ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “rnat6”:

unset rnat6

Resets the specified parameters of an RNAT6 rule to their default settings. Refer to the set rnat6 command for parameter descriptions..Refer to the set rnat6 command for meanings of the arguments.


unset rnat6 [-redirectPort] [-srcippersistency] [-ownerGroup ]

bind rnat6

Binds specified IPv6 NAT IPs to an RNAT6 rule.


bind rnat6 @ ...


name Name of the RNAT6 rule to which to bind NAT IPs.

natIP6 One or more IP addresses to be bound to the IP set.


bind rnat6 @ ...

clear rnat6

Removes an RNAT6 rule from the Citrix ADC.


clear rnat6 [-ownerGroup ]


name Name of the RNAT6 rule to be removed.

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this rnat rule. Default value: DEFAULT_NG

add rnat6

Adds a Reverse Network Address Translation (RNAT6) rule for IPv6 traffic. When an IPv6 packet generated by a server matches the conditions specified in the RNAT6 rule, the appliance replaces the source IPv6 address of the IPv6 packet with a configured NAT IPv6 address before forwarding it to the destination.


add rnat6 \( | \( \[-redirectPort ])) \[-td <positive\_integer>] \[-srcippersistency \( ENABLED | DISABLED )] \[-ownerGroup ]


name Name for the RNAT6 rule. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore character (_), and can consist of letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-), period (.) pound (#), space ( ), at sign (@), equals (=), colon (:), and underscore characters. Cannot be changed after the rule is created. Choose a name that helps identify the RNAT6 rule.

network IPv6 address of the network on whose traffic you want the Citrix ADC to do RNAT processing.

acl6name Name of any configured ACL6 whose action is ALLOW. The rule of the ACL6 is used as an RNAT6 rule.

redirectPort Port number to which the IPv6 packets are redirected. Applicable to TCP and UDP protocols. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4094

srcippersistency Enable source ip persistency, which enables the Citrix ADC to use the RNAT ips using source ip.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this rnat rule. Default value: DEFAULT_NG


add rnat6 rnat6_name 2002::/64

show rnat6

Displays the settings of all RNAT6 rules configured on the Citrix ADC, or of the specified RNAT6 rule.


show rnat6 []


name Name of the RNAT6 rule whose details you want to display.


network The network address.

td Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0.

acl6name ACL6 name

natIP6 Nat IP Address.

redirectPort Redirect Port Value

srcippersistency Enable source ip persistency, which enables the Citrix ADC to use the RNAT6 ips using source ip.

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this rnat rule.

stateflag devno count

stat rnat6

Display statistics for rnat6 sessions.


stat rnat6 [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes ] [-logFile ] [-clearstats ( basic full )]


detail Specifies detailed output (including more statistics). The output can be quite voluminous. Without this argument, the output will show only a summary.

fullValues Specifies that numbers and strings should be displayed in their full form. Without this option, long strings are shortened and large numbers are abbreviated

ntimes The number of times, in intervals of seven seconds, the statistics should be displayed. Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0

logFile The name of the log file to be used as input.

clearstats Clear the statsistics / counters

Possible values: basic, full



Bytes Received (rnat6RxBytes) Bytes received during RNAT6 sessions.

Bytes Sent (rnat6TxBytes) Bytes sent during RNAT6 sessions.

Packets Received (rnat6RxPkts) Packets received during RNAT6 sessions.

Packets Sent (rnat6TxPkts) Packets sent during RNAT6 sessions.

Syn Sent (rnat6TxSyn) Requests for connections sent during RNAT6 sessions.

Current RNAT6 sessions (rnat6Sessions) Currently active RNAT6 sessions.


stat rnat6

unbind rnat6

Unbinds the associated NAT IPv6 address(es) from an RNAT6 rule.


unbind rnat6 @ ...


name Name of the RNAT6 rule from which to unbind the associated NAT IP address(es).

natIP6 IP address, or multiple addresses, to be unbound from the RNAT6rule. (If using the CLI, use spaces to separate multiple addresses.)


unbind rnat6 @ ...

set rnat6

Modifies the specified parameters of an RNAT6 rule.


set rnat6 \[-redirectPort ] \[-srcippersistency \( ENABLED | DISABLED )] \[-ownerGroup ]


name Name of the RNAT6 rule. Required for identifying the RNAT6 rule and cannot be modified.

redirectPort Port number to which the IPv6 packets are redirected. Applicable to TCP and UDP protocols. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535

srcippersistency Enable source ip persistency, which enables the Citrix ADC to use the RNAT6 ips using source ip.

Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED Default value: DISABLED

ownerGroup The owner node group in a Cluster for this rnat rule. Default value: DEFAULT_NG
