ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “lacp”:

set lacp

Sets the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) system priority. Note: The Citrix ADC automatically adds a parameter called mac in the configuration file (ns.conf) for this command entry. This parameter is set to the MAC address of one of the Citrix ADC appliance’s interfaces and is used along with the system priority to form the system ID for the LACP channel.


set lacp -sysPriority [-ownerNode ]


sysPriority Priority number that determines which peer device of an LACP LA channel can have control over the LA channel. This parameter is globally applied to all LACP channels on the Citrix ADC. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Default value: 32768 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535

ownerNode The owner node in a cluster for which we want to set the lacp priority. Owner node can vary from 0 to 31. Ownernode value of 254 is used for Cluster. Default value: 255 Minimum value: 0

show lacp

Displays the settings of all channels created by the link aggregation control protocol (LACP) on the Citrix ADC.


show lacp [-ownerNode ]


ownerNode The owner node in a cluster for which we want to set the lacp priority. Owner node can vary from 0 to 31. Ownernode value of 254 is used for Cluster. Default value: 255 Minimum value: 0


deviceName Name of the channel.

sysPriority Priority number that determines which peer device of an LACP LA channel can have control over the LA channel. This parameter is globally applied to all LACP channels on the Citrix ADC. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

mac LACP system MAC.

flags Flags of this channel.

lacpKey LACP key of this channel.

clustersysPriority LACP system (Cluster) priority

clusterMac LACP system (Cluster) mac.

devno count stateflag
