ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “bot”:

stat bot

Displays bot statistics.


stat bot [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes ] [-logFile ] [-clearstats ( basic full )]


detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



requests (reqs) HTTP/HTTPS requests sent to your protected web servers via the Bot Management.

Request Bytes (reqBytes) Number of bytes transfered for requests

responses (resps) HTTP/HTTPS responses sent by your protected web servers via the Bot Management.

Response Bytes (resBytes) Number of bytes transfered for responses

total logs (botLog) Total number of logs by the bot management.

total drop (botDrop) Total number of drops by the bot management.

total redirect (botRedirect) Total number of redirects by the bot management.

total reset (botReset) Total number of resets by the bot management.

Device Fingerprint (deviceFingerPrint) Number of device fingerprint violations seen by the Bot Management.

Device Fingerprint Logs (deviceFingerPrintLog) Number of device fingerprint violations logged by the Bot Management.

Device Fingerprint Drop (deviceFingerPrintDrop) Number of device fingerprint violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Device Fingerprint Redirect (deviceFingerPrintRedirect) Number of device fingerprint violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Device Fingerprint Captcha (deviceFingerPrintCaptcha) Number of device fingerprint violations requests for which CAPTCHA challenge was sent.

Device Fingerprint Reset (deviceFingerPrintReset) Number of device fingerprint violations reset by the Bot Management.

IP Reputation (ipRep) Number of ip reputation violations seen by the Bot Management.

IP Reputation Logs (ipRepLog) Number of ip reputation violations logged by the Bot Management.

IP Reputation Drop (ipRepDrop) Number of ip reputation violations dropped by the Bot Management.

IP Reputation Redirect (ipRepRedirect) Number of ip reputation violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

IP Reputation Captcha (ipRepCaptcha) Number of ip reputation violations requests for which CAPTCHA challenge was sent.

IP Reputation Reset (ipRepReset) Number of ip reputation violations reset by the Bot Management.

White List (whiteList) Number of white list violations seen by the Bot Management.

White List Logs (whiteListLog) Number of white list violations logged by the Bot Management.

Black List (blackList) Number of black list violations seen by the Bot Management.

Black List Logs (blackListLog) Number of black list violations logged by the Bot Management.

Black List Drop (blackListDrop) Number of black list violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Black List Reset (blackListReset) Number of black list violations reset by the Bot Management.

Black List Redirect (blackListRedirect) Number of black list violations redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Rate Limit (rateLimit) Number of rate limiting violations seen by the Bot Management.

Rate Limit Logs (rateLimitLog) Number of rate limiting violations logged by the Bot Management.

Rate Limit Drop (rateLimitDrop) Number of rate limiting violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Rate Limit Redirect (rateLimitRedirect) Number of rate limiting violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Rate Limit Reset (rateLimitReset) Number of rate limiting violations reset by the Bot Management.

Static Signature (staticSignature) Number of static signature violations seen by the Bot Management.

Static Signature Logs (staticSignatureLog) Number of static signature violations logged by the Bot Management.

Static Signature Drop (staticSignatureDrop) Number of static signature violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Static Signature Redirect (staticSignatureRediect) Number of static signature violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Static Signature Reset (staticSignatureReset) Number of static signature violations requests reset by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Tps (tps) Number of tps violations seen by the Bot Management.

Tps Logs (tpsLog) Number of tps violations logged by the Bot Management.

Tps Drop (tpsDrop) Number of tps violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Tps Redirect (tpsRedirect) Number of tps violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Tps Reset (tpsReset) Number of tps violations reset by the Bot Management.

Tps Captcha (tpsCaptcha) Number of TPS violations requests for which CAPTCHA challenge was sent.

Captcha (captcha) Number of Captcha challenge failures seen by the Bot Management.

Captcha Log (captchaLog) Number of Captcha challenge failures logged by the Bot Management.

Captcha Drop (captchaDrop) Number of Captcha challenge failures dropped by the Bot Management.

Captcha Redirect (captchaRedirect) Number of Captcha challenge failures redirected by the Bot Management.

Captcha Reset (captchaReset) Number of Captcha challenge failures reset by the Bot Management.

Trap (trap) Number of trap violations seen by the Bot Management.

Trap Logs (trapLog) Number of trap violations logged by the Bot Management.

Trap Drop (trapDrop) Number of trap violations dropped by the Bot Management.

Trap Redirect (trapRedirect) Number of trap violations requests redirected by the Bot Management to a different Web page or web server.

Trap Reset (trapReset) Number of trap violations reset by the Bot Management.

Profiles with WhiteList (botCfgWhitelist) Profiles with Whitelist enabled.

Profiles with BlackList (botCfgBlacklist) Profiles with Blacklist enabled.

Profiles with IP reputation (botCfgIpRep) Profiles with IP Reputation enabled.

Profiles with Ratelimit (botCfgRatelimit) Profiles with Ratelimit enabled.

Profiles with Signatures (botCfgSignature) Profiles with Static Signatures enabled.

Profiles with Device Fingerprint (botCfgDFP) Profiles with Device Fingerprint enabled.

Profiles with TPS (botCfgTps) Profiles with TPS enabled.

Profiles with Trap (botCfgTrap) Profiles with Bot Trap enabled.

Profiles with KM Detection (botCfgKMDetection) Profiles with Keyboard mouse detection enabled.
