ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “audit-nslogParams”:

unset audit nslogParams

Removes the existing nslog parameter settings. Attributes for which a default value is available revert to their default values. See the set audit nslogParams command for a description of the parameters..Refer to the set audit nslogParams command for meanings of the arguments.


unset audit nslogParams [-serverIP] [-serverPort] [-logLevel] [-dateFormat] [-logFacility] [-tcp] [-acl] [-timeZone] [-userDefinedAuditlog] [-appflowExport] [-lsn] [-alg] [-subscriberLog] [-sslInterception] [-urlFiltering] [-ContentInspectionLog]

set audit nslogParams

Modifies the specified nslog parameters. Changes the IP address, the port, or the logging parameters for logs sent to nslog.


set audit nslogParams [-serverIP <ip_addr ipv6_addr *>] [-serverPort ] \[-dateFormat ] \[-logLevel ...] \[-logFacility ] \[-tcp \( NONE ALL )] [-acl ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-timeZone ( GMT_TIME LOCAL_TIME )] [-userDefinedAuditlog ( YES NO )] [-appflowExport ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-lsn ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-alg ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-subscriberLog ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-sslInterception ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-urlFiltering ( ENABLED DISABLED )] [-ContentInspectionLog ( ENABLED DISABLED )]


serverIP IP address of the nslog server.

serverPort Port on which the nslog server accepts connections. Minimum value: 1

dateFormat Format of dates in the logs. Supported formats are:

  • MMDDYYYY - U.S. style month/date/year format.
  • DDMMYYYY - European style date/month/year format.
  • YYYYMMDD - ISO style year/month/date format.


logLevel Types of information to be logged. Available settings function as follows:

  • ALL - All events.
  • EMERGENCY - Events that indicate an immediate crisis on the server.
  • ALERT - Events that might require action.
  • CRITICAL - Events that indicate an imminent server crisis.
  • ERROR - Events that indicate some type of error.
  • WARNING - Events that require action in the near future.
  • NOTICE - Events that the administrator should know about.
  • INFORMATIONAL - All but low-level events.
  • DEBUG - All events, in extreme detail.
  • NONE - No events.

logFacility Facility value, as defined in RFC 3164, assigned to the log message. Log facility values are numbers 0 to 7 (LOCAL0 through LOCAL7). Each number indicates where a specific message originated from, such as the Citrix ADC itself, the VPN, or external.


tcp Configure auditing to log TCP messages.

Possible values: NONE, ALL

acl Configure auditing to log access control list (ACL) messages.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

timeZone Time zone used for date and timestamps in the logs. Supported settings are:

  • GMT_TIME - Coordinated Universal Time.
  • LOCAL_TIME - Use the server’s timezone setting.

Possible values: GMT_TIME, LOCAL_TIME

userDefinedAuditlog Log user-configurable log messages to nslog. Setting this parameter to NO causes auditing to ignore all user-configured message actions. Setting this parameter to YES causes auditing to log user-configured message actions that meet the other logging criteria.

Possible values: YES, NO

appflowExport Export log messages to AppFlow collectors. Appflow collectors are entities to which log messages can be sent so that some action can be performed on them.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

lsn Log the LSN messages

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

alg Log the ALG messages

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

subscriberLog Log subscriber session event information

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

sslInterception Log SSL Interception event information

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

urlFiltering Log URL filtering event information

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

ContentInspectionLog Log Content Inspection event information

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED

show audit nslogParams

Displays the current nslog parameter settings.


show audit nslogParams



name Name of the nslog param.

serverIP IP address of the nslog server.

serverPort Port on which the nslog server accepts connections.

dateFormat Format of dates in the logs. Supported formats are:

  • MMDDYYYY - U.S. style month/date/year format.
  • DDMMYYYY - European style date/month/year format.
  • YYYYMMDD - ISO style year/month/date format.

logLevel The audit log level.

logFacility Facility value, as defined in RFC 3164, assigned to the log message. Log facility values are numbers 0 to 7 (LOCAL0 through LOCAL7). Each number indicates where a specific message originated from, such as the Citrix ADC itself, the VPN, or external.

tcp Configure auditing to log TCP messages.

acl Configure auditing to log access control list (ACL) messages.

timeZone Time zone used for date and timestamps in the logs. Supported settings are:

  • GMT_TIME - Coordinated Universal Time.
  • LOCAL_TIME - Use the server’s timezone setting.

userDefinedAuditlog Log user-configurable log messages to nslog. Setting this parameter to NO causes auditing to ignore all user-configured message actions. Setting this parameter to YES causes auditing to log user-configured message actions that meet the other logging criteria.

appflowExport Export log messages to AppFlow collectors. Appflow collectors are entities to which log messages can be sent so that some action can be performed on them.

builtin Indicates that a variable is a built-in (SYSTEM INTERNAL) type.

feature The feature to be checked while applying this config

lsn Log the LSN messages

alg Log the ALG messages

subscriberLog Log subscriber session event information

sslInterception Log SSL Interception event information

urlFiltering Log URL filtering event information

ContentInspectionLog Log Content Inspection event information
