ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “protocol-http2”:

stat protocol http2

Displays statistics of HTTP2 protocol.


stat protocol http2 [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes ] [-logFile ] [-clearstats ( basic full )]


detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



HTTP2 requests (H2ToReq) Total number of http2 requests

HTTP2 responses (H2ToRes) Total number of http2 responses

gRPC requests (GRPCReq) Total number of gRPC requests

gRPC responses (GRPCRes) Total number of gRPC responses

gRPC success (GRPCSuc) Total number of gRPC success

gRPC failures (GRPCFai) Total number of gRPC failures

HTTP2 direct request received (H2ToDir) Total number of http2 direct connections established

HTTP2 server direct (H2SerDi) Number of HTTP/2 server direct

HTTP2 upgrades (H2ReqUpg) Total number of connections upgraded to HTTP2

HTTP2 cipher mismatch (H2NoMatCi) Total number of cipher mismatch failures

HTTP2 server direct failed (H2SerDiFa) Number of HTTP/2 server direct failed

HTTP2 server upgrade failed (H2SerUpFa) Number of HTTP/2 server upgrade failed

HTTP2 request upgrade failed (H2ReqUpFa) Number of HTTP/2 request upgrade failed

HTTP2 DATA frames sent (H2ToDaFrS) Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames sent

HTTP2 HEADER frames sent (H2ToHeFrS) Number of HTTP/2 HEADER frames sent

HTTP2 PRIORITY frames sent (H2ToPrFrS) Number of HTTP/2 PRIORITY frames sent

HTTP2 RST_STREAM frames sent (H2ToRsFrS) Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames sent

HTTP2 SETTINGS frames sent (H2ToSeFrS) Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames sent

HTTP2 PUSH_PROMISE frames sent (H2ToPPFrS) Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames sent

HTTP2 PING frames sent (H2ToPiFrS) Number of HTTP/2 PING frames sent

HTTP2 GOAWAY frames sent (H2ToGaFrS) Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames sent

HTTP2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames sent (H2ToWuFrS) Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames sent

HTTP2 CONTINUATION frames sent (H2ToCoFrS) Number of HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames sent

HTTP2 ALTSVC frames sent (H2ToAsFrS) Number of HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames sent

HTTP2 DATA frames rcvd (H2ToDaFrR) Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames received

HTTP2 HEADER frames rcvd (H2ToHeFrR) Total number of http2 header frames received

HTTP2 PRIORITY frames rcvd (H2ToPrFrR) Total number of http2 priority frames received

HTTP2 RST_STREAM Frames rcvd (H2ToRsFrR) Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames received

HTTP2 SETTING frames rcvd (H2ToSeFrR) Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames received

HTTP2 PUSH_PROMISE Frames rcvd (H2ToPPFrR) Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames received

HTTP2 Piing Frames rcvd (H2ToPiFrR) Number of HTTP/2 PING frames received

HTTP2 GOAWAY frames rcvd (H2ToGaFrR) Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames received

HTTP2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames rcvd (H2ToWuFrR) Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames received

HTTP2 CONTINUATION frames rcvd (H2ToCoFrR) Number of HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames received

HTTP2 DATA frames (H2InDaFr) Number of HTTP/2 DATA frames

HTTP2 HEADER frames (H2InHeFr) Number of HTTP/2 HEADER frames

HTTP2 PRIORITY frames (H2InPrFr) Number of HTTP/2 PRIORITY frames

HTTP2 RST_STREAM frames (H2InRsFr) Number of HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frames

HTTP2 SETTINGS frames (H2InSeFr) Number of HTTP/2 SETTINGS frames

HTTP2 PUSH_PROMISE frames (H2InPPFr) Number of HTTP/2 PUSH_PROMISE frames

HTTP2 PING frames (H2InPiFr) Number of HTTP/2 PING frames

HTTP2 GOAWAY frames (H2InGaFr) Number of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames

HTTP2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames (H2InWuFr) Number of HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE frames


HTTP2 big frames (H2Fr2Big) Number of HTTP/2 frames received carrying a frame length greater than SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE sent by NetScale

PING (H2PinFlo) HTTP/2 number of ping frames received on connection is above rate limit

SETTING (H2SetFlo) HTTP/2 number of settings frames received on connection is above rate limit

RESET (H2ResFlo) HTTP/2 number of reset frames received on connection is above rate limit

EMPTY (H2EmpFlo) HTTP/2 number of empty frames received on connection is above rate limit
