ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “filter-action”:

unset filter action

Use this command to remove filter action settings.Refer to the set filter action command for meanings of the arguments.


unset filter action -page

add filter action

Creates a content filtering action. This action can be associated with a content filtering policy that is created with the add filter policy command. Note: The following content filtering actions are available by default:

  • RESET - Sends a TCP reset for the HTTP requests.
  • DROP - Drops the HTTP requests silently, without sending a TCP FIN for closing the connection.


add filter action [] [] [] []


name Name for the filtering action. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore character (_). Other characters allowed, after the first character, are the hyphen (-), period (.) hash (#), space ( ), at sign (@), equals (=), and colon (:) characters. Choose a name that helps identify the type of action. The name of a filter action cannot be changed after it is created.

CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my action” or ‘my action’).

qual Qualifier, which is the action to be performed. The qualifier cannot be changed after it is set. The available options function as follows: ADD - Adds the specified HTTP header. RESET - Terminates the connection, sending the appropriate termination notice to the user’s browser. FORWARD - Redirects the request to the designated service. You must specify either a service name or a page, but not both. DROP - Silently deletes the request, without sending a response to the user’s browser. CORRUPT - Modifies the designated HTTP header to prevent it from performing the function it was intended to perform, then sends the request/response to the server/browser. ERRORCODE. Returns the designated HTTP error code to the user’s browser (for example, 404, the standard HTTP code for a non-existent Web page).

Possible values: reset, add, corrupt, forward, errorcode, drop

serviceName Service to which to forward HTTP requests. Required if the qualifier is FORWARD.

value String containing the header_name and header_value. If the qualifier is ADD, specify :. If the qualifier is CORRUPT, specify only the header_name

respCode Response code to be returned for HTTP requests (for use with the ERRORCODE qualifier). Minimum value: 1

page HTML page to return for HTTP requests (For use with the ERRORCODE qualifier).


add filter action bad_url_action errorcode 400 “<HTML>Bad URL.</HTML>” add filter action forw_action FORWARD service1 add filter action add_header_action add “HEADER:value”

rm filter action

Removes a content filtering action.


rm filter action


name Name of the content filter action to be removed.


rm filter action filter_action_name

show filter action

Displays information about available filtering actions.


show filter action []


name Name of the content filtering action to be displayed. If a name is not provided, information about all filter actions is shown.


qual Qualifier, which is the action to be performed. The qualifier cannot be changed after it is set. The available options function as follows: ADD - Adds the specified HTTP header. RESET - Terminates the connection, sending the appropriate termination notice to the user’s browser. FORWARD - Redirects the request to the designated service. You must specify either a service name or a page, but not both. DROP - Silently deletes the request, without sending a response to the user’s browser. CORRUPT - Modifies the designated HTTP header to prevent it from performing the function it was intended to perform, then sends the request/response to the server/browser. ERRORCODE. Returns the designated HTTP error code to the user’s browser (for example, 404, the standard HTTP code for a non-existent Web page).

serviceName The service to which HTTP requests are forwarded. This parameter will exist when the qualifier is FORWARD.

value The string containing the header_name and header_value. When the qualifier is ADD it will have header_name:header_value. When the qualifier is Corrupt this will have header_name.

respCode The response code to be returned for HTTP requests. This parameter will exist when the qualifier is ERRORCODE.

page The HTML page that will be returned for the HTTP requests. This parameter will exist when the qualifier is ERRORCODE.

stateflag isDefault A value of true is returned if it is a default filteraction.

flag builtin feature The feature to be checked while applying this config

devno count


Example 1 The following shows an example of the output of the show filter action command when no filter actions have been defined: 1) Name: RESET Filter Type: reset 2) Name: DROP Filter Type: drop Done

Example 2 The following command creates a filter action: add filter action bad_url_action errorcode 400 “<HTML>Bad URL.</HTML>” The following shows an example of the output of the show filter action command after the previous command has been issued: Name: bad_url_action Filter Type: errorcode StatusCode: 400 Response Page: <HTML>Bad URL.</HTML> Done

set filter action

Modifies an existing content filtering action.


set filter action [-serviceName ] [-value ] [-respCode ] [-page ]


name Name of the content filtering action to be modified.

serviceName Service to which to forward HTTP requests. Required if the qualifier is FORWARD.

value String containing the header_name and header_value. If the qualifier is ADD, specify :. If the qualifier is CORRUPT, specify only the header_name

respCode Response code to be returned for HTTP requests (for use with the ERRORCODE qualifier). Minimum value: 1

page HTML page to return for HTTP requests (For use with the ERRORCODE qualifier).


set filter action bad_url_action -respcode 400 -page “<HTML>Bad URL.</HTML>” set filter action forw_action -serviceName service1 set filter action add_header_action -value “HEADER:value”
