ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “qos”:

stat qos

Display QoS statistics.


stat qos [-name ] \[-detail] \[-fullValues] \[-ntimes <positive\_integer>] \[-logFile <input\_filename>] \[-clearstats \( basic | full )]


name detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



Receive direction packets processed by QoS (qos_packets_received) Receive direction packets processed by QoS

Send direction packets processed by QoS (qos_packets_sent) Send direction packets processed by QoS

Packets bypassing QoS (qos_packets_bypassed) Packets bypassing QoS

Total packets dropped (qos_packets_dropped) Total packets dropped

Received bytes processed by QoS (qos_bytes_rx) Received bytes processed by QoS

Sent bytes processed by QoS (qos_bytes_tx) Sent bytes processed by QoS

QoS lazy byte optimization rate (qos_lazy_bytes) QoS lazy byte optimization rate

QoS actual bytes scheduled (qos_real_bytes) QoS actual bytes scheduled

Total packets filtered by QoS (qos_packets_filtered) Total packets filtered by QoS

Total packets classified by QoS (qos_packets_classified) Total packets classified by QoS

New QoS flows (qos_flows) New QoS flows

Recycled QoS flows (qos_flow_recycles) Recycled QoS flows

QoS Flow Recycle failures (qos_session_recycle_failure) QoS Flow Recycle failures

Sessions manually ignored (qos_sessions_ignored) Sessions manually ignored

sessions manually consumed (qos_sessions_consumed) sessions manually consumed

Uneque qos action objects created (qos_actions_created) Uneque qos action objects created

Policies re-evaluated due to cli change (qos_policy_reeval) Policies re-evaluated due to cli change

Connections unable to be classified beyond TCP (qos_cfy_tcp_unknown) Connections unable to be classified beyond TCP

Connections unable to be classified beyond UDP (qos_cfy_udp_unknown) Connections unable to be classified beyond UDP

Scheduler leaf nodes constructed (qos_sch_leafs) Scheduler leaf nodes constructed

Session memory allocated (qos_session_mem) Session memory allocated

Scheduler virtual packets constructed (qos_sch_virtual_packets) Scheduler virtual packets constructed

Scheduler bytes accepted (qos_sch_virtual_bytes_accepted) Scheduler bytes accepted

Scheduler Failures to recycle QoS flows (qos_sch_leaf_recycle_failures) Scheduler Failures to recycle QoS flows

Scheduler Regulated node count (qos_sch_node_regulated_count) Scheduler Regulated node count

Scheduler session classes constructed (qos_sch_sessions_created) Scheduler session classes constructed

Scheduler session classes constructed (qos_sch_sessions_deleted) Scheduler session classes constructed

Scheduler sdrr nodes constructed (qos_sch_sdrr_nodes) Scheduler sdrr nodes constructed

Scheduler session connections created (qos_sch_session_conns) Scheduler session connections created

Scheduler session connections removed (qos_sch_session_conns_removed) Scheduler session connections removed

Scheduler regulated sessions count (qos_sch_sessions_regulated_count) Scheduler regulated sessions count

Scheduler session bytes total (qos_sch_sessions_byte_count) Scheduler session bytes total

Scheduler regulated node count (qos_sch_regulated_count) Scheduler regulated node count

Scheduler links created (qos_sch_links_created) Scheduler links created

Scheduler links deleted (qos_sch_links_deleted) Scheduler links deleted

Scheduler links updated (qos_sch_links_updated) Scheduler links updated

Scheduler calls to poll_libqos (qos_sch_poll_count) Scheduler calls to poll_libqos

Scheduler peer messages received (qos_sch_peer_msgs) Scheduler peer messages received

IPC failed for QoS messages. (qos_error_ipc) IPC failed for QoS messages.

Flow memory allocated (qos_flow_mem) Flow memory allocated

Flows free list size (qos_flows_available) Flows free list size

Recycle failed due to backlog (qos_recycle_failed_backlog) Recycle failed due to backlog

Recycle failed due to session attachment (qos_recycle_failed_session) Recycle failed due to session attachment

Failed attempts to create actions (qos_error_create_action_failed) Failed attempts to create actions

Failed attempts to modify actions (qos_error_modify_action_failed) Failed attempts to modify actions

Failed attempts to remove actions (qos_error_remove_action_failed) Failed attempts to remove actions

Internal CLI error (qos_error_cli_unknown) Internal CLI error

qos action rename not yet implemented (qos_error_rename_not_implemented) qos action rename not yet implemented

Failed attempts to remove qos policy (qos_error_remove_policy_failed) Failed attempts to remove qos policy

Failed attempts to create qos policy (qos_error_create_policy_failed) Failed attempts to create qos policy

Libqos api failures (qos_error_libqos_api_failures) Libqos api failures

Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_EINVALIDPCB (qos_error_api_ses_invalidpcb) Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_EINVALIDPCB

Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_ENOTREADY (qos_error_api_ses_notready) Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_ENOTREADY

Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_EINSESSION (qos_error_api_ses_add_insession) Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_EINSESSION

Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed (qos_error_api_ses_add_other) Libqos api qos_session_add_pcb/natpcb() failed

Libqos api qos_session_rem_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_ENOTINSESSION (qos_error_api_ses_rem_notinsession) Libqos api qos_session_rem_pcb/natpcb() failed for reason QS_ENOTINSESSION

Libqos api qos_session_rem_pcb/natpcb() failed (qos_error_api_ses_rem_other) Libqos api qos_session_rem_pcb/natpcb() failed

Libqos api qos_session_delete faled (qos_error_api_ses_del) Libqos api qos_session_delete faled

Libqos out of flow memory (qos_error_no_flows) Libqos out of flow memory

Libqos out of session memory (qos_error_no_sessions) Libqos out of session memory
