ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “route6”:

show route6

Displays configuration and state information of all IPv6 routes in the Citrix ADC’s routing table, or of the specified IPv6 route.


show route6 [ \[] \[-vlan <positive\_integer> | -vxlan <positive\_integer>] \[-td <positive\_integer>]] \[] \[-detail]


network IPv6 network address of the route entry for which to display details.

gateway Any gateway of the route entry for which to display details. Default value: 0

vlan Integer that uniquely identifies the VLAN defined for this route. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

vxlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VXLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

routeType The type of IPv6 routes to be to be displayed.

detail To get a detailed view.


gatewayName The name of the gateway for this route.

advertise Any gateway of the route entry for which the details are to be displayed.

type State of the RNAT.

stateflag dynamic Whether this route is dynamically learned or not.

weight Weight of this route.

distance Administrative distance of this route from the appliance.

cost Positive integer used by the routing algorithms to determine preference for this route. The lower the cost, the higher the preference.

data Internal data of this route.

flags For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

msr Whether MSR is enabled or disabled.

monitor Name of the monitor, of type ND6 or PING, configured on the Citrix ADC to monitor this route.

state Whether this route is UP or DOWN.

totalprobes The total number of probes sent.

totalfailedprobes The total number of failed probes.

failedprobes Current number of failed monitoring probes.

monStatCode The code indicating the monitor response.

monStatParam1 First parameter for use with message code.

monStatParam2 Second parameter for use with message code.

monStatParam3 Third parameter for use with message code.

data1 Internal data of this route.

routeOwners Use this option with -dynamic and in a cluster only to specify the set of nodes from which this dynamic route has been learnt.

retain STATIC Static route.

PERMANENT Permanent Route.

connected Connected Route.

OSPFV3 For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

ISIS If this route is dynamic then which routing protocol was it learnt from.

active For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

BGP For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

RIP For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

raRoute For a dynamic route, the routing protocol from which the route was learned.

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this route6. If owner node group is not specified then the route is treated as Striped route.

clusterFlags Flags for cluster. Currently used to determine if it is a cluster system

devno count


Following is an example of the output of the show route6 command:

 Flags: Static(S), Dynamic(D), Active(A)

 Network       Gateway(vlan)   Flags
 -------       -----------     -----
 0::0/0        2001::1            S(A)
 0::0/0        FE80::90(4)        D(A)

add route6

Adds an IPv6 static route to the routing table of the Citrix ADC.


add route6 \[] \[-vlan <positive\_integer> | -vxlan <positive\_integer>] \[-weight <positive\_integer>] \[-distance <positive\_integer>] \[-cost <positive\_integer>] \[-advertise \( DISABLED | ENABLED )] \[-msr \( ENABLED | DISABLED ) \[-monitor ]] \[-td <positive\_integer>] \[-ownerGroup ]


network IPv6 network address for which to add a route entry to the routing table of the Citrix ADC.

gateway The gateway for this route. The value for this parameter is either an IPv6 address or null. Default value: 0

vlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

vxlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VXLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215

weight Positive integer used by the routing algorithms to determine preference for this route over others of equal cost. The lower the weight, the higher the preference. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535

distance Administrative distance of this route from the appliance. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 254

cost Positive integer used by the routing algorithms to determine preference for this route. The lower the cost, the higher the preference. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535

advertise Advertise this route.

Possible values: DISABLED, ENABLED

msr Monitor this route with a monitor of type ND6 or PING.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

monitor Name of the monitor, of type ND6 or PING, configured on the Citrix ADC to monitor this route.

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this route6. If owner node group is not specified then the route is treated as Striped route. Default value: DEFAULT_NG


add route6 ::/0 2004::1 add route6 ::/0 FE80::67 -vlan 5

rm route6

Removes a static IPv6 route from the Citrix ADC.


rm route6 \[] \[-vlan <positive\_integer> | -vxlan <positive\_integer>] \[-td <positive\_integer>] \[-ownerGroup ]


network The network of the route to be removed.

gateway The gateway address of the route to be removed. Default value: 0

vlan Integer that uniquely identifies the VLAN defined for this route. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

vxlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VXLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this route6. If owner node group is not specified then the route is treated as Striped route. Default value: DEFAULT_NG


rm route6 ::/0 2004::1 rm route6 ::/0 FE80::67 -vlan 5

unset route6

Unset the attributes of a route that were added by the add/set route command..Refer to the set route6 command for meanings of the arguments.


unset route6 \[] \[-vlan <positive\_integer> | -vxlan <positive\_integer>] \[-td <positive\_integer>] \[-weight] \[-distance] \[-cost] \[-advertise] \[-msr] \[-monitor]


unset route6 2000::1/100 3000::1 -advertise enable

clear route6

Removes IPv6 routes of the specified type (protocol) from the routing table of the Citrix ADC.


clear route6


routeType Type of IPv6 routes to remove from the routing table of the Citrix ADC.

set route6

Modifies parameters of an IPv6 static route.


set route6 \[] \[-vlan <positive\_integer> | -vxlan <positive\_integer>] \[-weight <positive\_integer>] \[-distance <positive\_integer>] \[-cost <positive\_integer>] \[-advertise \( DISABLED | ENABLED )] \[-msr \( ENABLED | DISABLED ) \[-monitor ]] \[-td <positive\_integer>]


network IPv6 network address of the route entry to be modified.

gateway The gateway for the route’s destination network. Default value: 0

vlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

vxlan Integer value that uniquely identifies a VXLAN through which the Citrix ADC forwards the packets for this route. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16777215

weight Positive integer used by the routing algorithms to determine preference for this route over others of equal cost. The lower the weight, the higher the preference. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535

distance Administrative distance of this route from the appliance. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 254

cost Positive integer used by the routing algorithms to determine preference for this route. The lower the cost, the higher the preference. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535

advertise Advertise this route.

Possible values: DISABLED, ENABLED

msr Monitor this route with a monitor of type ND6 or PING.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

monitor Name of the monitor, of type ND6 or PING, configured on the Citrix ADC to monitor this route.

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094


set route6 1::1/100 2000::1 -advertise enable
