ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cluster-node”:

unbind cluster node

Removes a route monitor entry from the local node


unbind cluster node \(-routeMonitor <ip\_addr|ipv6\_addr|\*> \[])


nodeId A number that uniquely identifies the cluster node. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

routeMonitor Route Monitor

netmask The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 route specified by the routeMonitor parameter.


unbind cluster node 1 -routeMonitor

show cluster node

Displays information about the cluster node.


show cluster node [@]


nodeId ID of the cluster node for which to display information. If an ID is not provided, information about all nodes is shown. Default value: 255 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31


IPAddress The IP Address of the node.

flags The flags for this entry.

clusterHealth Node clusterd state.

effectiveState Node effective health state.

operationalSyncState Node Operational Reconciliation state.

syncFailureReason Displays the additional information along with cluster sync status

masterState Node Master state.

health Node Health state.

state Active, Spare or Passive.

backplane Interface through which the node communicates with the other nodes in the cluster. Must be specified in the three-tuple form n/c/u, where n represents the node ID and c/u refers to the interface on the appliance.

syncState Enable/Disable the synchronization of cluster configurations on the node.

priority Preference for selecting a node as the configuration coordinator. The node with the lowest priority value is selected as the configuration coordinator. When the current configuration coordinator goes down, the node with the next lowest priority is made the new configuration coordinator. When the original node comes back up, it will preempt the new configuration coordinator and take over as the configuration coordinator. Note: When priority is not configured for any of the nodes or if multiple nodes have the same priority, the cluster elects one of the nodes as the configuration coordinator.

isConfigurationCoordinator This argument is used to determine whether the node is configuration coordinator (CCO).

isLocalnode This argument is used to determine whether it is local node.

NodeRSSKeyMismatch This argument is used to determine if there is a RSS key mismatch at cluster node level.

NodeLicenseMismatch This argument is used to determine if there is a License mismatch at cluster node level.

NodeJumboNotSupported This argument is used to determine if Jumbo framework not supported at cluster node level.

stateflag nodeList Nodelist for displaying Heartbeat not seen interfaces on a cluster node

ifacesList Interface list corresponding to nodelist for Heartbeat not seen interfaces on a cluster node

enabledIfaces Enabled Interfaces on a cluster node.

disabledIfaces Disabled Interfaces on a cluster node.

partialFailIfaces Partial Failure Interfaces on a cluster node.

hamonIfaces Hamon Interfaces on a cluster node.

ifaces Interfaces status on cluster node.

nodegroup The default node group in a Cluster system.

name Name of the state specific nodegroup.

cfgflags Flag indicates whether the node is bound to cluster nodegroup

routeMonitor The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

routeMonState Current routemonstate

netmask The netmask.

delay Applicable for Passive node and node becomes passive after this timeout (in minutes)

curPassiveTimeout Applicable for Passive node and node becomes passive after this timeout

isLearnedAsPassive Applicable for Active nodes, it will be set to TRUE if the node is active but learned as Passive

tunnelmode To set the tunnel mode

devno count


An example of the command’s output is as follows: 1 cluster node: 1)Node ID: 1 IP:* Backplane: 1/1/1 Health: UP Admin State: ACTIVE Operational State: ACTIVE(Configuration Coordinator) Sync State: DISABLED Done *: Local node

add cluster node

Adds a Citrix ADC to a cluster.


add cluster node @ @ [-state ] [-backplane @] [-priority ] [-nodegroup ] [-delay ] [-tunnelmode ]


nodeId Unique number that identifies the cluster node. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

IPAddress Citrix ADC IP (NSIP) address of the appliance to add to the cluster. Must be an IPv4 address.

state Admin state of the cluster node. The available settings function as follows: ACTIVE - The node serves traffic. SPARE - The node does not serve traffic unless an ACTIVE node goes down. PASSIVE - The node does not serve traffic, unless you change its state. PASSIVE state is useful during temporary maintenance activities in which you want the node to take part in the consensus protocol but not to serve traffic.

Possible values: ACTIVE, SPARE, PASSIVE Default value: PASSIVE

backplane Interface through which the node communicates with the other nodes in the cluster. Must be specified in the three-tuple form n/c/u, where n represents the node ID and c/u refers to the interface on the appliance. Minimum value: 1

priority Preference for selecting a node as the configuration coordinator. The node with the lowest priority value is selected as the configuration coordinator. When the current configuration coordinator goes down, the node with the next lowest priority is made the new configuration coordinator. When the original node comes back up, it will preempt the new configuration coordinator and take over as the configuration coordinator. Note: When priority is not configured for any of the nodes or if multiple nodes have the same priority, the cluster elects one of the nodes as the configuration coordinator. Default value: 31 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

nodegroup The default node group in a Cluster system. Default value: DEFAULT_NG

delay Applicable for Passive node and node becomes passive after this timeout (in minutes) Default value: 0 Maximum value: 1440

tunnelmode To set the tunnel mode

Possible values: NONE, GRE, UDP Default value: NONE


add cluster node 1 -backplane 1/1/1 -state ACTIVE

set cluster node

Modifies the attributes of a cluster node.


set cluster node @ [-state ] [-backplane @] [-priority ] [-delay ] [-tunnelmode ]


nodeId ID of the cluster node to be modified. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

state Admin state of the cluster node. The available settings function as follows: ACTIVE - The node serves traffic. SPARE - The node does not serve traffic unless an ACTIVE node goes down. PASSIVE - The node does not serve traffic, unless you change its state. PASSIVE state is useful during temporary maintenance activities in which you want the node to take part in the consensus protocol but not to serve traffic.

Possible values: ACTIVE, SPARE, PASSIVE Default value: PASSIVE

backplane Interface through which the node communicates with the other nodes in the cluster. Must be specified in the three-tuple form n/c/u, where n represents the node ID and c/u refers to the interface on the appliance. Minimum value: 1

priority Preference for selecting a node as the configuration coordinator. The node with the lowest priority value is selected as the configuration coordinator. When the current configuration coordinator goes down, the node with the next lowest priority is made the new configuration coordinator. When the original node comes back up, it will preempt the new configuration coordinator and take over as the configuration coordinator. Note: When priority is not configured for any of the nodes or if multiple nodes have the same priority, the cluster elects one of the nodes as the configuration coordinator. Default value: 31 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

delay Applicable for Passive node and node becomes passive after this timeout (in minutes) Default value: 0 Maximum value: 1440

tunnelmode To set the tunnel mode

Possible values: NONE, GRE, UDP Default value: NONE


set cluster node 1 -state PASSIVE

stat cluster node

Displays statistics for a cluster node.


stat cluster node [@] \[-detail] \[-fullValues] \[-ntimes <positive\_integer>] \[-logFile <input\_filename>] \[-clearstats \( basic | full )]


nodeId ID of the cluster node for which to display statistics. If an ID is not provided, statistics are shown for all nodes. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full


count devno stateflag


Sync state (Sync State) Sync state of the cluster node.

Health Health of the cluster node.

Node IP (NodeIP) NSIP address of the cluster node.

Operational state (OpState) Operational state of the cluster node.

Heartbeats transmitted (HB Sent) Number of heartbeats sent. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

Heartbeats received (HB Rcvd) Number of heartbeats received. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

Current node-node connections (NNMCurConn) Number of connections open for node-to-node communication.

Node-node messages transmitted (NNMTotConnTx) Number of node-to-node messages sent. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

Node-node messages received (NNMTotConnRx) Number of node-to-node messages received. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

PTP operational state (PTP State) PTP state of the node. This state is Master for one node and Slave for the rest. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows UNKNOWN. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

PTP packets transmitted (PTP Tx) Number of PTP packets transmitted by the node. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

PTP packets received (PTP Rx) Number of PTP packets received on the node. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

Multicast/Broadcast send errors (NNMErrMsend) Number of errors in sending node-to-node multicast/broadcast messages. When executed from the NSIP address, shows the statistics for local node only. For remote node it shows a value of 0. When executed from the cluster IP address, shows all the statistics.

(Health) Health of the node in the cluster.

CH State Health State of the node with respect to sync in the cluster.

Sync state (Sync State) Sync state of the cluster node.

unset cluster node

Use this command to remove cluster node settings.Refer to the set cluster node command for meanings of the arguments.


unset cluster node @ [-state] [-backplane] [-priority] [-delay] [-tunnelmode]

bind cluster node

Adds a route monitor to the specified cluster node.


bind cluster node \(-routeMonitor <ip\_addr|ipv6\_addr|\*> \[])


nodeId A number that uniquely identifies the cluster node. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

routeMonitor Route Monitor

netmask The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 route specified by the routeMonitor parameter.


bind cluster node 1 -routeMonitor

rm cluster node

Removes a node from the cluster and removes the cluster instance from the node. You must execute this command on the cluster IP address.


rm cluster node \[-clearNodegroupConfig \( YES | NO )]


nodeId ID of the cluster node to be removed from the cluster. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 31

clearNodegroupConfig Option to remove nodegroup config

Possible values: YES, NO Default value: YES


rm cluster node 1
