ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “ns-acls6”:

apply ns acls6

Updates the ACL6 rules’ memory tree (lookup table), adding any new ACL6 rules and applying any modifications to existing ACL rules. The lookup table includes the configuration of all the ACL6 rules on the Citrix ADC. The Citrix ADC appliance uses the lookup table (not the configuration file) to filter the incoming IPv4 packets.


apply ns acls6 [-type ( CLASSIC DFD )]


type Type of the acl ,default will be CLASSIC. Available options as follows:

  • CLASSIC - specifies the regular extended acls.
  • DFD - cluster specific acls,specifies hashmethod for steering of the packet in cluster .

Possible values: CLASSIC, DFD Default value: CLASSIC


apply ns acls6 -type

renumber ns acls6

Renumbers the priorities of ACL6 rules to multiples of 10. To commit this operation, you must apply the ACL6s. Enables you to assign a new ACL6 rule a priority that is between two existing, consecutively numbered priorities. For example, if two ACL6s, ACL6-1 and ACL6-2, have priorities 2 and 3 renumbering changes those priorities to 20 and 30. You can then add ACL6-3 with priority 25.


renumber ns acls6 [-type ( CLASSIC DFD )]


type Type of the acl ,default will be CLASSIC. Available options as follows:

  • CLASSIC - specifies the regular extended acls.
  • DFD - cluster specific acls,specifies hashmethod for steering of the packet in cluster .

Possible values: CLASSIC, DFD Default value: CLASSIC


renumber acls6

clear ns acls6

Removes all simple ACL6 rules from the Citrix ADC. This operation does not require an explicit apply.


clear ns acls6 [-type ( CLASSIC DFD )]


type Type of the acl ,default will be CLASSIC. Available options as follows:

  • CLASSIC - specifies the regular extended acls.
  • DFD - cluster specific acls,specifies hashmethod for steering of the packet in cluster .

Possible values: CLASSIC, DFD Default value: CLASSIC


clear ns acls6 -type
