ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “lsn-session”:

flush lsn session

Flush LSN Session.


flush lsn session [-nattype \[-network <ip\_addr> \[-netmask ] \[-td <positive\_integer>]] \[-network6 <ipv6\_addr|\*>] ] \[-clientname ] \[-natIP <ip\_addr> \[-natPort ]] \[-nodeId <positive\_integer>]


nattype Type of sessions to be displayed.

Possible values: NAT44, DS-Lite, NAT64 Default value: NAT44

clientname Name of the LSN Client entity.

network IP address or network address of subscriber(s).

netmask Subnet mask for the IP address specified by the network parameter. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF

network6 IPv6 address of the LSN subscriber or B4 device.

td Traffic domain ID of the LSN client entity. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

natIP Mapped NAT IP address used in LSN sessions.

natPort Mapped NAT port used in the LSN sessions.

nodeId ID(s) of cluster node(s) on which command is to be executed Default value: -1 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31


flush lsn session

show lsn session

Show LSN Session.


show lsn session [-nattype \[-network <ip\_addr> \[-netmask ] \[-td <positive\_integer>]] \[-network6 <ipv6\_addr|\*>] ] \[-clientname ] \[-natIP <ip\_addr>]


nattype Type of sessions to be displayed.

Possible values: NAT44, DS-Lite, NAT64 Default value: NAT44

clientname Name of the LSN Client entity.

network IP address or network address of subscriber(s).

netmask Subnet mask for the IP address specified by the network parameter. Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF

network6 IPv6 address of the LSN subscriber or B4 device.

td Traffic domain ID of the LSN client entity. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

natIP Mapped NAT IP address used in LSN sessions.


natprefix IPv6 address of the LSN subscriber(s) or subscriber network(B4-Device) on whose traffic the Citrix ADC perform Large Scale NAT.

subscrIP The Source IP address.

subscrPort The Source Port.

destIP The Destination IP address.

destPort The Destination Port.

natPort The NAT Port

transportprotocol The Transport Protocol for the session.

sessionestdir The Session establishment direction, session was established for outbound or inbound packet.

dsttd srctd IPv6Address IPv6 address of v6 vserver

devno count stateflag


show lsn session
