ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “tm-sessionParameter”:

set tm sessionParameter

Sets global parameters for the traffic management (TM) session. Parameters defined when adding a traffic session action override these parameters.


set tm sessionParameter [-sessTimeout ] \[-defaultAuthorizationAction \( ALLOW | DENY )] \[-SSO \( ON | OFF )] \[-ssoCredential \( PRIMARY | SECONDARY )] \[-ssoDomain ] \[-kcdAccount ] \[-httpOnlyCookie \( YES | NO )] \[-persistentCookie \( ON | OFF )] \[-persistentCookieValidity <positive\_integer>] \[-homePage ]


sessTimeout Session timeout, in minutes. If there is no traffic during the timeout period, the user is disconnected and must reauthenticate to access the intranet resources. Default value: 30 Minimum value: 1

defaultAuthorizationAction Allow or deny access to content for which there is no specific authorization policy.

Possible values: ALLOW, DENY Default value: DENY

SSO Log users on to all web applications automatically after they authenticate, or pass users to the web application logon page to authenticate for each application. Note that this configuration does not honor the following authentication types for security reason. BASIC, DIGEST, and NTLM (without Negotiate NTLM2 Key or Negotiate Sign Flag). Use TM TrafficAction to configure SSO for these authentication types.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

ssoCredential Use primary or secondary authentication credentials for single sign-on.

Possible values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY Default value: PRIMARY

ssoDomain Domain to use for single sign-on.

kcdAccount Kerberos constrained delegation account name

httpOnlyCookie Allow only an HTTP session cookie, in which case the cookie cannot be accessed by scripts.

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: YES

persistentCookie Use persistent SSO cookies for the traffic session. A persistent cookie remains on the user device and is sent with each HTTP request. The cookie becomes stale if the session ends.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

persistentCookieValidity Integer specifying the number of minutes for which the persistent cookie remains valid. Can be set only if the persistence cookie setting is enabled. Minimum value: 1

homePage Web address of the home page that a user is displayed when authentication vserver is bookmarked and used to login. Default value: “None”

show tm sessionParameter

Displays information about traffic session parameters.


show tm sessionParameter



name sessTimeout The session timeout, in minutes.

defaultAuthorizationAction The Authentication Action, e.g. allow or deny.

SSO Whether or not Single Sign-On is used for this session.

ssoCredential Use primary or secondary authentication credentials for single sign-on.

ssoDomain Domain to use for single sign-on.

kcdAccount Kerberos constrained delegation account name

httpOnlyCookie Allow only an HTTP session cookie, in which case the cookie cannot be accessed by scripts.

homePage Web address of the home page that a user is displayed when authentication vserver is bookmarked and used to login.

persistentCookie Use persistent SSO cookies for the traffic session. A persistent cookie remains on the user device and is sent with each HTTP request. The cookie becomes stale if the session ends.

persistentCookieValidity Integer specifying the number of minutes for which the persistent cookie remains valid. Can be set only if the persistence cookie setting is enabled.

tmsessionpolicyBindtype Indicates current bind type (Classic/Advanced) for TM session policy across all bind entities

tmsessionpolicyCount Count of TM session policies across all bind entities

unset tm sessionParameter

Resets the attributes of the specified traffic session parameters. Attributes for which a default value is available revert to their default values. Refer to the set tm sessionParameter command for descriptions of the parameters..Refer to the set tm sessionParameter command for meanings of the arguments.


unset tm sessionParameter [-sessTimeout] [-SSO] [-ssoDomain] [-kcdAccount] [-persistentCookie] [-homePage] [-defaultAuthorizationAction] [-ssoCredential] [-httpOnlyCookie] [-persistentCookieValidity]
