ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “ns-centralmanagementserver”:

show ns centralmanagementserver

Displays the current configuration of a central management server profile.


show ns centralmanagementserver []


type Type of the central management server profile.

Possible values: CLOUD, ONPREM


userName Username for access to the central management server.

IPAddress Ip Address of central management server.

serverName Fully qualified domain name of the central management server.

validateCert validate the server certificate for secure SSL connections.

password Password for access to the central management server.

deviceProfileName Device profile is created on ADM and contains the user name and password of the instance(s).

InstanceID Instance ID of the customer provided by Trust

CustomerID Customer ID of the citrix cloud customer

ADMServiceEnvironment ADM service environment (PRODUCTION/STAGING/DEV)

ADMServiceConnectionStatus Built-in agent’s (mastools) connection status to ADM service

devno count stateflag



show ns centralmgmtserver ONPREM Type: ONPREM UserName: joe IPAddress: Password: b04b0ac4e363c4b05d9a3e84cfbfd75763d11c5546ca7d4abb133a249ea8440e Done

add ns centralmanagementserver

Adds a centralmgmtserver server profile and verifies the configuration to ensure that it is correct. Also registers the device on the central management server.


add ns centralmanagementserver \[\( {}) | -activationCode ] \(-IPAddress <ip\_addr|ipv6\_addr|\*> | -serverName ) \[-validateCert \( YES | NO )] \[-deviceProfileName | \(-adcUserName -adcPassword )]


type Type of the central management server. Must be either CLOUD or ONPREM depending on whether the server is on the cloud or on premise.

Possible values: CLOUD, ONPREM

userName Username for access to central management server. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-), period (.) pound (#), space ( ), at (@), equals (=), colon (:), and underscore characters.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my ns centralmgmtserver” or “my ns centralmgmtserver”).

password Password for access to central management server. Required for any user account.

activationCode Activation code is used to register to ADM service

IPAddress Ip Address of central management server.

serverName Fully qualified domain name of the central management server or service-url to locate ADM service.

validateCert validate the server certificate for secure SSL connections.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: YES

deviceProfileName Device profile is created on ADM and contains the user name and password of the instance(s).

adcUserName ADC username used to create device profile on ADM

adcPassword ADC password used to create device profile on ADM


add ns centralmgmtserver cloud johndoe abcd The above example adds user johndoe with password abcd

rm ns centralmanagementserver

Removes a central management server profile and the associated configuration.


rm ns centralmanagementserver


type Type of the centralmgmtserver user to remove.

Possible values: CLOUD, ONPREM
