ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “vpn”:

stat vpn

Displays the statistics for Citrix Gateway usage. Displays event information, such as the event that generated the message, a time stamp, the message type, and predefined log levels and message information.


stat vpn [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes ] [-logFile ] [-clearstats ( basic full )]


detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



Login-page requests received (iHtHit) Number of requests for VPN login page.

Login-page delivery failures (iHtFail) Number of failures to display VPN login page.

Client-configuration requests (cfgHit) Number of client configuration requests received by VPN server.

DNS queries resolved (dnsHit) Number of DNS queries resolved by VPN server.

WINS queries resolved (winsHit) Number of WINS queries resolved by VPN server.

Number of SSLVPN tunnels (csHit) Number of SSL VPN tunnels formed between VPN server and client.

Backend non-HTTP server probes (csNoHttp) Number of probes from VPN to back-end non-HTTP servers that have been accessed by the VPN client.

Backend HTTP server probes (csHttp) Number of probes from VPN to back-end HTTP servers that have been accessed by the VPN client.

Backend server probe successes (csConSuc) Number of successful probes to all back-end servers.

File-system requests received (totFsHit) Number of file system requests received by VPN server.

VPN User License Not Available (licFail) Number of users not able to login because of license unavailability.

Requests from VPN to Apache (svpnhttpdTotalReq) Total number of requests from VPN to Apache

Responses from Apache for VPN (svpnhttpdTotalResp) Total number of responses from Apache for VPN

Requests to Apache cache hits (svpnhttpdTotalReqCacheHits) Total number of vpn requests to Apache hitting cache

VPN to Apache open connections (svpnhttpdCurServerConnections) Number of current VPN to Apache open server connections

IIP disabled and SNIP used (IIPdMIPu) Number of times SNIP is used as IIP is disabled.

IIP failed and SNIP used (IIPfMIPu) Number of times SNIP is used as IIP assignment failed.

IIP spillover and SNIP used (IIPsMIPu) Number of times SNIP is used on IIP Spillover.

IIP disabled and SNIP disabled (IIPdMIPd) Both IIP and SNIP is disabled.

IIP failed and SNIP disabled (IIPfMIPd) Number of times IIP assignment failed and SNIP is disabled.

Current users across vservers (CsgTotalConnectedUsers) Number of total users connected across VPN vservers

SOCKS method request received (SOCKSmReqR) Number of received SOCKS method request.

SOCKS method request sent (SOCKSmReqS) Number of sent SOCKS method request.

SOCKS method response received (SOCKSmRespR) Number of received SOCKS method response.

SOCKS method response sent (SOCKSmRespS) Number of sent SOCKS method response.

SOCKS connect request received (SOCKScReqR) Number of received SOCKS connect request.

SOCKS connect request sent (SOCKScReqS) Number of sent SOCKS connect request.

SOCKS connect response received (SOCKScRespR) Number of received SOCKS connect response.

SOCKS connect response sent (SOCKScRespS) Number of sent SOCKS connect response.

SOCKS server error (SOCKSserverErr) Number of SOCKS server error.

SOCKS client error (SOCKSclientErr) Number of SOCKS client error.

STA connection success (STAconnSucc) Number of STA connection success.

STA connection failure (STAconnFail) Number of STA connection failure.

CPS connection success (CPSconnSucc) Number of CPS connection success.

CPS connection failure (CPSconnFail) Number of CPS connection failure.

STA request sent (STAreqSent) Number of STA request sent.

STA response received (STArespRecvd) Number of STA response received.

ICA license failure (ICAlicenseFail) Number of ICA license failure.

STA monitor requests sent (STAmonSent) Number of STA monitor requests sent.

STA monitor reponses recieved (STAmonRcvd) Number of STA monitor responses recieved.

STA monitor successful responses (STAmonSucc) Number of STA monitor successful responses.

STA monitor failed responses (STAmonFail) Number of STA monitor failed responses.

Primary STA lookup failed (CsgPtktValidateNotStarted) Total number of STA server lookup failures for auth-id in primary ticket

Redundant STA lookup failed (CsgRtktValidateNotStarted) Total number of STA server lookup failures for auth-id in redundant ticket
