ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “subscriber-sessions”:

show subscriber sessions

show command of a subscriber session


show subscriber sessions [@] []


ip Subscriber IP Address.

vlan The vlan number on which the subscriber is located. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4096


subscriptionIdType Subscription-Id type

subscriptionIdvalue Subscription-Id value

subscriberRules Rules stored in this session for this subscriber. When PCRF sends Charging-Rule-Name or Charging-Rule-Base-Name AVP for a subscriber, Citrix ADC stores these AVPs in the subscriber session. These Rules can be retreived using ‘Subscriber.Rule_Active()' expression. For static subscriber profiles, these rules are configured using '-subscriberRules '.

stateflag Flags controlling the display.

flags Subscriber Session flags.

TTL Subscriber Session revalidation Timeout remaining. This TTL gets refreshed when a radius or CCA or RAR message is received for this subscriber session. Citrix ADC will send a CCR-U after revalidation timer expires. If subscriber sessions is a negative session, then Citrix ADC will send a CCR-I after TTL expires. Negative Sessions are sessions which have not been resolved by PCRF and instead of polling PCRF continously, Citrix ADC has installed a negative session. If default subscriber is configued, then Negative Sessions inherits default subscriber profile.

idleTTL Subscriber Session Activity Timeout remaining. Citrix ADC will take an idleAction after ttl expires. idleaction could be –>

  1. ccrTerminate: (default) send CCR-T to inform PCRF about session termination and delete the session.
  2. delete: Just delete the subscriber session without informing PCRF.
  3. ccrUpdate: Do not delete the session and instead send a CCR-U to PCRF requesting for an updated session. But if this is a negative session and idleaction is ccrUpdate then Citrix ADC won’t take any action. Also on negative sessions ccrTerminate translates to delete.

avpdisplaybuffer Subscriber Attributes Display.

servicePath Name of the servicepath to be taken for this subscriber.

devno count


show subscriber session

clear subscriber sessions

Deletes a subscriber session. Without any arguement it clears the subscriber session database.


clear subscriber sessions [@] []


ip Subscriber IP Address. Default value: 0

vlan The vlan number on which the subscriber is located. Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4096


clear subscriber session or \nclear subscriber session
