The following operations can be performed on “vpn-parameter”:
show | unset | set |
show vpn parameter
Displays the configured Citrix Gateway parameters.
show vpn parameter
name The VPN name.
httpPort The HTTP Port.
winsIP The WINS server IP address used for WINS host resolution by the VPN.
dnsVserverName The configured DNS vserver used for DNS host resolution by the VPN.
splitDns The VPN client SplitDns state.
icaUserAccounting RADIUS policy to use for user accounting
sessTimeout The session timeout, in minutes.
clientSecurity The client security check applied to client sessions. This is in the form of an expression. Expressions are simple conditions, such as a test for equality, applied to operands, such as a URL string or an IP address. Expression syntax is described in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
clientSecurityGroup The client security group that will be assigned on failure of the client security check. Users can in general be organized into Groups. In this case, the Client Security Group may have a more restrictive security policy.
clientSecurityMessage The client security message that will be displayed on failure of the client security check.
clientSecurityLog Specifies whether or not to display all failed Client Security scans to the end user
Smartgroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups.
splitTunnel Send, through the tunnel, traffic only for intranet applications that are defined in Citrix Gateway. Route all other traffic directly to the Internet. The OFF setting routes all traffic through Citrix Gateway. With the REVERSE setting, intranet applications define the network traffic that is not intercepted. All network traffic directed to internal IP addresses bypasses the VPN tunnel, while other traffic goes through Citrix Gateway. Reverse split tunneling can be used to log all non-local LAN traffic. For example, if users have a home network and are logged on through the Citrix Gateway Plug-in, network traffic destined to a printer or another device within the home network is not intercepted.
localLanAccess Set local LAN access. If split tunneling is OFF, and you set local LAN access to ON, the local client can route traffic to its local interface. When the local area network switch is specified, this combination of switches is useful. The client can allow local LAN access to devices that commonly have non-routable addresses, such as local printers or local file servers.
rfc1918 Only allow RFC1918 local addresses when local LAN access feature is enabled.
spoofIIP Controls the Spoofing of Intranet IP to the Windows Applications by Windows VPN client when the end-user is connected to SSL VPN in ‘-splittunnel OFF’ mode.
killConnections Determines whether Windows VPN client should kill all pre-existing connections; (for example, the connections existing before the end user logged in to SSL VPN) and prevent new incoming connections on the Windows Client system when the end user is connected to SSL VPN in ‘-splittunnel OFF’ mode.
transparentInterception Allow access to network resources by using a single IP address and subnet mask or a range of IP addresses. The OFF setting sets the mode to proxy, in which you configure destination and source IP addresses and port numbers. If you are using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, set this parameter to ON, in which the mode is set to transparent. If you are using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Java, set this parameter to OFF.
windowsClientType The windows client type.
defaultAuthorizationAction The Authentication Action, such as allow or deny.
authorizationGroup The authorization group applied to the session.
clientIdleTimeout The client idle timeout, in minutes.
clientIdleTimeoutWarning The time after which the client gets a timeout warning, in minutes.
proxy Proxy configuration for the session.
allProtocolProxy Address set for all proxies.
httpProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for HTTP access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
ftpProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for FTP access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
socksProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for SOCKS access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
gopherProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for GOPHER access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
sslProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for SSL access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
proxyException The Proxy Exception string that is configured in the Browser for bypassing the previously configured proxies. Allowed only if proxy type is Browser.
proxyLocalBypass Bypass proxy server for local addresses option in Internet Explorer and Firefox proxy server settings.
clientCleanupPrompt Prompt for client-side cache clean-up when a client-initiated session closes.
forceCleanup Whether or not to force a cleanup on exit from the VPN session.
clientOptions List of configured buttons(and/or menu options in the docked client) in the Windows VPN client.
clientConfiguration List of configured tabs in the Windows VPN client.
SSO Enable or Disable Single Sign-On.
ssoCredential Specify whether to use the primary or secondary authentication credentials for single sign-on to the server.
windowsAutoLogon Enable or Disable Windows Auto Logon.
useMIP Enables or disables the use of a Mapped IP address for the session.
useIIP Define IP address pool options. Available settings function as follows:
- SPILLOVER - When an address pool is configured and the mapped IP is used as an intranet IP address, the mapped IP address is used when an intranet IP address cannot be assigned.
- NOSPILLOVER - When intranet IP addresses are enabled and the mapped IP address is not used, the Transfer Login page appears for users who have used all available intranet IP addresses.
- OFF - Address pool is not configured.
clientDebug Whether or not to add debugging information to the activity log on the client.
loginScript Path to the logon script that is run when a session is established. Separate multiple scripts by using comma. A “$” in the path signifies that the word following the “$” is an environment variable.
logoutScript Path to the logout script. Separate multiple scripts by using comma. A “$” in the path signifies that the word following the “$” is an environment variable.
homePage The home page URL, or ‘none’. ‘none’ is case sensitive.
icaProxy Enable ICA proxy to configure secure Internet access to servers running Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop by using Citrix Receiver instead of the Citrix Gateway Plug-in.
Web address of the Web Interface server, such as http://
wihomeAddressType Type of the wihome address(IPV4/V6)
citrixReceiverHome Web address for the Citrix Receiver home page. Configure Citrix Gateway so that when users log on to the appliance, the Citrix Gateway Plug-in opens a web browser that allows single sign-on to the Citrix Receiver home page.
wiPortalMode Layout on the Access Interface. The COMPACT value indicates the use of small icons.
ClientChoices Provide users with multiple logon options. With client choices, users have the option of logging on by using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Java, the Web Interface, or clientless access from one location. Depending on how Citrix Gateway is configured, users are presented with up to three icons for logon choices. The most common are the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, Web Interface, and clientless access.
epaClientType Choose between two types of End point Windows Client a) Application Agent - which always runs in the task bar as a standalone application and also has a supporting service which runs permanently when installed b) Activex Control - ActiveX control run by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
iipDnsSuffix The DNS suffix for the intranet IP address.
forcedTimeout The time, in minutes after which a timeout is forced.
forcedTimeoutWarning The time, in minutes, after which a timeout warning is issued.
ntDomain Single sign-on domain to use for single sign-on to applications in the internal network. This setting can be overwritten by the domain that users specify at the time of logon or by the domain that the authentication server returns.
clientlessVpnMode Whether clientless VPN is available to the session.
clientlessModeUrlEncoding URL encoding to be used for clientless mode.
clientlessPersistentCookie State of persistent cookies in clientless access mode. Persistent cookies are required for accessing certain features of SharePoint, such as opening and editing Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents hosted on the SharePoint server. A persistent cookie remains on the user device and is sent with each HTTP request. Citrix Gateway encrypts the persistent cookie before sending it to the plug-in on the user device, and refreshes the cookie periodically as long as the session exists. The cookie becomes stale if the session ends. Available settings function as follows:
- ALLOW - Enable persistent cookies. Users can open and edit Microsoft documents stored in SharePoint.
- DENY - Disable persistent cookies. Users cannot open and edit Microsoft documents stored in SharePoint.
- PROMPT - Prompt users to allow or deny persistent cookies during the session. Persistent cookies are not required for clientless access if users do not connect to SharePoint.
emailHome Web address for the web-based email, such as Outlook Web Access.
allowedLoginGroups Specify groups that have permission to log on to Citrix Gateway. Users who do not belong to this group or groups are denied access even if they have valid credentials.
encryptCsecExp Enable encryption of client security expressions.
appTokenTimeout The timeout value in seconds for tokens to access XenMobile applications
mdxTokenTimeout Validity of MDX Token in minutes. This token is used for mdx services to access backend and valid HEAD and GET request.
UITHEME Set VPN UI Theme to Green-Bubble, Caxton or Custom; default is Caxton.
SecureBrowse Allow users to connect through Citrix Gateway to network resources from iOS and Android mobile devices with Citrix Receiver. Users do not need to establish a full VPN tunnel to access resources in the secure network.
storefronturl Web address for StoreFront to be used in this session for enumeration of resources from XenApp or XenDesktop.
kcdAccount The KCD account details to be used in SSO
clientversions checkversion api
rdpClientProfileName Name of the RDP profile associated with the vserver.
tag WindowsPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Win
MacPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Mac
LinuxPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Linux
iconWithReceiver Option to decide whether to show plugin icon along with receiver icon
userDomains List of user domains specified as comma seperated value
icaSessionTimeout Enable or disable ica session timeout. If enabled and in case AAA session gets terminated, ICA connections associated with that will also get terminated
alwaysONProfileName Name of the AlwaysON profile. The builtin profile named none can be used to explicitly disable AlwaysON.
autoProxyUrl URL to auto proxy config file
AdvancedClientlessVpnMode Option to enable/disable Advanced ClientlessVpnMode. Additionaly, it can be set to STRICT to block Classic ClientlessVpnMode while in AdvancedClientlessMode.
pcoipProfileName Name of the PCOIP profile.
backendServerSni enables sni extension for backend server handshakes
backendCertValidation enables backend server certificate validation
vpnsessionpolicyBindtype Indicates current bind type (Classic/Advanced) for VPN session policy across all bind entities
vpnsessionpolicyCount Count of VPN session policies across all bind entities
fqdnSpoofedIP Spoofed IP address range that can be used by client for FQDN based split tunneling
netmask The netmask for the spoofed ip address
SameSite SameSite attribute value for Cookies generated in VPN context. This attribute value will be appended only for the cookies which are specified in the builtin patset ns_cookies_samesite
maxIIPPerUser Maximum number of Intranet IP that can be assigned to a user from AAA group, VPN vserver or VPN global pool. This setting is not applicable for AAA user level Intranet IP configuration
unset vpn parameter
Removes global parameters for Citrix Gateway..Refer to the set vpn parameter command for meanings of the arguments.
unset vpn parameter [-httpPort] [-winsIP] [-dnsVserverName] [-splitDns] [-icaUserAccounting] [-sessTimeout] [-clientSecurity] [-clientSecurityGroup] [-Smartgroup] [-clientSecurityMessage] [-clientSecurityLog] [-authorizationGroup] [-clientIdleTimeout] [-allProtocolProxy | -httpProxy | -ftpProxy | -socksProxy | -gopherProxy | -sslProxy] [-proxyException] [-forceCleanup] [-clientConfiguration] [-loginScript] [-logoutScript] [-homePage] [-proxy] [-wihome] [-citrixReceiverHome] [-wiPortalMode] [-iipDnsSuffix] [-forcedTimeout] [-forcedTimeoutWarning] [-defaultAuthorizationAction] [-ntDomain] [-clientlessVpnMode] [-emailHome] [-clientlessModeUrlEncoding] [-clientlessPersistentCookie] [-allowedLoginGroups] [-appTokenTimeout] [-mdxTokenTimeout] [-storefronturl] [-UITHEME] [-kcdAccount] [-rdpClientProfileName] [-WindowsPluginUpgrade] [-MacPluginUpgrade] [-LinuxPluginUpgrade] [-iconWithReceiver] [-alwaysONProfileName] [-autoProxyUrl] [-pcoipProfileName] [-AdvancedClientlessVpnMode] [-fqdnSpoofedIP] [-splitTunnel] [-localLanAccess] [-rfc1918] [-killConnections] [-transparentInterception] [-proxyLocalBypass] [-clientCleanupPrompt] [-SSO] [-ssoCredential] [-windowsAutoLogon] [-useMIP] [-useIIP] [-icaProxy] [-ClientChoices] [-encryptCsecExp] [-SecureBrowse] [-clientversions] [-icaSessionTimeout] [-backendServerSni] [-backendCertValidation] [-netmask] [-SameSite] |
set vpn parameter
Sets global parameters for Citrix Gateway.
set vpn parameter [-httpPort
httpPort Destination port numbers other than port 80, added as a comma-separated list. Traffic to these ports is processed as HTTP traffic, which allows functionality, such as HTTP authorization and single sign-on to a web application to work. Minimum value: 1
winsIP WINS server IP address to add to Citrix Gateway for name resolution.
dnsVserverName Name of the DNS virtual server for the user session.
splitDns Route the DNS requests to the local DNS server configured on the user device, or Citrix Gateway (remote), or both.
Possible values: LOCAL, REMOTE, BOTH
icaUserAccounting The name of the radiusPolicy to use for RADIUS user accounting info on the session.
sessTimeout Number of minutes after which the session times out. Default value: 30 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
clientSecurity Specify the client security check for the user device to permit a Citrix Gateway session. The web address or IP address is not included in the expression for the client security check.
clientSecurityGroup The client security group that will be assigned on failure of the client security check. Users can in general be organized into Groups. In this case, the Client Security Group may have a more restrictive security policy.
clientSecurityMessage The client security message that will be displayed on failure of the client security check.
clientSecurityLog Specifies whether or not to display all failed Client Security scans to the end user
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
Smartgroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups. Maximum value: 64
splitTunnel Send, through the tunnel, traffic only for intranet applications that are defined in Citrix Gateway. Route all other traffic directly to the Internet. The OFF setting routes all traffic through Citrix Gateway. With the REVERSE setting, intranet applications define the network traffic that is not intercepted. All network traffic directed to internal IP addresses bypasses the VPN tunnel, while other traffic goes through Citrix Gateway. Reverse split tunneling can be used to log all non-local LAN traffic. For example, if users have a home network and are logged on through the Citrix Gateway Plug-in, network traffic destined to a printer or another device within the home network is not intercepted.
Possible values: ON, OFF, REVERSE Default value: OFF
localLanAccess Set local LAN access. If split tunneling is OFF, and you set local LAN access to ON, the local client can route traffic to its local interface. When the local area network switch is specified, this combination of switches is useful. The client can allow local LAN access to devices that commonly have non-routable addresses, such as local printers or local file servers.
Possible values: ON, OFF, FORCED Default value: OFF
rfc1918 As defined in the local area network, allow only the following local area network addresses to bypass the VPN tunnel when the local LAN access feature is enabled:
- 10...*,
- 172.16..,
- 192.168..
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
killConnections Specify whether the Citrix Gateway Plug-in should disconnect all preexisting connections, such as the connections existing before the user logged on to Citrix Gateway, and prevent new incoming connections on the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows and MAC when the user is connected to Citrix Gateway and split tunneling is disabled.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
transparentInterception Allow access to network resources by using a single IP address and subnet mask or a range of IP addresses. The OFF setting sets the mode to proxy, in which you configure destination and source IP addresses and port numbers. If you are using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, set this parameter to ON, in which the mode is set to transparent. If you are using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Java, set this parameter to OFF.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
defaultAuthorizationAction Specify the network resources that users have access to when they log on to the internal network. The default setting for authorization is to deny access to all network resources. Citrix recommends using the default global setting and then creating authorization policies to define the network resources users can access. If you set the default authorization policy to DENY, you must explicitly authorize access to any network resource, which improves security.
Possible values: ALLOW, DENY Default value: DENY
authorizationGroup Comma-separated list of groups in which the user is placed when none of the groups that the user is a part of is configured on Citrix Gateway. The authorization policy can be bound to these groups to control access to the resources.
clientIdleTimeout Time, in minutes, after which to time out the user session if Citrix Gateway does not detect mouse or keyboard activity. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 9999
proxy Set options to apply proxy for accessing the internal resources. Available settings function as follows:
- BROWSER - Proxy settings are configured only in Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
- NS - Proxy settings are configured on the Citrix ADC.
- OFF - Proxy settings are not configured.
Possible values: BROWSER, NS, OFF
allProtocolProxy IP address of the proxy server to use for all protocols supported by Citrix Gateway.
httpProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for HTTP access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
ftpProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for FTP access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
socksProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for SOCKS access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
gopherProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for GOPHER access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
sslProxy IP address of the proxy server to be used for SSL access for all subsequent connections to the internal network.
proxyException Proxy exception string that will be configured in the browser for bypassing the previously configured proxies. Allowed only if proxy type is Browser.
proxyLocalBypass Bypass proxy server for local addresses option in Internet Explorer and Firefox proxy server settings.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
clientCleanupPrompt Prompt for client-side cache clean-up when a client-initiated session closes.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: ON
forceCleanup Force cache clean-up when the user closes a session. You can specify all, none, or any combination of the client-side items.
clientConfiguration Allow users to change client Debug logging level in Configuration tab of the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows.
SSO Set single sign-on (SSO) for the session. When the user accesses a server, the user’s logon credentials are passed to the server for authentication. NOTE : This configuration does not honor the following authentication types for security reason. BASIC, DIGEST, and NTLM (without Negotiate NTLM2 Key or Negotiate Sign Flag). Use VPN TrafficAction to configure SSO for these authentication types.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
ssoCredential Specify whether to use the primary or secondary authentication credentials for single sign-on to the server.
Possible values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY Default value: PRIMARY
windowsAutoLogon Enable or disable the Windows Auto Logon for the session. If a VPN session is established after this setting is enabled, the user is automatically logged on by using Windows credentials after the system is restarted.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
useMIP Enable or disable the use of a unique IP address alias, or a mapped IP address, as the client IP address for each client session. Allow Citrix Gateway to use the mapped IP address as an intranet IP address when all other IP addresses are not available. When IP pooling is configured and the mapped IP is used as an intranet IP address, the mapped IP address is used when an intranet IP address cannot be assigned.
Possible values: NS, OFF Default value: NS
useIIP Define IP address pool options. Available settings function as follows:
- SPILLOVER - When an address pool is configured and the mapped IP is used as an intranet IP address, the mapped IP address is used when an intranet IP address cannot be assigned.
- NOSPILLOVER - When intranet IP addresses are enabled and the mapped IP address is not used, the Transfer Login page appears for users who have used all available intranet IP addresses.
- OFF - Address pool is not configured.
loginScript Path to the logon script that is run when a session is established. Separate multiple scripts by using comma. A “$” in the path signifies that the word following the “$” is an environment variable.
logoutScript Path to the logout script. Separate multiple scripts by using comma. A “$” in the path signifies that the word following the “$” is an environment variable.
homePage Web address of the home page that appears when users log on. Otherwise, users receive the default home page for Citrix Gateway, which is the Access Interface.
icaProxy Enable ICA proxy to configure secure Internet access to servers running Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop by using Citrix Receiver instead of the Citrix Gateway Plug-in.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
Web address of the Web Interface server, such as http://
wihomeAddressType Type of the wihome address(IPV4/V6)
Possible values: IPV4, IPV6
citrixReceiverHome Web address for the Citrix Receiver home page. Configure Citrix Gateway so that when users log on to the appliance, the Citrix Gateway Plug-in opens a web browser that allows single sign-on to the Citrix Receiver home page.
wiPortalMode Layout on the Access Interface. The COMPACT value indicates the use of small icons.
Possible values: NORMAL, COMPACT
ClientChoices Provide users with multiple logon options. With client choices, users have the option of logging on by using the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Java, the Web Interface, or clientless access from one location. Depending on how Citrix Gateway is configured, users are presented with up to three icons for logon choices. The most common are the Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Windows, Web Interface, and clientless access.
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
iipDnsSuffix An intranet IP DNS suffix. When a user logs on to Citrix Gateway and is assigned an IP address, a DNS record for the user name and IP address combination is added to the Citrix Gateway DNS cache. You can configure a DNS suffix to append to the user name when the DNS record is added to the cache. You can reach to the host from where the user is logged on by using the user’s name, which can be easier to remember than an IP address. When the user logs off from Citrix Gateway, the record is removed from the DNS cache.
forcedTimeout Force a disconnection from the Citrix Gateway Plug-in with Citrix Gateway after a specified number of minutes. If the session closes, the user must log on again. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
forcedTimeoutWarning Number of minutes to warn a user before the user session is disconnected. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
ntDomain Single sign-on domain to use for single sign-on to applications in the internal network. This setting can be overwritten by the domain that users specify at the time of logon or by the domain that the authentication server returns.
clientlessVpnMode Enable clientless access for web, XenApp or XenDesktop, and FileShare resources without installing the Citrix Gateway Plug-in. Available settings function as follows:
- ON - Allow only clientless access.
- OFF - Allow clientless access after users log on with the Citrix Gateway Plug-in.
- DISABLED - Do not allow clientless access.
Possible values: ON, OFF, DISABLED Default value: OFF
clientlessModeUrlEncoding When clientless access is enabled, you can choose to encode the addresses of internal web applications or to leave the address as clear text. Available settings function as follows:
- OPAQUE - Use standard encoding mechanisms to make the domain and protocol part of the resource unclear to users.
- TRANSPARENT - Do not encode the web address and make it visible to users.
- ENCRYPT - Allow the domain and protocol to be encrypted using a session key. When the web address is encrypted, the URL is different for each user session for the same web resource. If users bookmark the encoded web address, save it in the web browser and then log off, they cannot connect to the web address when they log on and use the bookmark. If users save the encrypted bookmark in the Access Interface during their session, the bookmark works each time the user logs on.
Possible values: TRANSPARENT, OPAQUE, ENCRYPT Default value: OPAQUE
clientlessPersistentCookie State of persistent cookies in clientless access mode. Persistent cookies are required for accessing certain features of SharePoint, such as opening and editing Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents hosted on the SharePoint server. A persistent cookie remains on the user device and is sent with each HTTP request. Citrix Gateway encrypts the persistent cookie before sending it to the plug-in on the user device, and refreshes the cookie periodically as long as the session exists. The cookie becomes stale if the session ends. Available settings function as follows:
- ALLOW - Enable persistent cookies. Users can open and edit Microsoft documents stored in SharePoint.
- DENY - Disable persistent cookies. Users cannot open and edit Microsoft documents stored in SharePoint.
- PROMPT - Prompt users to allow or deny persistent cookies during the session. Persistent cookies are not required for clientless access if users do not connect to SharePoint.
Possible values: ALLOW, DENY, PROMPT Default value: DENY
emailHome Web address for the web-based email, such as Outlook Web Access.
allowedLoginGroups Specify groups that have permission to log on to Citrix Gateway. Users who do not belong to this group or groups are denied access even if they have valid credentials.
encryptCsecExp Enable encryption of client security expressions.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
appTokenTimeout The timeout value in seconds for tokens to access XenMobile applications Default value: 100 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
mdxTokenTimeout Validity of MDX Token in minutes. This token is used for mdx services to access backend and valid HEAD and GET request. Default value: 10 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 1440
UITHEME Set VPN UI Theme to Green-Bubble, Caxton or Custom; default is Caxton.
SecureBrowse Allow users to connect through Citrix Gateway to network resources from iOS and Android mobile devices with Citrix Receiver. Users do not need to establish a full VPN tunnel to access resources in the secure network.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: ENABLED
storefronturl Web address for StoreFront to be used in this session for enumeration of resources from XenApp or XenDesktop.
kcdAccount The KCD account details to be used in SSO
clientversions checkversion api
rdpClientProfileName Name of the RDP profile associated with the vserver.
WindowsPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Win
Possible values: Always, Essential, Never Default value: Always
MacPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Mac
Possible values: Always, Essential, Never Default value: Always
LinuxPluginUpgrade Option to set plugin upgrade behaviour for Linux
Possible values: Always, Essential, Never Default value: Always
iconWithReceiver Option to decide whether to show plugin icon along with receiver icon
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
icaSessionTimeout Enable or disable ica session timeout. If enabled and in case AAA session gets terminated, ICA connections associated with that will also get terminated
Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF
alwaysONProfileName Name of the AlwaysON profile. The builtin profile named none can be used to explicitly disable AlwaysON.
autoProxyUrl URL to auto proxy config file
AdvancedClientlessVpnMode Option to enable/disable Advanced ClientlessVpnMode. Additionaly, it can be set to STRICT to block Classic ClientlessVpnMode while in AdvancedClientlessMode.
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED, STRICT Default value: DISABLED
pcoipProfileName Name of the PCOIP profile.
backendServerSni enables sni extension for backend server handshakes
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
backendCertValidation enables backend server certificate validation
Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED
fqdnSpoofedIP Spoofed IP address range that can be used by client for FQDN based split tunneling
netmask The netmask for the spoofed ip address
SameSite SameSite attribute value for Cookies generated in VPN context. This attribute value will be appended only for the cookies which are specified in the builtin patset ns_cookies_samesite
Possible values: None, LAX, STRICT
set vpn parameter -httpport 80 90 -winsIP -dnsVserverName mydns -sessTimeout 240