopt round robin to distribute traffic for a predefined number of requests.
lbrrreason Reason why a vserver is in RR. The following are the reasons: 1 - MEP is DOWN (GSLB) 2 - LB method has changed 3 - Bound service’s state changed to UP 4 - A new service is bound 5 - Startup RR factor has changed 6 - LB feature is enabled 7 - Load monitor is not active on a service 8 - Vserver is Enabled 9 - SSL feature is Enabled 10 - All bound services have reached threshold. Using effective state to load balance (GSLB) 11 - Primary state of bound services are not UP. Using effective state to load balance (GSLB) 12 - No LB decision can be made as all bound services have either reached threshold or are not UP (GSLB) 13 - All load monitors are active
preferredLocation The target site to be returned in the DNS response when a policy is successfully evaluated against the incoming DNS request. Target site is specified in dotted notation with up to 6 qualifiers. Wildcard `*’ is accepted as a valid qualifier token.
backupVServer Backup vserver in case the primary fails
backupSessionTimeout A non zero value enables the feature. The minimum value is 2 minutes. To disable the feature set the value to zero. The created session is in effect for a specific client per domain.
EDR Indicates if Empty Down Response is enabled/disabled
ECS If enabled, respond with EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) option in the response for a DNS query with ECS. The ECS address will be used for persistence and spillover persistence (if enabled) instead of the LDNS address. Persistence mask is ignored if ECS is enabled.
ecsAddrValidation Validate if ECS address is a private or unroutable address and in such cases, use the LDNS IP.
MIR Indicates if Multi IP Response is enabled/disabled
disablePrimaryOnDown Continue to direct traffic to the backup chain even after the primary GSLB virtual server returns to the UP state. Used when spillover is configured for the virtual server.
dynamicWeight Dynamic weight method. Possible values are, the svc count or the svc weights or ignore both.
isCname is cname feature set on vserver
cumulativeWeight Cumulative weight is the weight of GSLB service considering both its configured weight and dynamic weight. It is equal to product of dynamic weight and configured weight of the gslb service
dynamicConfWt Weight obtained by the virtue of bound service count or weight
thresholdValue Tells whether threshold exceeded for this service participating in CUSTOMLB
sitePersistence Type of Site Persistence set
svrEffGslbState Effective state of the gslb svc
gslbthreshold Indicates if gslb svc has reached threshold
considerEffectiveState If the primary state of all bound GSLB services is DOWN, consider the effective states of all the GSLB services, obtained through the Metrics Exchange Protocol (MEP), when determining the state of the GSLB virtual server. To consider the effective state, set the parameter to STATE_ONLY. To disregard the effective state, set the parameter to NONE.
The effective state of a GSLB service is the ability of the corresponding virtual server to serve traffic. The effective state of the load balancing virtual server, which is transferred to the GSLB service, is UP even if only one virtual server in the backup chain of virtual servers is in the UP state.
cnameEntry The cname of the gslb service.
totalServices Total number of services bound to the vserver.
activeServices Total number of active services bound to the vserver.
stateChangeTimeSec Time when last state change happened. Seconds part.
stateChangeTimemSec Time at which last state change happened. Milliseconds part.
ticksSinceLastStateChange Time in 10 millisecond ticks since the last state change.
comment Any comments that you might want to associate with the GSLB virtual server.
soPersistenceTimeOut Timeout for spillover persistence, in minutes.
soMethod Type of threshold that, when exceeded, triggers spillover. Available settings function as follows:
- CONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections exceeds the threshold.
- DYNAMICCONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections at the GSLB virtual server exceeds the sum of the maximum client (Max Clients) settings for bound GSLB services. Do not specify a spillover threshold for this setting, because the threshold is implied by the Max Clients settings of the bound GSLB services.
- BANDWIDTH - Spillover occurs when the bandwidth consumed by the GSLB virtual server’s incoming and outgoing traffic exceeds the threshold.
- HEALTH - Spillover occurs when the percentage of weights of the GSLB services that are UP drops below the threshold. For example, if services gslbSvc1, gslbSvc2, and gslbSvc3 are bound to a virtual server, with weights 1, 2, and 3, and the spillover threshold is 50%, spillover occurs if gslbSvc1 and gslbSvc3 or gslbSvc2 and gslbSvc3 transition to DOWN.
- NONE - Spillover does not occur.
soBackupAction Action to be performed if spillover is to take effect, but no backup chain to spillover is usable or exists
soPersistence If spillover occurs, maintain source IP address based persistence for both primary and backup GSLB virtual servers.
soThreshold Threshold at which spillover occurs. Specify an integer for the CONNECTION spillover method, a bandwidth value in kilobits per second for the BANDWIDTH method (do not enter the units), or a percentage for the HEALTH method (do not enter the percentage symbol).
health Health of vserver based on percentage of weights of active svcs/all svcs. This does not consider administratively disabled svcs
stateflag stateflag
appflowLog Enable logging appflow flow information
policyName Name of the policy bound to the GSLB vserver.
priority Priority.
gotoPriorityExpression Expression specifying the priority of the next policy which will get evaluated if the current policy rule evaluates to TRUE. oIf gotoPriorityExpression is not present or if it is equal to END then the policy bank evaluation ends here oElse if the gotoPriorityExpression is equal to NEXT then the next policy in the priority order is evaluated. oElse gotoPriorityExpression is evaluated. The result of gotoPriorityExpression (which has to be a number) is processed as follows: -An UNDEF event is triggered if .gotoPriorityExpression cannot be evaluated .gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to number which is smaller than the maximum priority in the policy bank but is not same as any policy’s priority .gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to a priority that is smaller than the current policy’s priority -If the gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to the priority of the current policy then the next policy in the priority order is evaluated. -If the gotoPriorityExpression evaluates to the priority of a policy further ahead in the list then that policy will be evaluated next. This field is applicable only to rewrite and responder policies.
type The bindpoint to which the policy is bound
vsvrbindsvcip used for showing the ip of bound entities
vsvrbindsvcport used for showing ports of bound entities
gslbBoundSvcType Protocol used by services bound to the GSLBvirtual server.
sitePersistCookie This field is introduced for displaying the cookie in cluster setup.
svcSitePersistence Type of Site Persistence set on the bound service
svcitmnum This field is introduced for maintaining service items ordering while displaying gslb service groups
svcgrnm This field is introduced for displaying service groups bound to vserver.
serverName This field is used to display server name in case of GSLB servicegroup binding to GSLB vserver
serviceGroupName The GSLB service group name bound to the selected GSLB virtual server.
noDefaultBindings to determine if the configuration will have default ssl CIPHER and ECC curve bindings
rule Rule type
devno count
show gslb vserver gvip
set gslb vserver
Modifies the specified parameters of a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server.
set gslb vserver
name Name of the GSLB virtual server.
dnsRecordType DNS record type to associate with the GSLB virtual server’s domain name.
Possible values: A, AAAA, CNAME, NAPTR Default value: A
backupVServer Name of the backup GSLB virtual server to which the appliance should to forward requests if the status of the primary GSLB virtual server is down or exceeds its spillover threshold.
lbMethod Load balancing method for the GSLB virtual server.
backupLBMethod Backup load balancing method. Becomes operational if the primary load balancing method fails or cannot be used. Valid only if the primary method is based on either round-trip time (RTT) or static proximity.
netmask IPv4 network mask for use in the SOURCEIPHASH load balancing method. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF
v6netmasklen Number of bits to consider, in an IPv6 source IP address, for creating the hash that is required by the SOURCEIPHASH load balancing method. Default value: 128 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 128
tolerance Site selection tolerance, in milliseconds, for implementing the RTT load balancing method. If a site’s RTT deviates from the lowest RTT by more than the specified tolerance, the site is not considered when the Citrix ADC makes a GSLB decision. The appliance implements the round robin method of global server load balancing between sites whose RTT values are within the specified tolerance. If the tolerance is 0 (zero), the appliance always sends clients the IP address of the site with the lowest RTT. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 100
persistenceType Persistence type for the virtual server. Possible value for this parameter is SOURCEIP, which specifies persistence based on the source IP address of inbound packets. After the load balancing method selects a link for transmission of the first packet, the IP address received in response to the DNS query is used for subsequent requests from the same client.
Possible values: SOURCEIP, NONE
persistenceId The persistence ID for the GSLB virtual server. The ID is a positive integer that enables GSLB sites to identify the GSLB virtual server, and is required if source IP address based or spill over based persistence is enabled on the virtual server. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535
persistMask The optional IPv4 network mask applied to IPv4 addresses to establish source IP address based persistence. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF
v6persistmasklen Number of bits to consider in an IPv6 source IP address when creating source IP address based persistence sessions. Default value: 128 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 128
timeout Idle time, in minutes, after which a persistence entry is cleared. Default value: 2 Minimum value: 2 Maximum value: 1440
EDR Send clients an empty DNS response when the GSLB virtual server is DOWN.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ECS If enabled, respond with EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) option in the response for a DNS query with ECS. The ECS address will be used for persistence and spillover persistence (if enabled) instead of the LDNS address. Persistence mask is ignored if ECS is enabled.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
ecsAddrValidation Validate if ECS address is a private or unroutable address and in such cases, use the LDNS IP.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
MIR Include multiple IP addresses in the DNS responses sent to clients.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
disablePrimaryOnDown Continue to direct traffic to the backup chain even after the primary GSLB virtual server returns to the UP state. Used when spillover is configured for the virtual server.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
dynamicWeight Specify if the appliance should consider the service count, service weights, or ignore both when using weight-based load balancing methods. The state of the number of services bound to the virtual server help the appliance to select the service.
considerEffectiveState If the primary state of all bound GSLB services is DOWN, consider the effective states of all the GSLB services, obtained through the Metrics Exchange Protocol (MEP), when determining the state of the GSLB virtual server. To consider the effective state, set the parameter to STATE_ONLY. To disregard the effective state, set the parameter to NONE.
The effective state of a GSLB service is the ability of the corresponding virtual server to serve traffic. The effective state of the load balancing virtual server, which is transferred to the GSLB service, is UP even if only one virtual server in the backup chain of virtual servers is in the UP state.
Possible values: NONE, STATE_ONLY Default value: NONE
soMethod Type of threshold that, when exceeded, triggers spillover. Available settings function as follows:
- CONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections exceeds the threshold.
- DYNAMICCONNECTION - Spillover occurs when the number of client connections at the GSLB virtual server exceeds the sum of the maximum client (Max Clients) settings for bound GSLB services. Do not specify a spillover threshold for this setting, because the threshold is implied by the Max Clients settings of the bound GSLB services.
- BANDWIDTH - Spillover occurs when the bandwidth consumed by the GSLB virtual server’s incoming and outgoing traffic exceeds the threshold.
- HEALTH - Spillover occurs when the percentage of weights of the GSLB services that are UP drops below the threshold. For example, if services gslbSvc1, gslbSvc2, and gslbSvc3 are bound to a virtual server, with weights 1, 2, and 3, and the spillover threshold is 50%, spillover occurs if gslbSvc1 and gslbSvc3 or gslbSvc2 and gslbSvc3 transition to DOWN.
- NONE - Spillover does not occur.
soPersistence If spillover occurs, maintain source IP address based persistence for both primary and backup GSLB virtual servers.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
soPersistenceTimeOut Timeout for spillover persistence, in minutes. Default value: 2 Minimum value: 2 Maximum value: 1440
soThreshold Threshold at which spillover occurs. Specify an integer for the CONNECTION spillover method, a bandwidth value in kilobits per second for the BANDWIDTH method (do not enter the units), or a percentage for the HEALTH method (do not enter the percentage symbol). Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 4294967287
soBackupAction Action to be performed if spillover is to take effect, but no backup chain to spillover is usable or exists
Possible values: DROP, ACCEPT, REDIRECT
serviceName Name of the GSLB service for which to change the weight.
weight Weight to assign to the GSLB service. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 100
domainName Domain name for which to change the time to live (TTL) and/or backup service IP address.
TTL Time to live (TTL) for the domain. Minimum value: 1
backupIP The IP address of the backup service for the specified domain name. Used when all the services bound to the domain are down, or when the backup chain of virtual servers is down.
cookieDomain The cookie domain for the GSLB site. Used when inserting the GSLB site cookie in the HTTP response.
cookieTimeout Timeout, in minutes, for the GSLB site cookie. Maximum value: 1440
sitedomainTTL TTL, in seconds, for all internally created site domains (created when a site prefix is configured on a GSLB service) that are associated with this virtual server. Minimum value: 1
comment Any comments that you might want to associate with the GSLB virtual server.
appflowLog Enable logging appflow flow information
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
rule Expression, or name of a named expression, against which traffic is evaluated. This field is applicable only if gslb method or gslb backup method are set to API. The following requirements apply only to the Citrix ADC CLI:
- If the expression includes one or more spaces, enclose the entire expression in double quotation marks.
- If the expression itself includes double quotation marks, escape the quotations by using the \ character.
- Alternatively, you can use single quotation marks to enclose the rule, in which case you do not have to escape the double quotation marks. Default value: “none”
set gslb vserver gvip -persistenceType SOURCEIP
enable gslb vserver
Enables a global server load balancing (GSLB) virtual server that has been disabled. (A GSLB virtual server is enabled by default.)
enable gslb vserver
name Name of the GSLB virtual server to enable.
enable gslb vserver gslb_vip To enable multiple gslb vservers use the following command: enable gslb vserver gslb_vip[1-3]