ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “appfw-archive”:

export import show rm

export appfw archive

Exports the archive file to the specified location


export appfw archive


name Name of tar archive

target Path to the file to be exported

import appfw archive

Imports the archive file from specified location


import appfw archive [-comment ]


src Indicates the source of the tar archive file as a URL of the form

is http or https. is the DNS name or IP address of the http or https server. is the port number of the server. If omitted, the default port for http or https will be used. is the path of the file on the server. Import will fail if an https server requires client certificate authentication. name Indicates name of archive comment Comments associated with this archive. ### Related Commands ## show appfw archive ### Synopsis show appfw archive ### Output response ### Example show appfw archive ## rm appfw archive Removes the archive created by archive command. ### Synopsis rm appfw archive ### Arguments name Indicates name of the archive to be removed. ### Example rm appfw archive