ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “aaa-ldapParams”:

set aaa ldapParams

Modifies the global configuration settings for the LDAP server. The settings that you specify are used for all SSL-VPN virtual servers unless you use authentication policies to create a configuration for a specific SSL-VPN virtual server.


set aaa ldapParams [-serverIP <ip_addr ipv6_addr *>] [-serverPort ] \[-authTimeout <positive\_integer>] \[-ldapBase ] \[-ldapBindDn ] {-ldapBindDnPassword } \[-ldapLoginName ] \[-searchFilter ] \[-groupAttrName ] \[-subAttributeName ] \[-secType ] \[-svrType \( AD NDS )] [-ssoNameAttribute ] \[-passwdChange \( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-nestedGroupExtraction ( ON OFF )] [-maxNestingLevel ] [-groupNameIdentifier ] \[-groupSearchAttribute \[-groupSearchSubAttribute ]] \[-groupSearchFilter ] \[-defaultAuthenticationGroup ]


serverIP IP address of your LDAP server.

serverPort Port number on which the LDAP server listens for connections. Default value: 389 Minimum value: 1

authTimeout Maximum number of seconds that the Citrix ADC waits for a response from the LDAP server. Default value: 3 Minimum value: 1

ldapBase Base (the server and location) from which LDAP search commands should start. If the LDAP server is running locally, the default value of base is dc=netscaler, dc=com.

ldapBindDn Complete distinguished name (DN) string used for binding to the LDAP server.

ldapBindDnPassword Password for binding to the LDAP server.

ldapLoginName Name attribute that the Citrix ADC uses to query the external LDAP server or an Active Directory.

searchFilter String to be combined with the default LDAP user search string to form the value to use when executing an LDAP search. For example, the following values: vpnallowed=true, ldaploginame=”“samaccount”” when combined with the user-supplied username ““bob””, yield the following LDAP search string: “”(&(vpnallowed=true)(samaccount=bob)””

groupAttrName Attribute name used for group extraction from the LDAP server.

subAttributeName Subattribute name used for group extraction from the LDAP server.

secType Type of security used for communications between the Citrix ADC and the LDAP server. For the PLAINTEXT setting, no encryption is required.

Possible values: PLAINTEXT, TLS, SSL Default value: TLS

svrType The type of LDAP server.

Possible values: AD, NDS Default value: AAA_LDAP_SERVER_TYPE_DEFAULT

ssoNameAttribute Attribute used by the Citrix ADC to query an external LDAP server or Active Directory for an alternative username. This alternative username is then used for single sign-on (SSO).

passwdChange Accept password change requests.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

nestedGroupExtraction Queries the external LDAP server to determine whether the specified group belongs to another group.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

maxNestingLevel Number of levels up to which the system can query nested LDAP groups. Default value: 2 Minimum value: 2

groupNameIdentifier LDAP-group attribute that uniquely identifies the group. No two groups on one LDAP server can have the same group name identifier.

groupSearchAttribute LDAP-group attribute that designates the parent group of the specified group. Use this attribute to search for a group’s parent group.

groupSearchSubAttribute LDAP-group subattribute that designates the parent group of the specified group. Use this attribute to search for a group’s parent group.

groupSearchFilter Search-expression that can be specified for sending group-search requests to the LDAP server.

defaultAuthenticationGroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups. Maximum value: 64


To configure authentication in the LDAP server running at set aaa ldapparams -serverip -ldapbase “dc=netscaler,dc=com” -ldapBindDN “cn=Manager,dc=netscaler,dc=com” -ldapBindDnPassword secret -ldaploginname uid

show aaa ldapParams

Displays the current LDAP configuration on the Citrix ADC.


show aaa ldapParams



serverIP The IP address of the LDAP server.

serverPort Port number on which the LDAP server listens for connections.

authTimeout Maximum number of seconds that the Citrix ADC waits for a response from the LDAP server.

ldapBindDnPassword Password for binding to the LDAP server.

ldapBindDn The full distinguished name used to bind to the LDAP server.

ldapLoginName The name attribute used by the system to query the external LDAP server, or an Active Directory.

ldapBase The base or node where the ldapsearch should start. If the LDAP server is running locally, the default value of base is dc=netscaler, dc=com.

secType The communication type between the system and the LDAP server.

svrType LDAP server.

ssoNameAttribute The attribute used by the system to query the external LDAP server, or an Active Directory, for an alternate username to be used in Single Sign-On.

searchFilter The String to be combined with the default LDAP user search string to form the value. For example, vpnallowed=true with ldaploginame “samaccount” and the user-supplied username “bob” would yield the LDAP search string “(&(vpnallowed=true)(samaccount=bob)”.

groupAttrName The Attribute name for group extraction from the LDAP server.

subAttributeName Subattribute name used for group extraction from the LDAP server.

groupAuthName To associate AAA users with an AAA group, use the command

"bind AAA group ... -username ...".

You can bind different policies to each AAA group. Use the command

"bind AAA group ... -policy ..."

passwdChange Accept password change requests.

nestedGroupExtraction Queries the external LDAP server to determine whether the specified group belongs to another group.

maxNestingLevel Number of levels up to which the system can query nested LDAP groups.

groupNameIdentifier LDAP-group attribute that uniquely identifies the group. No two groups on one LDAP server can have the same group name identifier.

groupSearchAttribute LDAP-group attribute that designates the parent group of the specified group. Use this attribute to search for a group’s parent group.

groupSearchSubAttribute LDAP-group subattribute that designates the parent group of the specified group. Use this attribute to search for a group’s parent group.

groupSearchFilter Search-expression that can be specified for sending group-search requests to the LDAP server.

defaultAuthenticationGroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups.

builtin Indicates that a variable is a built-in (SYSTEM INTERNAL) type.

feature The feature to be checked while applying this config


show aaa ldapparams Configured LDAP parameters Server IP: Port: 389 Timeout: 1 BindDn: cn=Manager,dc=florazel,dc=com login: uid Base: dc=florazel,dc=com Secure Type: PLAINTEXT Done

unset aaa ldapParams

Use this command to remove aaa ldapParams settings.Refer to the set aaa ldapParams command for meanings of the arguments.


unset aaa ldapParams [-serverIP] [-serverPort] [-authTimeout] [-ldapBase] [-ldapBindDn] [-ldapBindDnPassword] [-ldapLoginName] [-searchFilter] [-groupAttrName] [-subAttributeName] [-secType] [-svrType] [-ssoNameAttribute] [-passwdChange] [-nestedGroupExtraction] [-maxNestingLevel] [-groupNameIdentifier] [-groupSearchAttribute] [-groupSearchSubAttribute] [-groupSearchFilter] [-defaultAuthenticationGroup]
