ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “cloud”:

stat cloud

Displays the statistics for Citrix Gateway usage.


stat cloud [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes ] [-logFile ] [-clearstats ( basic full )]


detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 1 sec (NgsShieldLe1secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMTP connect time less than 1 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 2 sec (NgsShieldLe2secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMTP connect time less than 2 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 3 sec (NgsShieldLe3secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMTP connect time less than 3 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 5 sec (NgsShieldLe5secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMTP connect time less than 5 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 8 sec (NgsShieldLe8secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMPT connect time less than 8 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 13 sec (NgsShieldLe13secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMPT connect time less than 13 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time ‘ 21 sec (NgsShieldLe21secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMPT connect time less than 21 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est time > 21 sec (NgsShieldGt21secClxmtpConnestTime) Total Connection with CLXMPT connect time greater than 21 sec

GCT Conn Est time ‘ 1 sec (NgsGctLe1secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time less than 1 sec

GCT Conn Est time ‘ 2 sec (NgsGctLe2secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time less than 2 sec

GCT Conn Est time ‘ 3 sec (NgsGctLe3secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time less than 3 sec

GCT Conn Est time ‘ 5 sec (NgsGctLe5secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time less than 5 sec

GCT Conn Est time ‘ 8 sec (NgsGctLe8secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time less than 8 sec

GCT Conn Est time > 8 sec (NgsGctGt8secConnestTime) Total Connection with GCT connect time greater than 8 sec

CLXMTP Conn Est Attempted (NgsShieldClxmtpConnestAttempted) Total attempted CLXMTP connection

CLXMTP Conn Est Success (NgsShieldClxmtpConnestSuccess) Total successful CLXMTP connection

Toatl CLXMTP Softdeny (NgsShieldClxmtpSoftdeny) Total number of softdeny received by SN

Total CLXMTP Deny (NgsShieldClxmtpDeny) Total number of deny received by SN

Total CLXMTP Allow target (NgsShieldClxmtpAllowtarget) Total number of allowtarget received by SN

Total CLXMTP Redirect target (NgsShieldClxmtpRedirecttarget) Total number of redirecttarget received by SN

Total CLXMTP Connector Fanout Timeout (NgsShieldClxmtpConnectorFanoutTimeout) Total number of fanout timeout

Total CLXMTP Global Fanout Timeout (NgsShieldClxmtpGlobalFanoutTimeout) Total number of global fanout timeout

Total Fanout (NgsShieldFanout) Total number of fanout

Total CL Validation Failure (NgsShieldClValidationFailure) Total Connection lease validation failure

Total CL Decryption Failure (NgsShieldClDecryptionFailure) Total Connection lease decryption failure

Total CLXMTP Complete (NgsShieldClxmtpComplete) Total CLXMTP completed

Total CLXMTP Trust Est Failure (NgsShieldClxmtpTrustestFailure) Total CLXMTP trust establishment failure

Total CLXMTP Pubkey validation Failure (NgsShieldClxmtpPubkeyvalFailure) Total CLXMTP pub key validation failure

Total CLXMTP Conn validation Failure (NgsShieldClxmtpConnvalidationFailure) Total CLXMTP connection lease validation failure

Total CLXMTP Authorize conn req Failure (NgsShieldClxmtpAuthorizeconnreqFailure) Total CLXMTP authorize connection request failure

Total Key Fetch Failure (NgsShieldKeyFetchFailure) Total Shield key fetching failure

Total Demanded Rtkey Not found (NgsShieldDemandedRtkeyNotfound) Total root of trust keys not found failure

Total Demanded Cliskey Not found (NgsShieldDemandedCliskeyNotfound) Total CLIS keys not found failure

Total Demanded Gateway key Notfound (NgsShieldDemandedGwkeyNotfound) Total gateway keys not found failure

Total Key Cache Empty (NgsShieldKeyCacheEmpty) Total shield key cache list empty

Total AKV Get secret list Failure (NgsShieldAkvGetsecretlistFailure) Total failures to get akv secret list

Total AKV Get secret Failure (NgsShieldAkvGetsecretFailure) Total failures to get akv secrets

Total AKV Token Failure (NgsShieldAkvTokenFailure) Total akv token failures

Total AWS Get master secret Failure (NgsShieldAwssmGetmastersecretFailure) Total failures to get aws master secret list

Total AWS Get secret Failure (NgsShieldAwssmGetsecretFailure) Total failures to get aws secrets

Total AWS Token Failure (NgsShieldAwssmTokenFailure) Total aws secret manager token failures

Total V1 Launch Success (NgsRendezvousV1LaunchSuccess) Total rendezvous v1 launch success

Total V1 Launch Failure (NgsRendezvousV1LaunchFailure) Total rendezvous v1 launch failures

Total V2 Launch Success (NgsRendezvousV2LaunchSuccess) Total rendezvous v2 launch success

Total V2 Launch Failure (NgsRendezvousV2LaunchFailure) Total rendezvous v2 launch failures

V1 connect command sent failure (NgsRendezvousV1SntCntCmdFailure) Total rendezvous v1 sent connect command failure

V2 connect command sent failure (NgsRendezvousV2SntCntCmdFailure) Total rendezvous v2 sent connect command failure

V2 to V1 fallback (NgsRendezvousV2FallbackToV1) Total rendezvous v2 to v1 fallback

V2 delayed Response (NgsRendezvousV2DelayedResponse) Total rendezvous v2 delayed response

Invalid Rendezvous Capability (NgsRendezvousV2InvalidCapability) Total invalid rendezvous capability received

NGS Conn Est Time ‘ 1 sec (NgsLe1secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect less than 1 sec

NGS Conn Est Time ‘ 2 sec (NgsLe2secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect less than 2 sec

NGS Conn Est Time ‘ 3 sec (NgsLe3secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect less than 3 sec

NGS Conn Est Time ‘ 5 sec (NgsLe5secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect less than 5 sec

NGS Conn Est Time ‘ 8 sec (NgsLe8secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect less than 8 sec

NGS Conn Est Time > 8 sec (NgsGt8secConnestTime) Total connection with NGS connect greater than 8 sec

Total App Launch Attempted (NgsAppLaunchAttempted) Total app launch attempted

Total App Launch Success (NgsAppLaunchSuccess) Total app launch success

Total App Launch Failure (NgsAppLaunchFailure) Total app launch failures

Total Sta Validation Failure (NgsStaValFailure) Total STA validation failures

Total Sta Validation Success (NgsStaValSuccess) Total STA validation success

Total Ticket Service Down (NgsTicketSvcDown) Total Ticket service down

Total Delayed Connector Response (NgsDelayedConnectorResponse) Total delayed response received from connector

Total Tunnel Closed By Client (NgsTunnelClosedByClient) Total number of tunnels closed by client

Total Tunnel Closed By Vda (NgsTunnelClosedByVda) Total number of tunnels closed by VDA

Total Conn Cmd Fail By Fr (NgsConnCmdFailByFr) Total number fo coonect command failed by FR

Total Conn Cmd Fail Client Conn Notfound (NgsConnCmdFailClientConnNotfound) Totla connect command failed with client connection not found

Total Ica Start (NgsIcaStart) Total number of ICA start

Total Ica End (NgsIcaEnd) Total number of ICA end

Total SOCKS Launch Attempt (NgsSocksAppLaunchAttempted) Total number of SOCKS app launch attempted

Total SOCKS Launch Success (NgsSocksAppLaunchSuccess) Total number of SOCKS app launch success

Total CGP Launch Attempt (NgsCgpAppLaunchAttempted) Total number of CGP app launch attempted

Total CGP Launch Success (NgsCgpAppLaunchSuccess) Total number of CGP app launch success

Total GCT Launch Attempt (NgsGctAppLaunchAttempted) Total number of GCT app launch attempted

Total GCT Launch Success (NgsGctAppLaunchSuccess) Total number of GCT app launch success

Total STA Launch Attempt (NgsStaAppLaunchAttempted) Total number of STA app launch attempted

Total STA Launch Success (NgsStaAppLaunchSuccess) Total number of STA app launch success

EDT Conn Est Time ‘ 1 sec (NgsEdtLe1secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time less than 1 sec

EDT Conn Est Time ‘ 2 sec (NgsEdtLe2secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time less than 2 sec

EDT Conn Est Time ‘ 3 sec (NgsEdtLe3secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time less than 3 sec

EDT Conn Est Time ‘ 5 sec (NgsEdtLe5secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time less than 5 sec

EDT Conn Est Time ‘ 8 sec (NgsEdtLe8secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time less than 8 sec

EDT Conn Est Time >= 8 sec (NgsEdtGt8secConnestTime) Total EDT connection with connect time greater than 8 sec

Client Handshake Est Time ‘ 1s (NgsEdtLe1secClientHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with client less than 1sec

Client Handshake Est Time ‘ 2s (NgsEdtLe2secClientHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with client less than 2sec

Client Handshake Est Time ‘ 3s (NgsEdtLe3secClientHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with client less than 3sec

Client Handshake Est Time >= 3s (NgsEdtGt3secClientHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with client greater than 3sec

Vda Handshake Est Time ‘ 1 sec (NgsEdtLe1secVdaHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with vda less than 1sec

Vda Handshake Est Time ‘ 2 sec (NgsEdtLe2secVdaHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with vda less than 2sec

Vda Handshake Est Time ‘ 3 sec (NgsEdtLe3secVdaHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with vda less than 3sec

Vda Handshake Est Time >= 3 sec (NgsEdtGt3secVdaHandshakeEstTime) Total EDT handshake establishment time with vda greater than 3sec

EDT Conn Request (NgsEdtConnRequest) Total EDT connection request

EDT Client Conn Est (NgsEdtClientConnest) Total client EDT connection establishment

Conn Req Drop (Non Rendezvous) (NgsEdtNonrendzConnreqDrop) Total connect request drop due to rendezvous not enabled

Send Connect Failure (NgsEdtCtrlSendconnFailure) Total send connect to controller failed

EDT App Launch Success (NgsEdtAppLaunchSuccess) Total EDT app launch success

EDT App Launch Failure (NgsEdtAppLaunchFailure) Total EDT app launch failures

EDT Sta Val Failure (NgsEdtStaValFailure) Total STA validation failures

EDT Sta Val Success (NgsEdtStaValSuccess) Total STA validation success

FR VDA Connection (NgsEdtFrVdaConn) Total FR VDA connection

FR SN Connection (NgsEdtFrSnConn) Total FR SN connection

EDT Vda Conn Est (NgsEdtVdaConnest) Total VDA EDT connection establishment

VDA Rendezvous Timeout (NgsEdtVdaRendezvousTimeout) Total VDA rendezvous timeout

EDT Non Lossy Tunnel (NgsEdtNonLossyTunnel) Total EDT non lossy tunnels

EDT Lossy Tunnel (NgsEdtLossyTunnel) Total EDT lossy tunnels

Redis GET Request (NgsEdtGetrequestSentToRedis) Total Redis GET Request

Redis Lookup Success (NgsEdtRedisLookupSuccess) Total Redis lookup success

Redis Lookup Failure (NgsEdtRedisLookupFailure) Total Redis lookup failure

Redis Entry Addition Success (NgsEdtRedisEntryAddSuccess) Entries Added To Redis Successfully

Redis Entry Addition Failure (NgsEdtRedisEntryAddFailure) Entries Addition to Redis failure

Redis Entry Deletion Success (NgsEdtRedisEntryDeleteSuccess) Entry Deleted Successfully In Redis

Redis Entry Deletion Failure (NgsEdtRedisEntryDeleteFailure) Entry Deletion Failed in Redis

Total Session Re-Routing Pkt (NgsEdtTotSessionsReroutingDataPkt) Total EDT Sessions Re-Routing Data Pkt

Total Session Rcv Redirect pkt (NgsEdtTotSessionsReceivingRedirectedPkt) Total EDT Sessions Receiving Redirected Pkt

Current Sessions Re-Routing Pkt (NgsEdtCurrentSessionsReroutingDataPkt) Current EDT Sessions Re-Routing Data Pkt

Curr Session Rcv Redirect pkt (NgsEdtCurrentSessionsReceivingRedirectedPkt) Current EDT Sessions Receiving Redirected Pkt
